0.0 – Christian Science Publication Contents

Frederick L. Rawson


True Prayer
- NA
Treatment or Healing by True Prayer
Part 2
Examples of Applied Treatment
available later
Ventilated Places, Badly


There arc no badly ventilated places, for all God’s ideas pass freely in Mind, where all is governed by Spirit, the Principle of al) purity and holiness. If there is a difference of opinion as to open windows •—there arc no discordant conditions, all are governed by the one Mind, all men love the same things; man is always helping his fellow-man, benefiting his fellow-man ; Gdd is Love, and man reflects that Love and is absolutely loving towards all. Man cannot possibly object to anything (this for one’s own false idea of impure air), for all is spiritual and perfect, governed by God, the Principle of good. Man is surrounded by God’s perfect ideas and can never object to anything, for all God’s ideas are divine and perfect.