0.0 – Christian Science Publication Contents

Frederick L. Rawson


True Prayer
- NA
Treatment or Healing by True Prayer
Part 2
Examples of Applied Treatment
available later


There is no difficulty in hearing, man’s ears are the divine capacity to understand God’s ideas ; man is God’s consciousness, always listening to and hearing God. Man never speaks indistinctly, for, when man speaks, God speaks, God speaks by means of man. There is no slowness in understanding, man, God’s consciousness, instantly grasps each^idea as it is unfolded in Mind, and instantly re-presents that idea. .Man is perfectly at home with all God’s ideas, and receives and expresses them with delight and joy. There is no difficulty in remembering, for man is God’s consciousness, and knows instantly everything he needs, and reproduces what is necessary. There is no carelessnessy&ll man’s work is a labour of Love, he docs everything to the glory ofjGod, with infinite care, for man is governed by God, the Principleyof good. There is no difficulty in transcribing, everything works perfectly, for God rules and governs everything. God’s ideas unfold yith perfect sequence and are re-presented with perfect sequence. Man, God’s consciousness, discerns all ideas with perfect clearness. .There is only one Mindj and all ideas circulate with freedom in that/one Mind. Man’s fingers are never stiff, man’s fingers are the power 6f grasping details, God’s perfect power; man is controlled by God' and by God alone. There is no lack of collaboration between the brain and the fingers, all God’s ideas work under the one will. There is no material brain, man’s brain is th...
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