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Frederick L. Rawson


True Prayer
- NA
Treatment or Healing by True Prayer
Part 2
Examples of Applied Treatment
available later


There is no sciatica, for man is spiritual and perfect. There arc no material nerves, man’s nerves arc spiritual, never giving man pain, but giving man joy and happiness. There is no inflammation of the sciatic nerve, man’s nerves arc spiritual, reflecting entity. The nerves can never be inflamed, they are channels in consciousness through which God’s ideas pass ; they can never press upon the sheath, for the sheath is God’s tender loving action, preserving man’s individuality. There is no neuralgia, for man’s nerves are spiritual, giving joy and happiness. Man’s hip is never affected, man’s hip is God’s support which enables man to move from idea to idea with absolute ease and absolute power.
There is no lameness, man's leg is the power of moving from idea to idea, and all the powers of Mind are perfect and unfettered. There is no law of recurrent, periodic attacks, there is one law, the law of God, rhe law of good, nothing recurs but the “ loving kindness and tender mercies ” ,Ts. 103 : 4) of the Lord. (Work against nerves, inflammation, pain, sossibly against pressure due to displaced bone or a tumour in the 
idjacent parts ; and probably against want of sleep.)