0.0 – Christian Science Publication Contents

Frederick L. Rawson


True Prayer
- NA
Treatment or Healing by True Prayer
Part 2
Examples of Applied Treatment
available later
Patients, For More


Man always does perfect work, rc-prcsenting God's ideas to his dlow-mcn and grouping them together into perfect combinations which idiatc out in infinite Mind, giving infinite beings joy and happiness, here is a perfect law of supply and demand ; when man needs an lea he knows where to get it, and when man wants to pass on an idea c knows where to pass it, for God is the Principle of all knowledge id man knows everything he needs instantly. Man always knows 'here to get help, for God, Truth, is the only helper and man knows 'ruth, loves Truth, desires Truth, and knows where to get Truth, for rod is Truth, and man is the knowledge of God, the knowledge of Truth. (Work against fear and malice against Truth and for supply for the patients.)