0.0 – Christian Science Publication Contents MBEI Healings Category: 7-Love Beg Pg#: 0 Series: 7 terms for God Beg Line#: 0 Book: Love End Pg#: 0 Section: N A End Line#: 0 Chapter: N A Total Pgs: 0 Article #: View/Download: Treat Mp3 Full Page Article Title: Love ~ Seeing the Truth about Everything Year: 1970 Topics: Love ~ Seeing the Truth about Everything Tags: Description: Text Content: 02/11/2025 ~ 1. We need to always be seeking the truth about whatever topic that we are studying. If we're not seeking truth, we're barking up the wrong tree. 2. Einstein gives us a big clue in one of his more famous quotations: CURIOSITY HAS ITS OWN REASON FOR EXISTING. NEVER STOP QUESTIONING. 3. Einstein stated high reverence for Mary Baker Eddy because of what she revealed to the world in 1866. He realized the truth about that topic ~ "There is no life, truth, intelligence, nor substance in matter". 4. He had been studying his whole life about matter, time, light & relativity. He says, imagine you're having a conversation that is very pleasant, then time will go by very quickly. But if you're working on something that ends up being laborious, time moves very slowly. What it really means is that time is based on the EVALUATION of the OBSERVER. It may be going by QUICKLY for one person & very SLOWLY for another. 5. Our thinking is what's going to determine the speed of time, whether it is passing by quickly for us or slowly. If one would be watching an entertainment movie, & it was really the kind of movie the individual liked to watch, the time would probably go by quickly. Whereas if it was very slow moving that didn't seem to have much of a plot, you may even turn it off because it has no interest to you. YOU STOPPED THE TIME FOR THIS EVENT. 6. Mary Baker Eddy was living her prayer. Everything we think, say & do is living our prayer. We can ha...ve a very boring prayer or we can have a very vivid one. We can have one filled with life, vigor, activity & progress. Or we can have one filled with inactivity, & not of very much interest at all. 7. Genesis 1:1 ~ In the beginning ~ Mary Baker Eddy interprets this to mean ~ the only creation that exists is the creation of God = UNFOLDMENT of REVELATION. 8. Genesis 1:1 to Genesis 2:3 ~ The original word used for God is Elohim which means the real, true God. 9. Genesis 2:4 ~ Beginning with this verse, the term used for God is Jehovah. This is the opposite of Elohim. Elohim is the perfect God. Jehovah is the material sense which is the false record of creation. 10. Genesis 2:4 ~ BEGINNING WITH THIS VERSE, everything is foggy &. Nothing is clear. Therefore, the whole story of Adam & Eve is in a mist, a mistake, a fog, & nothing can be seen with clarity. Everything is a false record of creation. Click Full Page to view complete details.Read more