0.0 – Christian Science Publication Contents MBEI Healings Category: 1-Mind Beg Pg#: 0 Series: 7 terms for God Beg Line#: 0 Book: NA End Pg#: 0 Section: NA End Line#: 0 Chapter: No Total Pgs: 0 Article #: View/Download: Treat Mp3 Full Page Article Title: Mind ~ Live a Life of Giving to PREVENT Progress Block Year: 1970 Topics: Mind ~ Progress Block Tags: Description: Text Content: 02/08/2025 ~ Quotes ~ Definitions ~ How to Heal Everything 1. Intro quotes from Science & Health 2. Definitions of God & Good 3. 7 terms for God 4. 4 Operators 5. View All above Index SOME KEY POINTS 1. Mary Baker Eddy emphasizes the need to transform mortal thought. In other words, we need to examine consciousness from a material standpoint which has been based upon compounding lie upon lie for our entire lives. 2. It is a gradual process to transform it from matter to Spirit, from evil to good, from mortal Mind to immortal Mind, from material sense of life to a spiritual sense of life to a material sense of Soul whereby we are depending upon seeing, hearing, feeling, tasting & smelling from a material sense standpoint to its reality, which is spiritual sense. 3. When we think about utilizing our spiritual senses for identification, the items listed in #1 & 2 above are the kinds of terms we need to be thinking of if we want to be in the sanctuary of Spirit, where we're looking through lens of Spirit. 4. INFINITE PROGRESSION IS CONRETE BEING ~ We should continue to have infinite progression as long as we are on the path of Truth. If we follow the path of Truth then we are NOT blocking our progress. 5. Are we looking for the real Truth? If YES, then we will be able to stay on that path of Infinite p...rogression, because it means that we are only going to let into our consciousness things that are true about God, man, the relationship between God & man. 6. We can eliminate any kind of a blockage from a belief of its existence, if we stay on the path of Truth. 7. Genesis 1:1 ~ IN THE BEGINNING ~ Mary Baker Eddy defines BEGINNING as being the ONLY record of spiritual creation. 8. Genesis 1:1 to Genesis 2:3 ~ God says, Let us make man in our image & after our likeness. And then it says, God made man in our image & after our likeness. 9. In other words, we cannot benefit from the ~ TRUE RECORD OF CREATION ~ unless we open our thought to it. We have to let the Truth ~ THAT GOD MADE MAN ~ into our consciousness in order to get the benefit from this fact. God did it but we cannot benefit from it unless we permit this fact into our individual consciousness. This is an individual choice. Each one must be ~ WORKING OUT THEIR OWN INDIVIDUAL SALVATION. Click full page to view more details..Read more