0.0 – Christian Science Publication Contents MBEI Healings Category: 7-Love Beg Pg#: 0 Series: 7 terms for God Beg Line#: 0 Book: Love End Pg#: 0 Section: N A End Line#: 0 Chapter: N A Total Pgs: 0 Article #: View/Download: Treat Mp3 Full Page Article Title: Love the Light of Victory Evolved Year: 1970 Topics: Love, Light of Victory Tags: Description: Text Content: 12/19/2024 ~ Definition of Spiritual Senses 1. Sight - spiritual discernment. 2. Hearing - spiritual understanding. 3. Feeling - divine consciousness. 4. Smell - intuition of character. 5. Taste - relish of Truth. Some Key Points 1. In thinking about the word love, it's fun to think of a word that could be utilized to represent each of the initials. L = Light O = of V = Victory E = Evolved 2. Love represents the fulfillment of all the other qualities of God. 3. What is being referred to is specifically the 7 synonymous terms. 4. One of the most important words about love to describe & define it, is nurturing. 5. We must nurture the quality of intelligence, wisdom, knowing, capacity, capability, functionality, facility, action, performance, which all add up to a measurement of power. 6. We know that mind is omnipresent, so it means these qualities are always present ~ omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent, & omni-action. 7. One must devote consecrated effort to nurturing each of those qualities of God. 8. If we go to the 2nd day of creation, which discusses the term Spirit, we know that Spirit is flawless, & therefore it is transparent & reflective. 9. There's nothing that can obstruct the reflection. 10. So, when we think of being able to properly identify things, we need to think of the real meaning of identification in spiritual terms.