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Constitution and Wars
American Freedom
N - A
God’s 1789 Constitutional Republic vs Devil’s 1871 Democracy

American Freedom


07/05/2024 ~ Some Key Points: 
1. Devil
a. Pre-natal Suggestion
b. Material Birth
c. Matter world
d. Terrorist destruction of buildings & businesses
e. Reduce Law enforcement
f. Remove individuality
g. Remove family
h. High Tax on income
2. Devil Controlled ABE LINCOLN
a. God's 1789 - All rights to the People
b. King of England & Vatican Pope controlled US southern plantations.
c. Used African slaves for cheap labor
d. Used Rothchild bankers to control money
e. Civil war to control slaves not free slaves.
f. Bankrupted the US Treasury
g. Devil's 1871 - All rights to the foreign Governments
h. Used Rothchild bailed out to fun the US treasury.
i. Rothchild setup federal reserve
j. Rothchild started the US income tax
k. Setup a US corporation to control the United States of America
l. Setup Washington DC as a separate corporation outside the United States of America to completely control US:
1. Judicial - All attorneys & judges 2. Legislative - Congress & Senate 3. Administration - President, Vice president & Cabinet 4. Elections - Local, city, state, & federal 5. Patent office & Military 6. Unelected administrative officials
m. ROYALTY of England & Bankers & Vatican Pope:
Has controlled the United States of America for the last 150 years.