Index for April 2024 Topics

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May 2024 Index
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Christian Science

1. Christ Jesus & Second Coming of the Christ Jesus View 2. What is Christian Science? & Why is Christian Science Resisted? View 3. Why Christian Science is Needed Now? View 4. Antediluvians View 5. How Christian Science Heals? View 6. History of Medicine View

7 Terms for God

1. Science & Health - Terms Underlined View 2. Visible vs Invisible View 3. Words & Opposites View 4. Your Divinity Revealed ~ Learn 7 Terms for God ~ Helen Wright View

April 2024

1. Soul ~ Affirm until Confirmed ~ Mind- Man-Relationship View 2. Evil Promises Heaven, Delivers Hell ~ Evil is a Coward View

Christ Jesus

1. 41 Parables ~ Spiritual Interpretation View 2. Fraud & Lies by Jesuits ~ Exposed View 3. Healings View 4. Jesus said: "There is no Matter or Material Universe" View

Mary Baker Eddy

1. Age vs Wisdom ~ Focus on uninterrupted progress View 2. Animal Magnetism, Hypnotism, & Mesmerism View 3. Christian Science ~ Keys Revealed View 4. Healings View 5. Medical Industry Fraud Exposed by 6 Historic Experts View 6. Science & Health ~ All Introductory Quotes View

Prayer Treatments

1. 9 Treatments to solve all Evil Presented View 2. All Extemporaneous Treatments ~ 185 & growing View 3. Crisis ~ How to solve problem ~ Method to system remains constant View 4. Evil Attempts to Control Food, Energy & Money ~ It will Fail View 5. Gender ~ How many are there? View 6. Humanity ~ Awake & Alert, Vision, Individuality, Perfection View 7. Interference of Progress ~ Every diversion away from God ~ Index View 8. Man ~ 17 Treatments for all mankind View 9. Matter ~ 9 Treatments ~ Reject Matter & Affirm Spirit View 10. Mind vs Brain ~ Control View 11. Place ~ This one MBEI Treatment includes every topic View 12. Progress & Success ~ New Current Topics View

Additional Topics

1. 1,315 Treatments ~ Ailments + Counter Fact to guide in Healing all View 2. Bible Index ~ Truth about the age of Earth ~ Were we deceived? View 3. Bible Lessons ~ Putnam Bible Scholar O.T. & N.T. & Mary Baker Eddy View 4. Censorship and Secret Societies by John F. Kennedy View 5. Evil Exposed ~ 19 Videos ~ 28 FALSE FLAGS View 6. How big is the Problem ~ Compare to very interesting perspective View 7. Math Genius ~ 4th Dimension revealed ~ It is Spirit View 8. Science & Health ~ All Themes including each Chapter View 9. Trump Talks Christian Science from Science & Health View

Easter 2024

1. Christ Jesus ~ Resurrection ~ Probation ~ Ascension + Prophesy of Mary Baker Eddy View 2. Mary Baker Eddy delivered the Comforter prophesied by Christ Jesus View 3. Comforter = Divine Metaphysics View

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