O Tender, Loving Shepherd ~ Lyrics
O tender, loving Shepherd, We long to follow thee, To follow where thou leadest, Though rough the path may be; Though dark and heavy shadows Enshroud the way with gloom,
INTRODUCTION TO KEY POINTS 1. Is there really a secret to success? 2. How do we know that it works? 3. Has anyone ever tried it? 4. Who did they get the secret from? 5. How often did they use the secret? 6. Is it important to write the secret in one's private notes? 7. Should one tell the secret to anyone else? 8. Does keeping the secret private help? 9. What kind of success can the secret help in accomplishing?
10. How long does it last when one uses the secret? 11. Does the secret work different for different people? 12. Is there more than one secret that needs to be discovered? 13. Is this secret easy to understand? 14. Does a secret need to be used at a certain time of the day or night? 15. Does the secret always work? 16. What kind of results can be expected if one uses the secret? 17. Does anyone else know about the secret?
18. How long ago was the secret discovered? 19. Does the weather have an influence on if the secret operates? 20. Can the secret be applied to animals? 21. How long will the secret last if I give it to other people? 22. How long will the secret last if I don't give it to anyone? 23. Are there any extensions available for how long it will last if they are available? 24. How much does it cost? 25. Can I pay in US dollars? 26. Does it require payment in some other form?