1. Hope ~ Spiritual Understanding ~ Not Gamble 241030
Hope Prayer Treatment 241029 ~ 52 min MP3
Abide in Me ~ Lyrics
I am faithful and I'm calling you to fellowship in Christ, Your joy is full as the boundless sea in the knowledge I am life Abide in me Abide in me As the branch in the vine, as the Son in the Father forever one
Definitions, Quotes & Ref for All Treats View
INTRODUCTION TO KEY POINTS 1. H = Hell 2. O = Opposite 3. P = Progress 4. E = Expectation 5. There can be no progress if our thought includes anything unlike God. 6. Hell is the opposite of heaven = unlike God = no progress 7. The real meaning of hope is confidence based on expectation = spiritual understanding
Become Independent 1. Man is a reflection of God 2. See Genesis 1 3. One can't rely on someone else if he wants the benefit of the omni-intelligence of God. 4. The omni-intelligence of God has no limits.
Solutions 1. God is all-knowing = knows the best solution for the problem at hand. 2. The solution has been predetermined before one even realizes they had a problem. 3. All solutions are automatically revealed when one aligns thought with omni-intelligence. 4. God hides nothing 5. All laws of God are in plain view 6. Only the all-knowing God has determined the correct solution to every problem. 7. Solutions to every problem are already determined in advance of the problem being discovered. 8. The laws of God are revealed as one studies the textbook.Procedure to study Science & Health View
Testimonies 1. The last 101 pages of Science & Health are testimonies from 85 people on 486 problems that were solved. 2. Most testimonies are from people who knew nothing about Christian Science & their solution was from strictly studying the textbook.Gratitude & Summary 1. Always give gratitude for (a) anyone, (b) any book or (c) any publication that has been helpful to gain a better spiritual understanding. 2. Always give gratitude for Truth that has been revealed to you during your study session. 3. Affirm Truth as a summary at the end of every study session.After Spiritual Understanding 1. H = Heaven 2. O = Optimum 3. P = Progress 4. E = Expectation