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1. Voting is not for a person but for the function of the office. 2. Principle is the function of every office. 3. Mind controls every function 4. There is no chaos with Divine principle 5. Every election is conducted in harmony & the result is always for the good of mankind
1. God is Good 2. Man is the reflection of God 3. Man is therefore always good 4. Good is real = Evil is unreal 5. God is the Father of all 6. We are brothers & sisters 7. There is no conflict between siblings 8. The good we do & embody gives us the only power attainable 9. Man's action = reflection of God
3. Love is Complete 241024
God is our Father & Mother
1. God is our strength & courage 2. God provides capacity 3. God provides functionality 4. God nurtures & guides 5. God activates right activity 6. God protects all the time 7. God provides so never any lack
Perfect Prayer = Loving & Giving
1. Give fast for any immediate need 2. Always give from the Heart 3. Give to benefit all concerned 4. Always be alert so that if there is a need, you will be awake to see it, so that you can do something about it.
Love = Path to perfect prayer
1. Pursing any topic which benefits all humanity with dedicated effort, tenacity & perseverance is loving. 2. Practicing the scientific statement of being & persevering no matter what comes one's way is living the perfect prayer.