Requisite Change of our Ideals
Mortals must change their ideals in order to improve their models. A sick body is evolved from sick thoughts. Sickness, disease, and death proceed from fear. Sensualism evolves bad physical and moral conditions. Selfishness and sensualism are educated in mortal mind by the thoughts ever recurring to one's self, by conversation about the body, and by the expectation of perpetual pleasure or pain from it; and this education is at the expense of spiritual growth. If we array thought in mortal vestures, it must lose its immortal nature. ~ S&H 260:18
Efficacy of truth
Practical Arguments
The charge of inconsistency in Christianly scientific methods of dealing with sin and disease is met by something practical, — namely, the proof of the utility of these methods; and proofs are better than mere verbal arguments or prayers which evince no spiritual power to heal. As for sin and disease, Christian Science says, in the language of the Master, 'Follow me; and let the dead bury their dead.' Let discord of every name and nature be heard no more, and let the harmonious and true sense of Life and being take possession of human consciousness. What is the relative value of the two conflicting theories regarding Christian healing? One, according to the commands of our Master, heals the sick. The other, popular religion, declines to admit that Christ's religion has exercised any systematic healing power since the first century. ~ S&H 355Show all
Eyes and Teeth Renewed
Followers of Jesus
God will heal the sick through man, whenever man is governed by God. Truth casts out error now as surely as it did nineteen centuries ago. All of Truth is not understood; hence its healing power is not fully demonstrated.
~ S&H 495
Destruction of all Evil
If sickness is true or the idea of Truth, you cannot destroy sickness, and it would be absurd to try. Then classify sickness and error as our Master did, when he spoke of the sick, “whom Satan hath bound,” and find a sovereign antidote for error in the life giving power of Truth acting on human belief, a power which opens the prison doors to such as are bound, and sets the captive free physically and morally. ~ S&H 495
Steadfast and Calm Trust
When the illusion of sickness or sin tempts you, cling steadfastly to God and His idea. Allow nothing but His likeness to abide in your thought. Let neither fear nor doubt overshadow your clear sense and calm trust, that the recognition of life harmonious — as Life eternally can destroy any painful sense of, or belief in, that which Life is not. Let Christian Science, instead of corporeal sense, support your understanding of being, & this will supplant error with Truth, replace mortality, & silence discord with harmony. ~ S&H 495
Spiritual Narrative Cont:
The harmony and immortality of man are intact. We should look away from the opposite supposition that man is created materially, and turn our gaze to the spiritual record of creation, to that which should be engraved on the understanding and heart “with the point of a diamond” and the pen of an angel. ~ S&H 521
Blessed are the Meek
No one can change the law of Christian metaphysics, the law of right thinking, nor in any wise alter its effects. It is a forever fact that the meek and lowly in heart are blessed and comforted by divine Love. If the proud are lonely and uncomforted, it is because they have thoughts adverse to the law of love. Pride, arrogance, and self-will are unmerciful, and so receive judgment without mercy; but the law of metaphysics says, "Blessed are the merciful," and will allow no one to escape that blessedness, howsoever far he may stray, whatsoever lawlessness of hatred he may practice and suffer from. So we see that Christian Science makes no compromise with evil, sin, wrong, or imperfection, but maintains the perfect standard of truth and righteousness and joy. It teaches us to rise from sentimental affection which admires friends and hates enemies, into brotherly love which is just and kind to all and unable to cherish any enmity. It brings into present and hourly application what Paul termed "the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus," and shows man that his real estate is one of blessedness. Why should any one postpone his legitimate joy, and disregard his lawful inheritance, which is "incorruptible and undefiled"? Our Leader and teacher not only discovered Christian Science, but through long years of consecration has obeyed its every demand, for our sakes as well as for her own; and we begin to understand how illimitable is the Love which supports such selfless devotion, we begin to comprehend the "beauty of holiness," and to be truly grateful to her who has depicted its form and comeliness. We have found it true that "she openeth her mouth with wisdom; and in her tongue is the law of kindness." ~ Miscallany 41
Seeming and Being
The verity of Mind shows conclusively how it is that matter seems to be, but is not. Divine Science, rising above physical theories, excludes matter, resolves things into thoughts, and replaces the objects of material sense with spiritual ideas. ~ S&H 123
Christian Science Reveals God not as the author of sin, sickness, and death…. matter is the falsity, not the fact, of existence; that nerves, brain, stomach, lungs, and so forth, have — as matter — no intelligence, life, nor sensation. ~ S&H 127:06
Lawful Wonders
A miracle fulfils God’s law, but does not violate that law. This fact at present seems more mysterious than the miracle itself. The Psalmist sang: “What ailed thee, O thou sea, that thou fleddest? ~ S&H 134:31
The Uses of Truth
The way to extract error from mortal mind is to pour in truth through flood-tides of Love. Christian perfection is won on no other basis. ~ S&H 201
Unity of Science and Christianity
Christianity must be Science, and Science must be Christianity, else one or the other is false and useless; but neither is unimportant or untrue, and they are alike in demonstration. ~ S&H 135
Methods Rejected
It is plain that God does not employ drugs or hygiene, nor provide them for human use; else Jesus would have recommended and employed them in his healing. ~ S&H 143
The ancient Christians were healers.
Why has this element of Christianity been lost?
Because our systems of religion are governed more or less by our systems of medicine. ~ S&H 147
Man governed by Mind
All that really exists is the divine Mind and its idea, and in this Mind the entire being is found harmonious and eternal. ~ S&H 151
“I see no reason why metaphysics is not as important to medicine as to mechanics or mathematics.” ~ Judge Parmenter ~ S&H 105
“Mind is All and matter is naught as the leading factor in Mind-science.” ~ S&H 109
“I won my way … through divine revelation, reason, and demonstration. ” ~ S&H 109
“The vital part, the heart and soul of Christian Science, is Love.” ~ S&H 113