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BIOGRAPHY MARTHA W. WILCOX, who worked for many years as a schoolteacher in Kansas, traveled with her husband to Kansas City, Missouri, in 1902, in search of medical help for his illness. When a business matter led her to the clerk of the Kansas City School Board, he suggested they try Christian Science and gave her a copy of Science and Health. Although her husband was not interested, Martha was healed of a long-standing malady and soon joined Second Church of Christ, Scientist, Kansas City. She had Primary class instruction in February 1903, and five years later, in 1908, she was invited to serve in Mrs. Eddy’s household in Chestnut Hill.
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WILL YOU CARRY IN THOUGHT four scientific facts that will help us in the consideration of our subject, “NO MALPRACTICE”? First: Since Mind is one infinite, self-conscious Being, then everything in the universe exists because this Mind has unfolded Itself, out into all existing things, out into infinity. Second: One infinite eternal Mind precludes the possibility of a lesser mind. Therefore, so-called mortal mind is never an entity or a mind, but is that which has no existence, does not fill space. It is ignorance or a false sense of the allness of God. Third: We can “sense” things which we are not experiencing, which are not going on. For instance, we can “sense” that we are moving on a train that is standing still, or we can sense falling in our sleep. When we sense things which are not taking place at all, this illustrates what Mrs. Eddy terms false belief or false sense. Such is all mental malpractice. Mental malpractice is something that we sense, but which is not going on at all. Fourth: Please bear in mind that the one infinite consciousness is every individual’s consciousness. We do not have a consciousness of our own, any more than an individual ray of light has light of its own. The light of the sun is the light of every individual ray. Just so, Truth, being universal consciousness, is the consciousness of every individual.

INTRODUCTION TO PRAYER TREATMENT Attraction - Contemplative factors. MARY BAKER EDDY begins the textbook with three quotations which could be used very productively in determining exactly how to approach the topic of what contemplative factors we should be considering. 1. Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. ~ John viii 32 CHRIST JESUS makes some very vivid statements about what we should be free from. DON't PILE UP TREASURES on earth where moth and rust can spoil them, and thieves can break in and steal. But keep your treasure in heaven, where there is neither moth nor rust to spoil it, and nobody can break in and steal. For where your treasure is, you may be certain that your heart will be there too. No one can be loyal to two masters. He is bound to hate one and love the other. You cannot serve God and the power of money at the same time. JB Phillips Bible Matthew Chpt 6
Attraction – Yield Self-Ego to God & Let Divine Mind Attract Self to Truth — Prayer Treatment — 240423 ~ 64 m MP3

INTRODUCTION Louis Agassiz, the famous Swiss biologist, placed a fish specimen on the table in front of his post-graduate student. “That’s only a sunfish,” the student said. “I know that,” Agassiz replied. He continued, “Write a description of it. Find out what you can without damaging the specimen. When I think that you have done the work I will question you.” The Power of Observation The student wrote for nearly an hour, until he felt confident that he knew nearly all there was to know about this particular fish. Much to the student’s frustration, however, Agassiz did not return to see him that day. His teacher did not come the next day either. Nor for the entire week that followed. Eventually, the student realized Agassiz’s game..
Louis Agassiz ~ Usefulness of Learning Through Observation — Complete Article View

Exquisite Beauty of Flawless Principle ~ Built c.1434 ~ Architectural Masterpiece
INTRODUCTION TO PRAYER TREATMENT When one feels that they have not been treated properly, maybe they have stated something like this. It's the principle of the thing. In contemplating the events and the statements that were made, one might quite readily feel that there was a mistake made by themselves. Perhaps there was a little bit too much self-will involved, or maybe totally. It was self-will. In other words, it was a human opinion, a human position that one was fixed upon. They were married to that view, and they weren't about to yield. They were not going to let anything change their own opinion. The purpose of this recording is to examine the term Principle representing God, so that perhaps one can gain a more clear vision on what one should be adhering to without variance. Mary Baker Eddy, the discoverer, founder and leader of Christian Science, provided the world a textbook for Christian Science entitled Science and Health, with key to the scriptures. There are three introductory quotes at the beginning of text which states: 1. Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. ~ John viii 32 2. There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so. ~ Shakespeare 3. Oh! Thou hast heard my prayer; And I am blest! This is Thy high behest: — Thou here, and everywhere. ~ Mary Baker Eddy
Principle ~ The Foundation of All Existence — Prayer Treatment — 240416 ~ 82 m MP3

INTRODUCTION TO PRAYER TREATMENT Jesus Focused on Healing: Christ Jesus is Lord and Master but not God. God is omnipresent and nothing that is tangible can be omnipresent. The focus of Jesus & his followers was healing. Christianity Converted to Money-Making: In 325 A.D. the focus on healing changed due to the Nicaea council meeting between governments & churches. It was decided that Jesus would be God (against Jesus's own statements) and that healing would be left to the medical industry ~ a money-making business. Church to Forgive Sin ~ For Money: Everyone ignored the fact that Jesus overturned the tables of the money-changers. A Church has no authority to be a money-making business or the ability to forgive a sin of anyone. An individual salvation is not a bureaucratic affair. Transformation ~ Only Path to Forgiveness: Permanent individual transformation is within one's own consciousness. This is the only path to the forgiveness of one's own sin. No one can do it for another. The sin and the sinner are the same. No one has the authority or the power to make a permanent transformation of another's consciousness. Christian Science ~ Both Christian & Science: Mary Baker Eddy discovered Christian Science in 1866. The name Christian Science is used because it is both Christian and Science. Healing Found in 1866 ~ Lost Again in 1910: From 1866 until 1910, healing was the focus of Christian Science. Beginning 1910 upon Mary Baker Eddy's passing there was a quick conversion to money-making corruption. The CHURCH BUREACRACY led the way to destroy the identity of Mary Baker Eddy & her Discovery, Founding, & Leadership. It then violated the By-Laws of the Manual of the Mother Church to focus on control of the membership & individual profit for the executives of the Church. Christian Vision Became Blind: THE PURPOSE OF THIS PRAYER TREATMENT: 1) Expose the blindness. 2) Awaken consciousness to Truth. 3) Reinstate healing in Christianity.
Vision ~ Interaction with All 7 Terms for God — Prayer Treatment — 240415 ~ 83m MP3

Helen M. Wright devoted much of her Christian Science study to the study of 'the system'. In the system each one of the seven synonymous terms for God are studied in the context of the Christian Science Textbook, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. Gaining a better understanding of their meaning by looking at how the synonyms were used in the Textbook rather than relying on a preconceived worldly understanding of the words. To do this study, Helen had seven copies of the Science and Health — each in which she underlined one of the seven synonyms. They can be of great help for anyone interested in learning more about the synonyms. The IMAGES below are examples of what are contained in the 7 books. The source page numbers are listed on the left side of the page.

The system of Divine Metaphysics includes but is not limited to:
1. 7 Synonymous Terms for God ~ See Below
2. 4 Operators ~ Defined in the other areas of the website.
3. 4 Levels of Advancement ~ See Science & Health Pg 115 to 116
4. Relationships in all directions
System of Mathematics includes but is not limited to:
1. 10 digits ~ 0 to 9
2. 4 Basic Operators ~ Add, Subtract, Multiply, Divide
3. Levels of Advancement
4. Relationships
PRIMARY TERMS: A simple list of primary terms used by Mary Baker Eddy to define God are listed below: 1. There are 7 Synonymous terms to define God. OPPOSITES TO PRIMARY TERMS: The Opposites are a wake-up call to alert one that if they are involved in activities relating to the opposites to the primary terms which includes any thoughts, speech or actions, it is impossible to be on a path to learn about or become closer to God. GENERIC MAN: Genesis chapter 1, verse 1 through Genesis chapter 2, verse 3 defines generic man to be a combination of the spiritual male & the spiritual female combined as one individual. This combination enables a complete, unique, individual expression of God which better glorifies God who is the real Father-Mother of all. INFINITE PROGRESSION: Mary Baker Eddy states ~ Infinite progression is concrete being. SYSTEM OF DIVINE METAPHYSISCS: If one desires to pursue the path where they will make continuous progress in their life, they need to become not only familiar with the system of divine metaphysics but study it constantly and live the qualities of God in accordance with the system. HEAVEN ON EARTH: Living the qualities of God enables one to experience heaven on earth continuously as described in the book of Revelation of the Bible. As proven by Dr. Robert C. Putnam (Author's reference below) Jesus came back in the flesh to the Island of Patmos & dictated the book of Revelations to St. John. LEARN THE BIBLE: Dr. Robert C. Putnam, a student of Bliss Knapp, was under the tutelage of Mary Baker Eddy since a young boy. Being instructed by Bliss Knapp was the next best thing to receiving instructions directly from Mary Baker Eddy.
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