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 America Freedom 

         INDEX           Please SCROLL to View the Details for the Topics below     

1. General George S Patton ~ 241010
2. Trump ~ Captain of the Ship ~ 241007
3. Vision ~ What is there & What do I see ~ Prayer Treatment ~ 241007
4. Love Protects ~ Love is our Spiritual Protection ~ 241007  

 Bravery is Relative  
HUMANLY it is ego & fear ~ SPIRITUALLY it is Mind & Spirit ~ pure & completely flawless


1.   General George S Patton                                                                     241010         

George S. Patton

General George Smith Patton, Jr. (1885-1945)  was born November 11, 1885 in San Gabriel, California. He became one of the United States most successful generals, despite being a complex character who was known for his quirky attitudes and behaviour. He played a leading role in the Allied operations in North Africa, Sicily and the liberation of Germany.
From an early age, Patton wished to pursue a military career. His ancestors had fought in the Mexican war and he wished to carve out a career as a military hero.
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The Real Enemies
1. Communism
2. Nazism
Not the German people

NESARA ~ National Economic Security and Recovery Act

                   2.  Trump ~ Captain of the Ship                                               241007    

GESARA ~ Global Economic Security and Recovery Act

              Time to Save this Nation                

 A. The New Govts Structure ~ 209 Nations
1. GESARA ~ Global International 209 governments worldwide
2. NESARA ~ National Govts Worldwide
3. NESARA = The land of the free & the brave = America
4. QFS = Quantum Financial System computing at speed of light
5. Currency = backed by Gold & National assets
 B. America new Government 
1. DOGE = Department of Government Efficiency
2. DOGE ~ Evaluate every dept & staff of the entire US Govt.
3. DOGE expects to reduce govt staff by 80%

    Pres Trump ~ I am the Captain Now     

 C. Dismantling these agencies
Too deep & too dirty to cleanup 
1. CDC ~ Center for Disease Control 
2. CIA ~ Central Intelligence Agency 
3. DHS ~ Department of Homeland Security
4. DOJ ~ Department of Justice
5. FBI ~ Federal Bureau of Investigation
6. FDA ~ Food and Drug Administration 
7. FEMA ~ Federal Emergency Management Agency
8. IRS ~ Internal Revenue Service
9. NEA ~ National Education Association
10. NIH ~ National Institutes of Health
11. PP ~ Planned Parenthood
 D. Delegate every thing possible to 50 States

1. Corporate Tax reduce from 39 to 21%
2. If Made in America, Tax rate 15%
3. No individual income tax
4. Sales tax on non essentials

Abide with Me MP3
Susan Mack,
Vocalist Index

3.   Vision                                             241007    

 Focus Must always be on Spritual Qualities 

 Vision    Prayer Treatment 241004 ~ 80 m MP3
 A. Definitions  
1. What is there?
2. What do I see?
3. The great I AM; the all-knowing, all-seeing, all-acting, all-wise, all-loving, and eternal; Principle; Mind; Soul; Spirit; Life; Truth; Love; all substance; intelligence. [SH 587]
4. Above states clearly that God is all-seeing.
5. We do not need to do any human seeing.
6. Reflect the spiritual seeing of  God.
7. GOOD. God; Spirit; omnipotence; omniscience; omnipresence; omni-action. [SH 587]
8. Power = The good we do & embody
9. Omniscience = Intelligence, Wisdom & Knowing
10. Omnipresence = God's qualities everywhere
11. Omni-action = The Action of seeing = God's function ~ Looking for qualities = God's seeing
 B. Mind Includes: 
1. Capacity
2. Capability
3. Functionality
4. Facility
 C. No limit to reflecting God's Vision 
1.The Only Good is the good which is perfect.
2. Seeing the perfect good = Reflections of God
3. Evil is not a reflection of God
4. Analyze Evil ~ Dig to the root, expose & destroy
5. We must cultivate & mother all good qualities.
6. Recognize all good qualities from everyone
 D. Qualities to cultivate 
1. Mind ~ Source of all mental activity
2. Spirit ~ The only substance which is flawless.
3. Soul ~ Spiritual viewpoint of all existence.
4. Principle ~ System & structure in balance.
5. Life ~ Living the qualities of God & multiplying by reflection.
6. Truth ~ Staying on track without deviation.
7. Love ~ Nurturing all the qualities & recognizing & understanding their wholeness.
 E. Separate Quality from Personality 
1. Individuals = Reflections of God's qualities
2. Personality is a fake of individuality.
3. Quality = Primary Focus
4. Personality should not be given serious thought
5. Looking = Seeking Qualities
6. Blindness = Focus on Personality 
7. Golden Rule = Seeking Qualities
8. Vision = Focus on Qualities
9. Material temptation = Influence = FAKE source
 F. Important about God 
1. Incorporeal ~ No body
2. Divine = Perfect
3. Supreme = Higher than anything else
4. Infinite = No limit
5. The above proves focus = Qualities not personality

4.   Love Protects                                                                                      241007    

 Border Wall = “Bar our doors against the approach of Thieves & Murderers” 

Mary B Eddy

 Hospitality to health and good 
We should become more familiar with good than with evil, and guard against false beliefs as watchfully as we bar our doors against the approach of thieves and murderers. 

We should love our enemies and help them on the basis of the Golden Rule; but avoid casting pearls before those who trample them under foot, thereby robbing both themselves and others.

             [Science & Health 234:10-16]
Love is our Spiritual Protection
Border Wall is a Practical Step using the Intelligence of Divine Mind 
Always go for 1st quality 
Finest Example of Symbolism
Never Leave our Thought Open to Evil = Intelligence of a Border Wall
An Open Border = Terrorists, Drugs, Illegal gun running
Open Border = Maximum Child abuse
Maximum Adult abuse & Trafficking of everything & everyone

                     Lion = Friend of Innocence                   

       Male Lion Symbol for Strength & Courage      
   God ~ The only Father ~ Protects His Children  

 Border Wall = Symbol for Protecting our thought 

                  Latest Designs by Elon Musk                  
           CEO ~ SpaceX ~ Tesla ~ Starlink ~ X           

         Protect all of our Children from Abuse         

       Lion’s Parents protect cubs ~ Cubs play        
     Lets Protect our border ~  Children can Play