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  America Freedom  


 America Freedom #1 ~ October 2024 

         INDEX           Please SCROLL to View the Details for the Topics below     

1. America ~ Restore ~ Honest & Freedom Country Process ~ 241002
2. God ~ Conductor of Orchestra ~ Prayer Treatment ~ 241001
3. Topic ~ Daily Treat ~ Time and Space ~ No Limit in Mind ~ MBEI ~ 240930 
4. Pray for America ~ Prevention of Evil ~ Protection of Freedoms ~ 240923

1.  America ~ Restore ~ Honest & Freedom Country Process                                241002    

         John Wayne ~ Thoughts         
  God Bless America   Video MP4

1. Recognize & Analyze
2. Dig for Root
3. Expose
4. Shine Light
5. Evil self-destruction
6. Manual cleanup = Tribunals
7. Tribunals, Penalty
8. Implementation
9. Restoration incentives
10. Compound incentives

America ~ Evil being exposed     Prayer Treatment ~ 241001 ~ 72 m MP3

 Red Skeleton ~ Thoughts ~ America 

  Pledge of Allegiance     Video MP4

Swamp Draining  ~ Done & In Process ~ Military Tribunals ~ Arrested &/or Penalty Completed

1. Presidents 2. Vice Presidents 3. Cabinets 4. Governors 5. Attorney Generals 6. Judges 7. Juries 8. Domestic Military & Agency heads 9. Foreign Military & Agency heads 10. Law Firm heads 11. Doctors 12. Nurses

America ~ Transformation from Evil elements listed below back to Original Honest & Freedom Country ~ In Process

1. Leadership symbol of what not to do 2. Not respected by other nations 3. Always in war to conquer other nations 4. No rule of law – never prosecuted evil it was in 5. Covered up all its evil & crimes 6. Crimes against humanity worldwide 7. Human trafficking rampant 8. Opioids crises 9. Crimes against children worldwide 10. Corrupt government local state federal 11. Extent of its evil unknown 12. Covered up all evil & its actions 13. Bribery at all levels 14. Nearly every judge & jury was corrupt 15. Law cases were sold to the highest bidder 16. Prisons were private & in business for profit 17. Prison owners in partnership with judges 18. Judges ruled 99% of all defendants were guilty 19. Prisons filled with innocent's defendants 20. Judges ~ made new law vs enforcing existing 21. Court appeals in effective = all corrupt 22. Bribery everywhere at all levels 23. Only 1 of 535 in congress & senate honest 24. Set fire to almost all food processing facilities 25. Put farmers out of business 26. Destroyed most small businesses 27. Burned major cities including historic buildings 28. Infrastructure going down for decades 29. Reduced law enforcement funding 30. Major effort to divide everyone & everything 31. Forced closing of churches, group gathering 32. Encourage divorce & discourage marriage 33. Unelected swam controlling government 34. Controlled election outcomes 35. Innocent good prosecuted ~ Never Evil

 My Country Tis of Thee   Video MP4

           2.  God ~ Conductor of Orchestra                         241001    

Infinite Progression = Concrete Being

 Prayer Treatment   240930 ~ 105 m MP3

INTRODUCTION ~ First 8 mins of MP3 1. God the only power 2. God is the conductor of all progress 3. Topic does not matter 4. Chaos appearance = visual illusion 5. Opportunity always available to defeat chaos 6. What will control one’s individual thought 7. Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free ~ Christ Jesus [John 8:32] 8. There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so — Shakespeare 9. OH! Thou hast heard my prayer; And I am blest! This is Thy high behest: — Thou here, and everywhere. ~ Mary Baker Eddy 10. Truth is life, truth ~ Intel is not in mortal mind 11. Truth is not in an image & likeness of God 12. God is the only source, the only conductor 13. God is incorporeal, divine, supreme, infinite Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth, Love.
[SH 465] 14. SH 14 is summary of SH 1-13 ~ Q&A format 15. GOD. The great I AM; the all-knowing, all-seeing, all-acting, all-wise, all-loving, and eternal; Principle; Mind; Soul; Spirit; Life; Truth; Love; all substance; intelligence. [SH 587] 16. GOOD. God; Spirit; omnipotence; omniscience; omnipresence; omni-action. [SH 587] 17. All parts of the definition of God = Good 18. War impossible as there is no power except from God, which is all Good 19. Chaos is NOT good, Principle is balance, always Good 20. Spirit is the only substance and is ALWAYS Good ~ there is no matter therein. 21. Matter is NOT substance, as Spirit is omni-substance, omni-Good ~ includes no matter 22. God is omni every quality of goodness = no competition or opposition from evil or matter 23. God is omni-action so there is no other action 24. God is conducting His orchestra, all harmonious, no mistakes ~ always in balance 25. God is the only thing that can go on in one’s thoughts ~ because Mind is the only intelligence 26. God is omni-the one & only knowing, intelligence, wisdom 27. Each one is capable to do whatever is needed 28. Capability as the reflection of God unlimited 29. The divine Principle is the only structure, system = ours by reflection 30. The only power obtainable is the good we do & embody 31. We are all capable of more than we do 32. How do we use our moments. Each moment is available only once. Don't throw it away. 33. Time comes & goes – we need to grab it, use it, before we let it go. 34. Our total experience is a part of our thoughts 35. Thoughts include conscious & unconscious, active & latent thoughts = Universal evil beliefs 36. We need to protect ourselves from erroneous universal evil beliefs or we will be blindly controlled by them. Latent thoughts = Universal evil beliefs

3.  Topic ~ Daily Treat ~ Time and Space ~ No Limit in Mind ~ MBEI                   240930     

1. OVERCOMING TIME & SPACE a. A girl from Japan won championship on speed calculating being able to tap accurately at 400 kmph overcoming time & space. b. Instantaneous healings prove time & space can be overcome. c. Infinite progression is concrete being. d. We remove limitations by relying on Truth. e. Every activity has a principle ~ practice exactness, no matter if it is spiritual healing ~ calculator race, piano playing race, or any activity. f. Internet ~ Instant communication worldwide. 2. Many have reduced or eliminated limitation of time & space a. Christ Jesus b. Mary Baker Eddy c. Joel Goldsmith d. Frederick L. Rawson e. Wentworth Winslow 3. PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT a. Moment = smallest measurement of time. b. Many moments are wasted every day. c. Utilize moments ~ declare or affirm a particular truth. d. The above are examples to productively use what otherwise is wasted. 4. Foundation of Christian Science
3 Step Process ~ Always look for Truth a. Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free - John 8:32 b. There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so — Shakespeare c. OH! Thou hast heard my prayer; And I am blest! This is Thy high behest: — Thou here, and everywhere. ~ Mary Baker Eddy

                              4.  Pray for America  Prevention of Evil  Protection of Freedoms                                               240923     

Clara Barton, American Red Cross Founder, statements about Mary Baker Eddy & Christian Science ~ See Index

Prayer, Prevention, Protection
Prayer Treatment  
240922 ~ 100 min View

Albert Einstein statements about Mary Baker Eddy & Christian Science
See Index

Pray for the following:
 All prayer must be Impersonal 
2. If you don't stand up, ALL will be lost.
3. If you are a sheep, ALL will be lost.
4. Protection of Freedoms
5. Prevention of Evil & protection of good
6. America is a state of consciousness
7.  Prayer is dynamic, not passive or static 
8. God helps those who help themselves
9. Living God's qualities = Power
10. Not living God's qualities = Weak & Fail
11. Peter, James & John fell slept
12. All Must be Alert as prayer dynamic
13.  Christ Jesus  ~ Separating HEALING from him & naming him God = Failure of Spiritual Progress = Christianity LOST
14.  Mary Baker Eddy  ~ Separating HEALING 

from her & from Christian Science = Failure of Spiritual PROGRESS = Christian Science LOST
15. Mortal mind & matter hates truth & Truth
16. Be grateful for Christ Jesus
17. Be grateful for Mary Baker Eddy
18. Seek ye first, the Kingdom of God.
19.  Tithing includes every part of your life 
20. Tithe 0% of all resources = Failure
21. Tithe 5% of all resources = D student
22. Tithe 10% of all resources = C student
23. Tithe 20% of all resources = B student
24. Tithe 30% + of all resources = A student
25. Tithe 0% to daily study = 0.0 hrs = Failure
26. Tithe 5% to daily study = 1.2 hrs = D student
27. Tithe 10% to daily study =  2.4 hrs = C student
28. Tithe 20% to daily study =  4.8 hrs = B student
29. Tithe 30% to daily study = 7.2 hrs = A student
30. Tithe 0% of all talents = Failure

31. Tithe 5% of all talents = D student
32. Tithe 10% of all talents = C student
33. Tithe 20% of all talents = B student
34. Tithe 30% + of all talents = A student
35.  Student = Humility = Spiritual Progress 
36. Spiritual progress improves every life
37. Spiritual progress touches everyone
38. Failure reflects submitting to universal beliefs
39.  Pray = 3x a day for all humanity 
40.  Reality check = Purify thoughts 12x a day 
41. Do you care about the rest of today?
42. Do you care about tomorrow?
43. Do you care about civilization survival? 
44. WEF & NWO = Killing 94% of population
45. Christianity is lost ~ See # 13
46. Christian Science is lost ~ See # 14
47.  Christianity ~ Want to restore it? 
48.  Christian Science ~ Want to restore it?