Priorities ~ Go to God First
Some Key Points & References
1. Go to God First
2. God, Gods, Good definitions: SH 115, 465, 587
3. Bible: Gen 1, 2
4. Christ Jesus Parables, healings
5. Translating visible matter & mortality to invisible Spirit & immortality
6. Highlight of a few qualities of each of the 7 terms for God: Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth, Love
How to Understand Science & Health ~ Misc. Writings p.463
1. Christ Jesus
2. Mary Baker Eddy
3. Marya Brunson
4. Albert Einstein
5. Robert Putnam
6. Frederick L Rawson
7. John L Sinton
8. Wentworth Winslow
9. Rolf Witzsche
10. Helen Wright
How to Understand Science & Health
Misc. Writings p.463
Letter by Reader
My Dear Friend H.: — Your good letter of the 26th ult. came duly to hand several days ago, and I am not greatly surprised at its contents. You say, in substance, that you procured the book, 'Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures,' which I recommended, and that to your surprise and disgust you found it to be a work on faith-cure, and ask by what process of reasoning I could possibly bring myself to adopt or accept such visionary theories. In answer to your very natural question, I will try, in my own way, to give you what appears to me to be a reason for the hope that is in me.
My religious views of fifteen years ago are too familiar to you to need any exposition at my hands at this time. Suffice it to say that the religion of the Bible, as taught by the churches, to my mind appeared to be self-contradictory and confusing, and their explanations failed to explain. During the next eleven years my convictions underwent little change. I read everything that came in my way that had any bearing upon, or pretended in any degree to explain, the problem of life; and while I gained some knowledge of a general nature, I was no nearer the solution of life's problem than when I began my investigations years ago, and I had given up all hope of ever being able to come to a knowledge of the truth, or a satisfactory explanation of the enigma of life.
In all my intellectual wanderings I had never lost my belief in a great First Cause, which I was as well satisfied to call God as anything else; but the orthodox explanations of His or its nature and power were to my mind such a mixture of truth and error, that I could not tell where fact left off and fancy began. The whole effort of the pulpit being put forth, seemed directed to the impossible task of harmonizing the teachings of Jesus Christ with the wisdom of the world; and the whole tendency of our religious education was to befog the intellect and produce scepticism in a mind that presumed to think for itself and to inquire into the why and the wherefore. I fully believe that the agnosticism of yourself and myself was produced by the futile attempt to mix and harmonize the wisdom of the world with the philosophy of the Christ.
In my investigations into the researches of the savants and philosophers I found neither any satisfactory explanation of things as they seemed to exist, nor any solution of the great and all-absorbing question, 'What is Truth?' Their premises appeared to be sound, and their reasonings faultless; but in the nature of things, no final conclusion of the whole matter could be reached from premises based wholly on material knowledge. They could explain 'matter' and its properties to their own satisfaction, but the intelligence that lay behind or beyond it, and which was manifested in and through it, was to them as much of a mystery as it was to the humblest of God's creatures. They could prove pretty conclusively that many of the generally accepted theories had no basis in fact; but they left us as much in the dark regarding Life and its governing Principle as had the divines before them.
About four years ago, while still in the mental condition above indicated, my attention was called to what at that time appeared to me to be a new phase of spiritism, and which was called by those who professed to believe in it, Christian Science. I thought that I had given some attention to about all the isms that ever existed, and that this was only another phantasm of some religionist lost in the labyrinths of mental hallucination.
In my reflections at that time it seemed to me that life was an incomprehensible enigma; that the creator had placed us on this earth, and left us entirely in the dark as to His purpose in so doing. We seemed to be cast upon the ocean of time, and left to drift aimlessly about, with no exact knowledge of what was required of us or how to attain unto the truth, which must certainly have an existence somewhere. It seemed to me that in the very nature of things there must be a great error somewhere in our understanding, or that the creator Himself had slipped a cog when He fitted all things into their proper spheres. That there had been a grand mistake somewhere I had no doubt; but I still had doubt enough of my own capabilities and understanding to believe that the mistake, whatever it was, was in me and not in the creator. I knew that, in a fair measure at least, I had an honest desire to live aright, as it was given me to see the right, and to strive to some extent to do the will of God, if I could only know certainly just what it was.
While in this frame of mind, I inwardly appealed to the great unseen power to enlighten my understanding, and to lead me into a knowledge of the truth, promising mentally to follow wherever it might lead, if I could only do so understandingly.
My wife had been investigating Christian Science to some extent, but knowing my natural antipathy to such vagaries, as I then thought them, had said very little to me about it; but one day, while discussing the mysteries of life with a judge of one of our courts, he asked me whether I had ever looked into the teachings of the Christian Scientists. I told him that I had not, and he urged me very strongly to do so. He claimed to have investigated their teachings, and said that he had become a thorough believer in them. This aroused my curiosity, and I procured the book called 'Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures,' and read it. Before reading very far in it, I became pretty thoroughly nauseated with what I thought the chimerical ideas of the author, but kept on reading, — more because I had promised to read the book than because of interest in its teachings; but before I had gotten through with it, I did become interested in the Principle that I thought I discovered the author was striving to elucidate; and when I got through it, I began again and reread it very carefully. When I had finished reading this book the second time, I had become thoroughly convinced that her explanation of the religion taught by Jesus Christ, and what he did teach, afforded the only explanation which, to my mind, came anywhere near harmonizing and making cohesive what had always seemed contradictory and inexplicable in the Bible. I became satisfied that I had found the truth for which I had long been seeking, and I arose from the reading of the book a changed man; doubt and uncertainty had fled, and my mind has never been troubled with a serious doubt upon the subject from that day to this.
I do not pretend to have acquired the power it is claimed we may attain to; but I am satisfied that the fault is in me, and not in the Principle. I think I can almost hear you ask, What! do you believe in miracles? I answer unhesitatingly, Yes; I believe in the manifestations of the power of Mind which the world calls miraculous; but which those who claim to understand the Principle through which the works are done, seem to think not unnatural, but only the logical result of the application of a known Principle.
It always did seem to me that Truth should be self-evident, or at least susceptible of unmistakable proof, — which all religions seemed to lack, at least in so far as I had known them. I now remember that Jesus furnished unmistakable proofs of the truth of his teachings, by his manifestations of the power of Mind, or, as some might call it, Spirit; which power he plainly taught would be acquired by those who believed in the Principle which he taught, and which manifestations would follow as signs that an understanding of his philosophy had been reached. It does seem to me, that where the signs do not follow professing Christians which Christ said should follow them, there must be something wrong, either in his teachings or their understanding of them; and to say the least, the foundations of their faith require a careful re-examination, with a view to harmonizing them with the plain teachings of the Christ in whose footsteps they profess to follow.
I never could understand how God could be ever-present as a personal Being, but I think I can and do understand how divine Principle can pervade every thing and place.
I never could understand how heaven could be a place with gorgeous fittings, but I think I can and do understand how it might be a spiritual (or if you please mental) condition. Jesus said, 'The kingdom of God cometh not with observation: neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.'
'Knowledge (or understanding) is power.' Since adopting the views of life as set forth in 'Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures,' I have seen proofs of what can be accomplished through a knowledge of the truth, which to my mind amount to demonstrations, and which no longer seem incredible, but which I do not ask another to accept upon my statements. Every one must see or feel for himself in order to be convinced; but I am satisfied that any who will lay aside their preconceived notions, and deal honestly with themselves and the light they have, will come to a knowledge of the truth as illustrated in the teachings and life of Jesus Christ; that is, that Mind, or Soul, or whatever you may be pleased to call it, is the real Ego, or self, and that mortal mind with its body is the unreal and vanishing, and eventually goes back to its native nothingness.
Truth is, and ever has been, simple; and because of its utter simplicity, we in our pride and selfishness have been looking right over it. We have been keeping our eyes turned toward the sky, scanning the heavens with a far-off gaze in search of light, expecting to see the truth blaze forth like some great comet, or in some extraordinary manner; and when, instead of coming in great pomp and splendor, it appears in the simpleness of demonstration, we are staggered at it, and refuse to accept it; our intellectual pride is shocked, and we are sure that there has been some mistake. Human nature is ever the same. The Jews were looking for something transcendently wonderful, and the absence of it made the Christ, Truth, to them a stumbling-block. It was foolishness to the Greeks, who excelled in the worldly wisdom of that day; but in all ages of the world it has ever been the power of God to them that believe, not blindly, but because of an enlightened understanding.
I always did think that there was something beautiful in the philosophy of life as taught by Jesus Christ, but that it was impracticable and not susceptible of application to the affairs of life in a world constituted as this appeared to be. As I now view it, that belief was the result of ignorance of the real power that 'moves the universe,' — too much faith in matter or effect, and not enough in Mind or cause, which is God.
To one who can accept the truth that all causation is in Mind, and who therefore begins to look away from matter and into Mind, or Spirit, for all that is real and eternal, and for all that produces anything that is lasting, the doubts and petty annoyances of life become dissolved in the light of a better understanding, which has been refined in the crucible of charity and love; and they fade away into the nothingness from whence they came, never having had any existence in fact, being only the inventions of erring human belief.
Read the teachings of the Christ from a Christian Science standpoint, and they no longer appear vague and mystical, but become luminous and powerful, — and, let me say, intelligible.
It is true, as you intimate, that this theory of life is much more generally accepted by women than by men, and it may be true that as a rule their reasoning is much less rigid in its nature than that of the sterner sex, and that they may be liable to scan their premises less keenly; but may it not also be true, that they are of finer texture and more spiritual in their natures, and that they may be just as likely to arrive at the truth through their intuitions, in connection with their logic, as we are through the more rugged courses? If it be true that man is the more logical, the fallibility of our own reasonings very frequently becomes painfully apparent even to ourselves, and they are therefore not the safest gauge by which to judge others.
I believe, myself, that when it comes to standing up for Truth in the face of the world, and possibly at the sacrifice of position and popularity, women possess the necessary courage in a much greater degree than do men.
I had not intended to weary you with such a long letter, but after getting into the subject, I hardly knew where to stop. As an old and loved friend, I have given you a glimpse of my inner life, because I hardly knew how to explain my mental condition to you in any other way.Show all
Bible~Science & Health ~ What is Man? B & SH 573
Identity ~ Divine, Good, Bad & Ugly
Soul ~ Identity ~ Network of 7 ~ 53 min MP3
SCIENCE & HEALTH ~ Chpt 14 Recapitulation ~ Pg 475 Mary Baker Eddy PDF Question. — WHAT IS MAN ? Answer. — MAN IS NOT MATTER; he is not made up of brain, blood, bones, and other material elements.
FLESHLY FACTORS UNREAL The Scriptures inform us that man is made in the image and likeness of God. Matter is not that likeness. The likeness of Spirit cannot be so unlike Spirit. Man is spiritual and perfect; and because he is spiritual and perfect, he must be so understood in Christian Science. Man is idea, the image, of Love; he is not physique. He is the compound idea of God, including all right ideas; the generic term for all that reflects God's image and likeness; the conscious identity of being as found in Science, in which man is the reflection of God, or Mind, and therefore is eternal; that which has no separate mind from God; that which has not a single quality underived from Deity; that which possesses no life, intelligence, nor creative power of his own, but reflects spiritually all that belongs to his Maker. And God said: “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness; and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.” MAN UNFALLEN Man is incapable of sin, sickness, and death. The real man cannot depart from holiness, nor can God, by whom man is evolved, engender the capacity or freedom to sin. A mortal sinner is not God's man. Mortals are the counterfeits of immortals. They are the children of the wicked one, or the one evil, which declares that man begins in dust or as a material embryo. In divine Science, God and the real man are inseparable as divine Principle and idea. MORTALS ARE NOT IMMORTALS Error, urged to its final limits, is self-destroyed. Error will cease to claim that soul is in body, that life and intelligence are in matter, and that this matter is man. God is the Principle of man, and man is the idea of God. Hence man is not mortal nor material. Mortals will disappear, and immortals, or the children of God, will appear as the only and eternal verities of man. Mortals are not fallen children of God. They never had a perfect state of being, which may subsequently be regained. They were, from the beginning of mortal history, “conceived in sin and brought forth in iniquity.” Mortality is finally swallowed up in immortality. Sin, sickness, and death must disappear to give place to the facts which belong to immortal man. IMPERISHABLE IDENTITY Learn this, O mortal, and earnestly seek the spiritual status of man, which is outside of all material selfhood. Remember that the Scriptures say of mortal man: “As for man, his days are as grass: as a flower of the field, so he flourisheth. For the wind passeth over it, and it is gone; and the place thereof shall know it no more.” THE KINGDOM WITHIN When speaking of God's children, not the children of men, Jesus said, “The kingdom of God is within you;” that is, Truth and Love reign in the real man, showing that man in God's image is unfallen and eternal. Jesus beheld in Science the perfect man, who appeared to him where sinning mortal man appears to mortals. In this perfect man the Saviour saw God's own likeness, and this correct view of man healed the sick. Thus Jesus taught that the kingdom of God is intact, universal, and that man is pure and holy. Man is not a material habitation for Soul; he is himself spiritual. Soul, being Spirit, is seen in nothing imperfect nor material. MATERIAL BODY NEVER GOD's IDEA Whatever is material is mortal. To the five corporeal senses, man appears to be matter and mind united; but Christian Science reveals man as the idea of God, and declares the corporeal senses to be mortal and erring illusions. Divine Science shows it to be impossible that a material body, though mind, should be man, — the genuine and perfect man, the immortal idea of being, indestructible and eternal. Were it otherwise, man would be annihilated. Show all

Identity ~ Good, Bad & Ugly
1. Network of all 7 terms for God
2. Holier than thou - Jesus was servant, not God
3. Good, bad, ugly - identity
4. Parables of Jesus - impersonal
5. Conversation - yea, yea, nay, nay - Jesus
6. Race to gain perfection or compete with person ?
7. Vision by Mary Baker Eddy - Focus
8. Science & Health pgs 115-116
9. Clara Barton - Standard of Christian Science
10. Albert Einstein - problem solving via higher level
11. Robert Putnam - Bible Lessons & Council of Nicaea
12. Frederick Rawson - Instant healing, 5 words
13. Rolf Witzsche - System of Christian Science,
Christ & Christmas interprepation.
Unity Defeats all Evil ~ 49 min MP3
Unity ~ Infinite Network Heals Every Evil

1. Composer, Songwriter, Vocalist.
2. Piano, Guitar, Contemporary style.
3. Mary Baker Eddy hymns, Bible verses, and other compositions.

Unity ~ Infinite Network Heals Every Evil ~ References
1. Noah Webster 1828 Dictionary
2. System of Christian Science - Science and Health 146
3. Dr. Albert Einstein - 8th wonder of world - law of compounding
4. Bible & Mary Baker Eddy - precept upon precept etc
5. Mary Baker Eddy - value of moments
6. Bible & Mary Baker Eddy - Pray without ceasing
7. Kurt Russell - Real vs fantasyland
8. Rolf Witzsche - more advanced work in system of divine metaphysics
9. Mary Baker Eddy - Christ & Christmas
10. Jesus - Christ - translating from visible to invisible
11. Unity the only quality that can defeat all evil or any specific evil

Mary Baker Eddy ranked Unity of Good as one of the top 5 of her most valuable publications.
ALL THAT IS, God created. If sin has any pretense of existence, God is responsible therefor; but there is no reality in sin, for God can no more behold it, or acknowledge it, than the sun can coexist with darkness. TO BUILD the individual spiritual sense, conscious of only health, holiness, and heaven, on the foundations of an eternal Mind which is conscious of sickness, sin, and death, is a moral impossibility; for "other foundation can no man lay than that is laid." (1 Corinthians iii. 11.) The nearer we approximate to such a Mind, even if it were (or could be) God, the more real those mind-pictures would become to us; until the hope of ever eluding their dread presence must yield to despair, and the haunting sense of evil forever accompany our being. MORTALS MAY CLIMB the smooth glaciers, leap the dark fissures, scale the treacherous ice, and stand on the summit of Mont Blanc; but they can never turn back what Deity knoweth, nor escape from identification with what dwelleth in the eternal Mind.
Christ Jesus ~ 41 Parables ~ Spiritual Interpretation by Stamp & Mass

Christ Jesus
This quotation from Matthew is an emphatic statement about the method in which Jesus taught the multitudes. He emphasized the importance of impersonalizing all of life such that he commonly referred to a man, woman, or child without even using a name. Jesus would say in a few words what takes pages and pages to relate the possible spiritual meaning. More often than not, a literal interpretation is applied to much if not all of the Bible, including the Parables of Jesus. But that is a huge mistake as Jesus himself tells us many times. In the view of the operators of this website, the most comprehensive spiritual interpretations of the 41 Parables of Jesus are the 11 volume series authored by Clifford Stamp & Rosalie Maas. We believe these volumes represent the most advanced views of the true intended meaning by Jesus. Since the authors of these spiritual interpretations have stated that they have gained in multiple ways as a result of the inspired prayer that revealed their interpretations, we find the following quote from Mary Baker Eddy to be appropriate: “In the scientific relation of God to man, we find that whatever blesses one blesses all, as Jesus showed with the loaves and fishes, – Spirit, not matter, being the source of supply” Science & Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy, page 206 lines 15-18. The authors made this closing statement in their introduction: “From the infinitude of the Mind which gave them it is clear that the parables have many meanings other than those presented in these booklets. May these particular interpretations be as helpful to the reader as they have been to those who had the privilege of entertaining them.” Clifford Stamp & Rosalie Maas Show all
Mary Baker Eddy ~ 4 Topics

Mary Baker Eddy
39 Paragraphs Daily study
for entire
Mary Baker Eddy
39 Paragraphs
Aim of Science ~ Science and Health ~ Chpt 6 ~ Pg 116
A correct view of Christian Science and of its adaptation to healing includes vastly more than is at first seen. Works on metaphysics leave the grand point untouched. They never crown the power of Mind as the Messiah, nor do they carry the day against physical enemies, — even to the extinction of all belief in matter, evil, disease, and death, — nor insist upon the fact that God is all, therefore that matter is nothing beyond an image in mortal mind.Show all
How to Understand Science & Health ~ Misc. Writings p.463
Letter by Reader
My Dear Friend H.: — Your good letter of the 26th ult. came duly to hand ... SEE ABOVE ~ Priorities ~ Go to God First.
Mary Baker Eddy Statement Authorized Literature
'Tip-in' sheet, July, 1891 Christian Science Journal Since my attention has been called to the article in the May Journal, I think it would have been wiser not to have organized the GENERAL ASSOCIATION FOR DISPENSING CHRISTIAN SCIENCE LITERATURE.
1. Because I disbelieve in the utility of so wide spread an organization. It tends to promote monopolies, class legislation and unchristian motives for Christian work.
2. I consider my students as capable, individually, of selecting their own reading matter and circulating it, as a committee would be which is chosen for this purpose. I shall have nothing further to say on this subject, but hope my students' conclusion will be wisely drawn, and tend to promote the welfare of those outside, as well as inside this organization. MARY B. G. EDDY.Show all

Robert Putnam

Robert Putnam became one of the best Bible Scholars. He gave humanity the huge benefit of a portion of his life's work in 10 Bible Lessons.
They are highly condensed with many additional supporting references directly from the Bible.
The only Bible scholar we have discovered that is both easy to read and provides the deep spiritual lessons from each Bible character.
These lessons are an invaluable guide for both new and advanced students of the Bible.
Very informative and enjoyable reading.
1. The Bible
2. God
3. Noah
4. Abraham and Isaac
5. Jacob and Joseph
6. Moses
7. Elijah and Elisha
8. Prophecy
9. Christ Jesus
10. The Second Coming of Christ

1995 ~ 30 pgs ~ Dr. Robert Putnam
In ancient times the name of Rome was Saturnia, or the land of Saturn. Saturn was the principal God of Assyria or Babylonia or Chaldea.
In ancient times alphabetical letters were used to form words, and numbers were assigned to the letters. Gematria is the use of Hebrew portions of the Bible interpreted in this manner.
The Babylonians developed a number system that had 60 as its basis, and it was called the sexagesimal system and reminds us of our decimal system.
In olden times the year was thought to be 360 days long. As this did not correspond properly with the seasons, five days were added as feast days.
The world was represented as a circle with 360 divisions or days. By taking the radius and applying it to the circumference, one obtained 6 equal arcs, each representing 60 days.

Council of Nicaea ~ 325 A.D
Cause of corruption & downfall of Christianity.
1. Defined Jesus to be God – Jesus defined himself as a servant of God;
2. Stripped Jesus of Bible prophesy dating from 2000 B.C;
3. Removed mandate of Jesus to mankind to “heal the sick”;
4. Robbed mankind of sovereingity by including false doctrine that opposed God;
5. Ignored disgusting ignoble conduct of 11 of the disciples toward Jesus and stellar spirituality of John;
6. Connected the church to a political structure – Roman Catholicism;
7. Stripped church of its spirituality & enabled mind-control & profit motive – opposite of Jesus’ motives;
8. Removed the books of Barnabus and Hermas to remove evidence about ABOVE FACTS.
Frederick L Rawson ~ Electrical Engineer ~ 1,315 Christian Science Treatments for Healing

Frederick Rawson
Treatment or Healing by True Prayer
Divinely Scientific Thinking
Treatment is the word used to indicate that form of prayer which is based upon right thinking, namely, thinking of absolute good. It is actively thinking of the world of reality, or the absolute, called by the theologians, God and heaven; by scientific men, cause and its manifestation; and by meta physicians, Mind and its ideas. It is true communion with God, holy communion, the realisation of which the Church endeavours to bring about by the use of the bread and wine as symbols. The word treatment therefore signifies the line of demarcation between prayer thus understood and prayer based upon supplication addressed to a distant omnipotent being who, many think, may or may not answer or even hear the cry of the suppliant.Show all
1,315 Problems + Treatments
Including Retroactive Treatment
Mr Rawson has addressed almost every illness and discord imaginable giving specific ideas for the avenue of spiritual thought that, if followed, will enable counteraction and result in neutralizing the problem. This is a scientific approach to healing offered by one of the best Christian Science Practitioners of all time. Click the link to go directly to a completely alphabetical index of all 1,315 treatments.Show all
Life Understood From a Scientific
& Religious Point of View
“Science is bound by the everlasting law of honour to face fearlessly every problem which can fairly be presented to it,”-Lord Kelvin.
“For there is nothing covered, that shail not be revealed; neither hid, that shall not be known.”-LuKE I2: 2.
The value of Life Understood
The value of Life Understood is to enable the reader to demonstrate daily what true prayer is. It shows demonstrably what God is. It lays bare and scatters to the winds the mistaken theories of natural science. It sets out exactly the difference between the right and wrong methods of working mentally, as now proved by thousands of workers. It gives the scientific proofs of this difference, and shows clearly how every one can work in the right way. This is of vital importance, as in a few years’ time every intelligent person will be a mental worker. Advanced thinkers of all classes ao are now investigating the effect of thought and getting wonderful results, and the reports of their investigations soon will be made public, confirming beyond a shadow of doubt the most important of the statements put forward herein.
Two methods of working mentally,
There is a hard and fast line drawn between the two methods of working mentally, and Jesus pointed out the difference more than once, If, when you are praying you are thinking of reality, that is, of God or heaven, of the Christ or the spiritual man, you are helping your patient, yourself, and the world. If, on the contrary, you are thinking of the material man or the material world -whatever you may be thinking about them you are harming your patient, harming yourself, and doing no good to the world.
Will power is wrong approach
Even by strong, determined thinking, or will-power, you can neither destroy the evil thoughts that attack you or others, nor purify the so-called human mind ; you merely alter the electrical tension of what is scientifically spoken of as the lines of force of which the ether is composed. Troubles 35 invariably follow. God, namely, Truth and Love, the Principle of all good, alone heals, and this by destroying the so-called cause of the evil, under its name of the devil in theology, the ether in the scientific world, and mortal mind amongst the metaphysical sects. Although few recognise it, these are the same as the unconscious or subconscious mind, subliminal self, etc., of the modern psychologistShow all