History of Medicine

             History of Medicine                                                    240604

1. Recent Fraud Exposed
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2. Hippocrates 460-357 B.C.
Mentioned in Science and Health, pp. 158, 163
Hippocrates, often referred to as the Father of Medi­cine was born on the island of Cos, in the Aegean Sea. On this island and near a medicinal spring stood one of the temples of Aesculapius, to which the sick came to seek the assistance of the god in regaining their health. The practice of medicine was confined to a priestly class, which handed down its observations from father to son. In this temple, Hippocrates had his first instruction in medicine from his father. 

In declaring that disease was not inflicted by the gods, Hippocrates freed the practice of medicine from many superstitions and broke up its monopoly by the priests. He gave much attention to regimen and was the first to treat anatomy as a science, thus greatly enlarging the materia medica of his time. Many of the names he gave to diseases still persist.

Hippocrates lived during a period of great intellectual activity in Greece. Pericles, Socrates, Pindar, Plato, and Herodotus were among his contemporaries. In a desire to define the relations which should exist between physicians, and between physician and patient, Hippocrates formu­lated a code of ethics known as the Hippocratic oath. The following sentence from it gives a clue to his character: “With purity and with holiness I will pass my life and practice my art.”

3. Mythology and Materia Medica
It is recorded that the profession of medicine originated in idolatry with pagan priests, who besought the gods to heal the sick and designated Apollo as "the god of medicine." He was supposed to have dictated the first prescription, according to the "History of Four Thousand Years of Medicine." It is here noticeable that Apollo was also regarded as the sender of disease, "the god of pestilence." Hippocrates turned from image-gods to vegetable and mineral drugs for healing. This was deemed progress in medicine; but what we need is the truth which heals both mind and body. The future history of material medicine may correspond with that of its material god, Apollo, who was banished from heaven and endured great sufferings upon earth.

                 Science & Health ~ Chapter 06 Pg 158

       4. Medical Industry Fraud Exposed by 6 Top Experts      
Corruption & Mind Control


Truth gagged ~ Prolific Lies

5. 6 Famous Worldwide Medical Experts Reveal the Truth about the Practice of Medicine ~ Science & Health

Testimony of 6 Worldwide Medical Experts
1. Dr. Benjamin Rush ~ US Founding Father
2. Dr. Benjamin Waterhouse ~ Harvard University
3. Dr. James Johnson ~ UK Surgeon to King William
4. Dr. Mason Good ~ Famous Scientist from England
5. Dr. Chapman ~ Professor University of Pennsylvania
6. Sir John Forbes ~ Royal College of Physicians London
S&H 162:28 ~ View Complete Details in text  PDF  MP3

Half-way Success
It is not wise to take a halting and half-way position or to work equally with Spirit and matter, Truth and error. There is but one way… which leads to spiritual being. Only through radical reliance on Truth can scientific healing power be realized. ~ S&H 167:30

Laws of Matter
The so-called laws of matter are nothing but false beliefs that intelligence and life are present where Mind is not. These false beliefs are the procuring cause of all sin and disease. The opposite truth, that intelligence & life are spiritual, never material, destroys sin, sickness, & death. ~ S&H 171:25

Medical Errors We should understand that the cause of disease obtains in the mortal human mind, and its cure comes from the immortal divine Mind. We should prevent the images of disease from taking form in thought, and we should efface the outlines of disease already formulated in the minds of mortals. ~ S&H 174:30
Medical works objectionable Treatises on anatomy, physiology, and health, sustained by what is termed material law, are the promoters of sickness and disease. It should not be proverbial, that so long as you read medical works you will be sick. ~ S&H 179:20
IF YOU READ THE BIBLE WITH so understanding, you will be or get well Gen 1:1 – Truth Gen 2 – Looking through mist so must shine the light of truth on it to understand why it is the opposite of Gen 1

6. Medicine and Brain ~ Science & Health
Medicine and brain
The only effect produced by medicine is dependent upon mental action. If the mind were parted from the body, could you produce any effect upon the brain or body by applying the drug to either? Would the drug remove paralysis, affect organization, or restore will and action to cerebrum and cerebellum? [S&H 401:26]