God is Truth ~ Treatments 250325
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1 | Prayer Treatment | 6-Truth | Honesty, Sword, Truth | MBEI | Honesty Sword ~ Enthrone Truth Destroy Error | Treat Mp3 Full Page | Show all | 01/08/2025 ~ Quotes ~ Definitions ~ How to Heal Everything 1. Intro quotes from Science & Health 2. Definitions of God & Good 3. 7 terms for God 4. 4 Operators 5. View All above Index 6. Other recommended links View SOME KEY POINTS 1. A sword is a symbol of which can be used to define very important requirements when striving to improve one's spiritual understanding, which leads to a more pure reflection of God. 2. Function of a sword ~ symbol as a master filter that could function to depersonalize oneself & everyone else in all existence. 3. SWORD ~ It opens up the door to learn the facts which are required for exposing every form of evil which leads to the opportunity to act in an intelligent manner to cleanse one's consciousness of all error, which means standardizing one's consciousness with the pure Truth & nothing less. 4. Truth is an important term for God. Mary Baker Eddy quotes Christ Jesus about Truth as the first introductory quote to the textbook Science & Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary B. Eddy. 5. The purity of Mary Baker Eddy enabled her to be a transparency for God to voice his words which includes spiritually understanding the Bible & the entire Science of the healing works of Christ Jesus. This includes a systematized structure which enables everyone to practice the same power behind the works of Jesus. Individually, one can see the nothingness of everything unlike God & therefore experience the kingdom of heaven here & now. 6. To the degree that one exercises this dominion, which really means to reflect what is inherently ours as explained in Genesis in the first chapter of the Bible, gives us the details of the true revelation of all existence, which is the only creation that is real. 7. Mary Baker Eddy defines God as being Spirit which is the only & all substance ~ flawless. 8. There is not a single thing hidden about the Truth of Spirit being substance & therefore it is transparent & no deceit. It is therefore reflective. 9. Spirit is infinite in nature & therefore can be reflected by anyone who advances their spiritual understanding. |
2 | Prayer Treatment | 6-Truth | Truth ~ Circle | MBEI | Truth ~ Circle ~ No Beginning No End | Treat Mp3 Full Page | Show all | 6- Truth ~ Circle ~ No Beginning No End Progress stalled? ~ Elevate to higher dimension ~ Then Expand the view References included in this Treatment 1. Intro quotes from Science & Health 2. Definitions of God & Good 3. System of Divine Metaphysics 4. Scientific statement of being 5. 7 Terms for God ~ Definition's Abbreviations 6. Diapason of Heaven ~ MBE 7. View all details of above list Index Click Full Page to view more details |
3 | Prayer Treatment | 6-Truth | Truth ~ Perfection Changeless | MBEI | Truth ~ Perfection Changeless | Treat Mp3 Full Page | Show all | 02/02/2025 ~ Quotes ~ Definitions ~ How to Heal Everything 1. Intro quotes from Science & Health 2. Definitions of God & Good 3. 7 terms for God 4. 4 Operators 5. View All above Index SOME KEY POINTS 1. Mary Baker Eddy apparently is giving us the message at the beginning of the textbook that Truth is the most important synonymous term for God on which to focus. 2. The only way we can understand anything is to prove it to ourselves. We can overcome anything that is unlike Truth if we understand, which means that we have to prove it to ourselves & we have to live it, then we can demonstrate it & gain freedom from things that are unlike Truth. 3. Our freedom is based on the way we think. What are we going to permit to guide us so that we can cultivate the understanding that is needed to be free from anything that is not true. 4. Are we looking for the Truth when we are utilizing Mind? Mind represents creative ability, capacity, capability, functionality, facility, action, performance, power. If we utilize those things, realizing that the only real substance is Spirit, then we will have power. 5. Mary Baker Eddy says, the good we do & embody gives us the only power obtainable. So Spirit is our only substance, & it is flawless & transparent. Otherwise, it's not Spirit, it's matter, which is the absolute opposite of Spirit. 6. Certainly, matter doesn't give us anything that reflects because matter absorbs. So we get our reflective ability from Spirit. 7. Frederick L Rawson said that Christian Science is the science of right thinking. If we're going to follow that what we put into consciousness is going to give us our results then we obviously want to put into consciousness perfection, changeless. 8. Otherwise we're going to have matter instead of Truth, evil instead of good, & it's going to compound. So we must handle these terms correctly. 9. God is incorporeal, doesn't have ears or mouth. That is a word that describes the incorporeal, divine, supreme & infinite Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth, Love. 10. God is omnipresent, which means that all of God's laws are omnipresent. It's very easy to focus on perfection if we only look to the definitions of God & Good ~ See Above 11. All creation is creation of God. We have to start with the perfection, which do not imply any fallible individuality whatsoever. 12. Perfect God, perfect man. There's no limit to spirit being the substance. Wherever we are, it is there. It's omnipresent, the spiritual image & likeness of God. |
4 | Prayer Treatment | 6-Truth | Truth ~ See Reality | MBEI | Truth ~ See Reality | Treat Mp3 Full Page | Show all | 02/01/2025 ~ Quotes ~ Definitions ~ How to Heal Everything 1. Intro quotes from Science & Health 2. Definitions of God & Good 3. 7 terms for God 4. 4 Operators 5. View All above Index 6. Other recommended links View SOME KEY POINTS 1. Truth represents the consciousness of Truth. If we are looking through the lens of Spirit, then we are looking at everything from a spiritual knowing. Therefore we are looking at consciousness as being the consciousness of God. 2. If we're doing those 2 things, then our seeing has to be seeing Truth. We cannot be seeing anything that is un-like Truth. 3. God is Spirit & Spirit is flawless. Spirit is the only substance, & because it is flawless, that means Truth is transparent. 4. This reflects Spirit as substance, & Truth, which is consciousness. We cannot see Truth if we're looking at something opaque. The vision of God is perfect. 5. Genesis gives us the beginning of the spiritual development of consciousness. 6. God said, let us make man in our image after our likeness, & let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, & over the fowl of the air, & over the cattle, & over all the earth, & over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. 7. God created man in his own image, n the image of God created He him. Male and female created he them, & God blessed them. 8. We cannot benefit from our spiritual development that is inherent within consciousness unless we open it up to accept what God has already created. 9. Genesis 1:1 ~ In the beginning ~ Mary Baker Eddy translates that to mean in the only creation there is, which means everything was done at the same time simultaneously. So there was no beginning, there is no end to the creation by God. 10. God is infinite. So there cannot be a beginning & there cannot be an end to infinity. Click full page to view more details. |
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1 | 7 Symns for God | Treatment | Term for God | MBEI | God is Truth ~ Network of 7 | MP3 | Show all | 12/11/2022 - God is incorporeal, divine, supreme, infinite Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth, Love. ~ SH 465 ~ Mary Baker Eddy How does Truth & its related qualities connect and interact in one grand network with all 7 terms for God? |
2 | Prayer Treatment | 6-Truth | Honesty, Sword, Truth | MBEI | Honesty Sword ~ Enthrone Truth Destroy Error | Treat Mp3 Full Page | Show all | 01/08/2025 ~ Quotes ~ Definitions ~ How to Heal Everything 1. Intro quotes from Science & Health 2. Definitions of God & Good 3. 7 terms for God 4. 4 Operators 5. View All above Index 6. Other recommended links View SOME KEY POINTS 1. A sword is a symbol of which can be used to define very important requirements when striving to improve one's spiritual understanding, which leads to a more pure reflection of God. 2. Function of a sword ~ symbol as a master filter that could function to depersonalize oneself & everyone else in all existence. 3. SWORD ~ It opens up the door to learn the facts which are required for exposing every form of evil which leads to the opportunity to act in an intelligent manner to cleanse one's consciousness of all error, which means standardizing one's consciousness with the pure Truth & nothing less. 4. Truth is an important term for God. Mary Baker Eddy quotes Christ Jesus about Truth as the first introductory quote to the textbook Science & Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary B. Eddy. 5. The purity of Mary Baker Eddy enabled her to be a transparency for God to voice his words which includes spiritually understanding the Bible & the entire Science of the healing works of Christ Jesus. This includes a systematized structure which enables everyone to practice the same power behind the works of Jesus. Individually, one can see the nothingness of everything unlike God & therefore experience the kingdom of heaven here & now. 6. To the degree that one exercises this dominion, which really means to reflect what is inherently ours as explained in Genesis in the first chapter of the Bible, gives us the details of the true revelation of all existence, which is the only creation that is real. 7. Mary Baker Eddy defines God as being Spirit which is the only & all substance ~ flawless. 8. There is not a single thing hidden about the Truth of Spirit being substance & therefore it is transparent & no deceit. It is therefore reflective. 9. Spirit is infinite in nature & therefore can be reflected by anyone who advances their spiritual understanding. |
3 | 7 Symns for God | Treat MBEI | Terms for God - Your Divinity Revealed | MBEI | Letting the Truth to be a Guide to Heal | MP3 PDF | 08/09/2023 -- Your Divinity Revealed by Helen M Wright identifies the terms for God. The MP3 treatment and the PDF file is based on this research. | |
4 | 6 Truth ~ Synonym for God | MBE Definitions ~ Truth | Diapason of Heaven | Eddy, Mary Baker | MBE College Class Notes 1881 to 1898 ~ Truth | MP3 PDF | Show all | 03/08/2023 -- Truth is a sacred name for God. We must divest it of all materiality. Declare often: Truth is my God and my God is Truth. Good is my Truth and my Truth is good. Truth is enthroned in my consciousness. Error and materiality are not enthroned. This is the Word of God. |
5 | 7 Symns for God | Treat MBEI | Science and Health | MBEI | Perseverance, Truth, Unity | MP3 PDF | Show all | 09/17/2023 -- SUMMARY 1. MISC Chpt 16 Pg 259 ~ Truth Healing The spiritual elevator of the human race, physically, morally, and Christianly, is the truism that Truth demonstrates good, and is natural; while error, or evil, is really non-existent, and must have produced its own illusion, — for it belongs not to nature nor to God. Truth is the power of God which heals the sick and the sinner, and is applicable to all the needs of man. It is the universal, intelligent Christ-idea illustrated by the life of Jesus, through whose 'stripes we are healed.' By conflicts, defeats, and triumphs, Christian Science has been reduced to the understanding of mortals, and found able to heal them....... 2. MISC Chpt 10 Pg 346:22 ~ Truth versus Error 'A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver.' It is a rule in Christian Science never to repeat error unless it becomes requisite to bring out Truth. Then lift the curtain, let in the light, and countermand this first command of Solomon, 'Answer not a fool according to his folly, lest thou also be like unto him.'.... 3. POEMS 70 ~ Truth Beyond the clouds, away In the dim distance, lay A bright and golden shower At sunset's radiant hour, Like to the soul's glad immortality, Making this life divine, Making its waters wine, Giving the glory that eye cannot see........... |
6 | Prayer Treatment | 6-Truth | Truth ~ Circle | MBEI | Truth ~ Circle ~ No Beginning No End | Treat Mp3 Full Page | Show all | 6- Truth ~ Circle ~ No Beginning No End Progress stalled? ~ Elevate to higher dimension ~ Then Expand the view References included in this Treatment 1. Intro quotes from Science & Health 2. Definitions of God & Good 3. System of Divine Metaphysics 4. Scientific statement of being 5. 7 Terms for God ~ Definition's Abbreviations 6. Diapason of Heaven ~ MBE 7. View all details of above list Index Click Full Page to view more details |
7 | Prayer Treatment | 6-Truth | Truth ~ Perfection Changeless | MBEI | Truth ~ Perfection Changeless | Treat Mp3 Full Page | Show all | 02/02/2025 ~ Quotes ~ Definitions ~ How to Heal Everything 1. Intro quotes from Science & Health 2. Definitions of God & Good 3. 7 terms for God 4. 4 Operators 5. View All above Index SOME KEY POINTS 1. Mary Baker Eddy apparently is giving us the message at the beginning of the textbook that Truth is the most important synonymous term for God on which to focus. 2. The only way we can understand anything is to prove it to ourselves. We can overcome anything that is unlike Truth if we understand, which means that we have to prove it to ourselves & we have to live it, then we can demonstrate it & gain freedom from things that are unlike Truth. 3. Our freedom is based on the way we think. What are we going to permit to guide us so that we can cultivate the understanding that is needed to be free from anything that is not true. 4. Are we looking for the Truth when we are utilizing Mind? Mind represents creative ability, capacity, capability, functionality, facility, action, performance, power. If we utilize those things, realizing that the only real substance is Spirit, then we will have power. 5. Mary Baker Eddy says, the good we do & embody gives us the only power obtainable. So Spirit is our only substance, & it is flawless & transparent. Otherwise, it's not Spirit, it's matter, which is the absolute opposite of Spirit. 6. Certainly, matter doesn't give us anything that reflects because matter absorbs. So we get our reflective ability from Spirit. 7. Frederick L Rawson said that Christian Science is the science of right thinking. If we're going to follow that what we put into consciousness is going to give us our results then we obviously want to put into consciousness perfection, changeless. 8. Otherwise we're going to have matter instead of Truth, evil instead of good, & it's going to compound. So we must handle these terms correctly. 9. God is incorporeal, doesn't have ears or mouth. That is a word that describes the incorporeal, divine, supreme & infinite Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth, Love. 10. God is omnipresent, which means that all of God's laws are omnipresent. It's very easy to focus on perfection if we only look to the definitions of God & Good ~ See Above 11. All creation is creation of God. We have to start with the perfection, which do not imply any fallible individuality whatsoever. 12. Perfect God, perfect man. There's no limit to spirit being the substance. Wherever we are, it is there. It's omnipresent, the spiritual image & likeness of God. |
8 | Prayer Treatment | 6-Truth | Truth ~ See Reality | MBEI | Truth ~ See Reality | Treat Mp3 Full Page | Show all | 02/01/2025 ~ Quotes ~ Definitions ~ How to Heal Everything 1. Intro quotes from Science & Health 2. Definitions of God & Good 3. 7 terms for God 4. 4 Operators 5. View All above Index 6. Other recommended links View SOME KEY POINTS 1. Truth represents the consciousness of Truth. If we are looking through the lens of Spirit, then we are looking at everything from a spiritual knowing. Therefore we are looking at consciousness as being the consciousness of God. 2. If we're doing those 2 things, then our seeing has to be seeing Truth. We cannot be seeing anything that is un-like Truth. 3. God is Spirit & Spirit is flawless. Spirit is the only substance, & because it is flawless, that means Truth is transparent. 4. This reflects Spirit as substance, & Truth, which is consciousness. We cannot see Truth if we're looking at something opaque. The vision of God is perfect. 5. Genesis gives us the beginning of the spiritual development of consciousness. 6. God said, let us make man in our image after our likeness, & let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, & over the fowl of the air, & over the cattle, & over all the earth, & over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. 7. God created man in his own image, n the image of God created He him. Male and female created he them, & God blessed them. 8. We cannot benefit from our spiritual development that is inherent within consciousness unless we open it up to accept what God has already created. 9. Genesis 1:1 ~ In the beginning ~ Mary Baker Eddy translates that to mean in the only creation there is, which means everything was done at the same time simultaneously. So there was no beginning, there is no end to the creation by God. 10. God is infinite. So there cannot be a beginning & there cannot be an end to infinity. Click full page to view more details. |