God is Spirit ~ Treatments 250306
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1 | Prayer Treatment | 2-Spirit | Criticism, Healings, Overcame Death | MBEI | Criticism ~ Easy Solution for Removal | Treat Mp3 Full Page | Show all | 03/04/2025 ~ References included in this Treatment 1. Intro quotes from Science & Health 2. Definitions of God & Good 3. System of Divine Metaphysics 4. Scientific statement of being 5. 7 Terms for God ~ Definition's Abbreviations 6. Diapason of Heaven ~ MBE Healings Completed in 15 min Appointments Healings from authors below were complete by the end of 15 min appointments. 1. Joel S Goldsmith 2. Bliss Knapp 3. Frederick L Rawson 4. Wentworth Winslow Click Full Page to view more details |
2 | Prayer Treatment | 2-Spirit | Spirit, Matter, Birth, Real, Fake | MBEI | Spirit vs Matter ~ Real Birth vs Fake | Treat Mp3 Full Page | Show all | 01/10/2025 ~ Quotes ~ Definitions ~ How to Heal Everything 1. Intro quotes from Science & Health 2. Definitions of God & Good 3. 7 terms for God 4. 4 Operators 5. View All above Index 6. Other recommended links View SOME KEY POINTS 1. Spirit vs matter 2. Divine Mind vs so called mortal Mind 3. BIRTH = Anything new to consciousness in the form of creation, revelation, or understanding 4. What is new to one, may not be new to another. 5. The following is a brief exposition of the important points or religious tenets of Christian Science. [See Science & Health Pg 497] a. As adherents of Truth, we take the inspired Word of the Bible as our sufficient guide to eternal life. b. As adherents of Truth = A Christian Scientist must adhere to Truth. c. The first introductory quote to the textbook is about Truth. d. Inspired Word of the Bible may be only a spiritualized sense of the literal sense of the Bible or may be something quite different. e. The Word provides eternal light. 6. Mary Baker Eddy looked to the Bible as her only source other than what was dictated to her directly by God. 7. The important thing is to focus on Spirit, not matter. 8. Everyone knows that matter comes & goes. Spirit is the only thing that is forever. It is infinitely eternal. 9. GENERIC MAN ~ Includes all of the qualities normally thought to be, for example, a combination of: a. Male ~ strength & courage b. Female ~ tenderness, kindness & the nurturing qualities of a mother c. Children ~ innocence & trusting 10. GENERIC MAN: Both men & women prefer the complete generic man as described above. |
3 | Prayer Treatment | 2-Spirit | Spirit, Image, Perfection | MBEI | Spirit ~ Image ~ Perfection of Everyone and Everything | Treat Mp3 Full Page | Show all | 01/13/2025 ~ Quotes ~ Definitions ~ How to Heal Everything 1. Intro quotes from Science & Health 2. Definitions of God & Good 3. 7 terms for God 4. 4 Operators 5. View All above Index 6. Other recommended links View SOME KEY POINTS 1. Focus ~ #1 of the 6 religious tenets of Christian Science ~ As adherents of Truth, we take the inspired Word of the Bible as our sufficient guide to eternal life. 2. Genesis 1:1 to Genesis 2:3 ~ The verses in this range include the spiritual record of creation/revelation ~ the spiritual unfoldment of the entire universe ~ including all of its spiritual contents, which includes GENERIC MAN which begins in verse 26. 3. The first 25 verses of Genesis 1 provides the spiritual unfoldment of everything except generic man. Generic Man Defined 1. Beginning with verse 26, is the spiritual record of generic man. God said, let us make man in our image after our likeness, & let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, & over the fowl of the air, & over the cattle, & over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. 2. It Includes all of the qualities normally thought to be, for example, a combination of: a. Male ~ strength & courage b. Female ~ tenderness, kindness & the nurturing qualities of a mother c. Children ~ innocence & trusting 3. Both men & women prefer the complete generic man as described above. Circumstances dictate which qualities are the correct ones to be reflected at specific times. Let Generic Man into Consciousness 1. The all important word, LET, could easily be translated to mean ~ in order to experience being the real generic man, we must open our consciousness & permit it to permeate our every concept of man. IF WE DO THAT ~ then we can look forward to the description following in the next verse. 2. So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him, male & female created he them, & God blessed them. GENERIC MAN is, what is being referred to. Click Full Page to view more details |
4 | Prayer Treatment | 2-Spirit | Spirit, Matter, Criticism | MBEI | Spirit ~ See | Treat Mp3 Full Page | Show all | 01/20/2025 ~ Quotes ~ Definitions ~ How to Heal Everything 1. Intro quotes from Science & Health 2. Definitions of God & Good 3. 7 terms for God 4. 4 Operators 5. View All above Index 6. Other recommended links View SOME KEY POINTS 1. Mary Baker Eddy uses these terms to describe each of the 7 terms for God. 2. As is seen, Spirit is flawless. It's purity enables Truth to appear. 3. The ability to be able to see is a result of letting one's consciousness be open to the perfection of vision. Let the perfection enlighten our vision. 4. Mary Baker Eddy addresses diversions ~ Can one focus no matter what comes one's way? 5. Genesis 1 indicates a sequence in the spiritual development of the revelation of reality. 6. The first step is that we need to let our consciousness be open to our revelation of light & be ready to accept the Truth. 7. Our prayer is always heard if we are in alignment with the terms & qualities that define God. If we're acting intelligently in everything we think, say & do, then we're following Mind. 8. If we're pure, then our ability increases in proportion to our purity. Truth will appear if we are pure in our thought & if we have opened our consciousness to Truth. 9. It's like the saying, when the student is ready, the teacher appears or when this teacher is ready, the student appears ~ There's a balance ~ A student requires a teacher & a teacher requires a student. So if you appear to only have one, then you have some balancing to do. 10. Focus should be on what is God, what is man, & realize that the relationship is that man is the image & likeness of God. God cannot be a God without God's image & likeness. 11. All the way up the scale, there is a counter to every Truth & there's a counter to every evil. 12. Mary Baker Eddy stopped whatever she was doing hourly for self-examination to make sure that she was only seeing perfection. 13. CRITICISM ~ The guaranteed way to self-destruct ~ focus on the faults of others ~ be self-deceived that one does not have any faults. 14. Dr. Fluno, a lecturer for Mary Baker Eddy, was instructed to cover the topic of CRITICISM because she felt it was so important. 15. In other words, if you want to have a life of progress, then one cannot criticize anyone for anything. |
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1 | Prayer Treatment | 2-Spirit | Criticism, Healings, Overcame Death | MBEI | Criticism ~ Easy Solution for Removal | Treat Mp3 Full Page | Show all | 03/04/2025 ~ References included in this Treatment 1. Intro quotes from Science & Health 2. Definitions of God & Good 3. System of Divine Metaphysics 4. Scientific statement of being 5. 7 Terms for God ~ Definition's Abbreviations 6. Diapason of Heaven ~ MBE Healings Completed in 15 min Appointments Healings from authors below were complete by the end of 15 min appointments. 1. Joel S Goldsmith 2. Bliss Knapp 3. Frederick L Rawson 4. Wentworth Winslow Click Full Page to view more details |
2 | 7 Symns for God | Treatment | Spirit | MBEI | Devil ~ How to Negotiate ~ 1 of 2 | Treat Mp3 | Show all | 02/10/2023 - How to Negotiate with the Devil ~ 1 of 2 Suggestions include: 1. Definitions for negotiate, devil. 2. Network where all the factors are working in harmony as per divine Principle. 3. Scientific & methodical process in accordance with the quote below from Science & Health page 146. "Divine metaphysics is now reduced to a system, to a form comprehensible by and adapted to the thought of the age in which we live. This system enables the learner to demonstrate the divine Principle, upon which Jesus’ healing was based, and the sacred rules for its present application to the cure of disease." |
3 | 7 Symns for God | Treatment | Spirit | MBEI | Devil ~ How to Negotiate ~ Includes Nuclear War ~ 2 of 2 | Treat Mp3 | Show all | 02/12/2023 -- How to Negotiate with the Devil ~ Includes Nuclear War ~ 2 of 2 Suggestions include: 1. See How to Negotiate with the Devil 1 of 2. 2. Definitions for nuclear. |
4 | 7 Symns for God | Treat MBEI | Term for God | MBEI | God is Spirit ~ Network of 7 | MP3 | Show all | 12/02/2023 -- God is incorporeal, divine, supreme, infinite Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth, Love. ~ SH 465 ~ Mary Baker Eddy How does Spirit & its related qualities connect and interact in one grand network with all 7 terms for God? |
5 | 7 Symns for God | Treat MBEI | Terms for God - Your Divinity Revealed | MBEI | Letting the Spirit to be a Guide to Heal | MP3 PDF | 08/06/2023 -- Your Divinity Revealed by Helen M Wright identifies the terms for God. The MP3 treatment and the PDF file is based on this research | |
6 | 7 Symns for God | Treat MBE | Diapason of Heaven | Eddy, Mary Baker | MBE College Class Notes 1881 to 1898 ~ Spirit | MP3 PDF | Show all | 08/03/2023 --- Spirit is not an invisible personality inhabiting a material body. Spirit has no other meaning than God, and substance. We must declare there is only one Spirit and that is God. Spirit is my God and my God is Spirit, individual, incorporeal, immaterial. Spirit is enthroned in my consciousness. Matter and personal sense are not enthroned. We must declare these statements for ourselves in our work. |
7 | Prayer Treatment | 2-Spirit | Spirit, Matter, Birth, Real, Fake | MBEI | Spirit vs Matter ~ Real Birth vs Fake | Treat Mp3 Full Page | Show all | 01/10/2025 ~ Quotes ~ Definitions ~ How to Heal Everything 1. Intro quotes from Science & Health 2. Definitions of God & Good 3. 7 terms for God 4. 4 Operators 5. View All above Index 6. Other recommended links View SOME KEY POINTS 1. Spirit vs matter 2. Divine Mind vs so called mortal Mind 3. BIRTH = Anything new to consciousness in the form of creation, revelation, or understanding 4. What is new to one, may not be new to another. 5. The following is a brief exposition of the important points or religious tenets of Christian Science. [See Science & Health Pg 497] a. As adherents of Truth, we take the inspired Word of the Bible as our sufficient guide to eternal life. b. As adherents of Truth = A Christian Scientist must adhere to Truth. c. The first introductory quote to the textbook is about Truth. d. Inspired Word of the Bible may be only a spiritualized sense of the literal sense of the Bible or may be something quite different. e. The Word provides eternal light. 6. Mary Baker Eddy looked to the Bible as her only source other than what was dictated to her directly by God. 7. The important thing is to focus on Spirit, not matter. 8. Everyone knows that matter comes & goes. Spirit is the only thing that is forever. It is infinitely eternal. 9. GENERIC MAN ~ Includes all of the qualities normally thought to be, for example, a combination of: a. Male ~ strength & courage b. Female ~ tenderness, kindness & the nurturing qualities of a mother c. Children ~ innocence & trusting 10. GENERIC MAN: Both men & women prefer the complete generic man as described above. |
8 | Prayer Treatment | 2-Spirit | Spirit, Image, Perfection | MBEI | Spirit ~ Image ~ Perfection of Everyone and Everything | Treat Mp3 Full Page | Show all | 01/13/2025 ~ Quotes ~ Definitions ~ How to Heal Everything 1. Intro quotes from Science & Health 2. Definitions of God & Good 3. 7 terms for God 4. 4 Operators 5. View All above Index 6. Other recommended links View SOME KEY POINTS 1. Focus ~ #1 of the 6 religious tenets of Christian Science ~ As adherents of Truth, we take the inspired Word of the Bible as our sufficient guide to eternal life. 2. Genesis 1:1 to Genesis 2:3 ~ The verses in this range include the spiritual record of creation/revelation ~ the spiritual unfoldment of the entire universe ~ including all of its spiritual contents, which includes GENERIC MAN which begins in verse 26. 3. The first 25 verses of Genesis 1 provides the spiritual unfoldment of everything except generic man. Generic Man Defined 1. Beginning with verse 26, is the spiritual record of generic man. God said, let us make man in our image after our likeness, & let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, & over the fowl of the air, & over the cattle, & over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. 2. It Includes all of the qualities normally thought to be, for example, a combination of: a. Male ~ strength & courage b. Female ~ tenderness, kindness & the nurturing qualities of a mother c. Children ~ innocence & trusting 3. Both men & women prefer the complete generic man as described above. Circumstances dictate which qualities are the correct ones to be reflected at specific times. Let Generic Man into Consciousness 1. The all important word, LET, could easily be translated to mean ~ in order to experience being the real generic man, we must open our consciousness & permit it to permeate our every concept of man. IF WE DO THAT ~ then we can look forward to the description following in the next verse. 2. So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him, male & female created he them, & God blessed them. GENERIC MAN is, what is being referred to. Click Full Page to view more details |
9 | Prayer Treatment | 2-Spirit | Spirit, Matter, Criticism | MBEI | Spirit ~ See | Treat Mp3 Full Page | Show all | 01/20/2025 ~ Quotes ~ Definitions ~ How to Heal Everything 1. Intro quotes from Science & Health 2. Definitions of God & Good 3. 7 terms for God 4. 4 Operators 5. View All above Index 6. Other recommended links View SOME KEY POINTS 1. Mary Baker Eddy uses these terms to describe each of the 7 terms for God. 2. As is seen, Spirit is flawless. It's purity enables Truth to appear. 3. The ability to be able to see is a result of letting one's consciousness be open to the perfection of vision. Let the perfection enlighten our vision. 4. Mary Baker Eddy addresses diversions ~ Can one focus no matter what comes one's way? 5. Genesis 1 indicates a sequence in the spiritual development of the revelation of reality. 6. The first step is that we need to let our consciousness be open to our revelation of light & be ready to accept the Truth. 7. Our prayer is always heard if we are in alignment with the terms & qualities that define God. If we're acting intelligently in everything we think, say & do, then we're following Mind. 8. If we're pure, then our ability increases in proportion to our purity. Truth will appear if we are pure in our thought & if we have opened our consciousness to Truth. 9. It's like the saying, when the student is ready, the teacher appears or when this teacher is ready, the student appears ~ There's a balance ~ A student requires a teacher & a teacher requires a student. So if you appear to only have one, then you have some balancing to do. 10. Focus should be on what is God, what is man, & realize that the relationship is that man is the image & likeness of God. God cannot be a God without God's image & likeness. 11. All the way up the scale, there is a counter to every Truth & there's a counter to every evil. 12. Mary Baker Eddy stopped whatever she was doing hourly for self-examination to make sure that she was only seeing perfection. 13. CRITICISM ~ The guaranteed way to self-destruct ~ focus on the faults of others ~ be self-deceived that one does not have any faults. 14. Dr. Fluno, a lecturer for Mary Baker Eddy, was instructed to cover the topic of CRITICISM because she felt it was so important. 15. In other words, if you want to have a life of progress, then one cannot criticize anyone for anything. |
10 | 7 Symns for God | Treatment | Spirit | MBEI | Spirit ~ The New Birth | MP3 | Show all | 01/01/2023 - Let the New Birth come forth. The limits of time & space are removed as we understand there is no life, truth, intelligence, or substance in matter. They are mental illusions. Spirit ~ Pgs 594:19 to 21 by Mary Baker Eddy SPIRIT. Divine substance; Mind; divine Principle; all that is good; God; that only which is perfect, ever-lasting, omnipresent, omnipotent, infinite. |
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