God is Principle ~ Treatments 250313
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1 | Prayer Treatment | 4-Principle | Principle, Challenge, Mortal mind | MBEI | Principle ~ Challenge ~ Start to conquer at onset | Treat Mp3 Full Page | Show all | 01/12/2025 ~ Quotes ~ Definitions ~ How to Heal Everything 1. Intro quotes from Science & Health 2. Definitions of God & Good 3. 7 terms for God 4. 4 Operators 5. View All above Index 6. Other recommended links View SOME KEY POINTS 1. Principle is #4 in the series of the 7 terms for God based on the spiritual development as provided in the first book of the Bible, Genesis 1. 2. Principle represents structure & system. 3. If a challenge is unexpected with unfavorable possibilities, there may be a temptation to delay facing it or even to totally ignore it ~ hoping it will go away. However, anything unfavorable grows when ignored. When it grows, it will be more difficult to solve, will entail more time & effort, & may become a significant distraction from other activities. 4. The above is a typical influence that a so-called mortal mind may have on a human brain. 5. The best is to think of it as an opportunity & the opportunity will be the greatest if the challenge is faced & the solution worked on at once when its appearance is recognized. 6. The larger the problem appears to be, the greater the unfavorable nature of it could be. 7. The opportunity is always the greatest when we address it as soon as possible. 8. Dr. Albert Einstein is one of the authors included on the Mary Baker Eddy Institute website. There is a story about him on the Internet, which is not included on the website, which says that if he was given a hypothetical problem wherein he had 1 hour to solve it, how would he allocate the time if the correct solution would have a major impact on humanity. This apparently was presented to him because of his work in 1905 wherein he presented a formula of E = mc² which had to do with mass, the speed of light & relativity. His answer was that he would allocate 90% of the time to figuring out the right question & the remaining 10% to answer the question. Einstein stated that curiosity has its own reason for existing & he said never stop questioning 9. Anything that can be applied to the system of Divine Metaphysics applies to our life on a daily basis because Christian Science is a science of living and utilizing it in everything we do all day long. 10. Christian Science & the system of Divine Metaphysics are directly related as Christian Science is the term & the system of Divine Metaphysic is how Christian Science operates. |
2 | Prayer Treatment | 4-Principle | Structure, System, Divine Metaphysics | MBEI | Principle ~ Treatment Structure & System | Treat Mp3 Full Page | Show all | 02/24/2025 ~ Introductory Quotes to Science & Health 1. Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. — Jesus 2. There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so. — Shakespeare 3. Oh! Thou hast heard my prayer; And I am blest! This is Thy high behest: — Thou here, and everywhere. — Mary Baker Eddy Mary Baker Eddy Provided the System 1. Divine metaphysics is now reduced to a system, to a form comprehensible by and adapted to the thought of the age in which we live. This system enables the learner to demonstrate the divine Principle, upon which Jesus’ healing was based, and the sacred rules for its present application to the cure of disease.[SH 146:31-5] 2. When the 32 planks of the platform is understood and the letter and the spirit bear witness, the infallibility of divine metaphysics will be demonstrated. [SH 330:9] 3. In #1 Mary Baker Eddy clearly stated that all 32 planks are indelibly connected & therefore all 32 must not only be understood as one unit, but if anything is missing out of the 32 planks that we do not utilize in the whole thought process of a treatment, we're going to be missing part of the platform. 4. If we are missing part of the platform, it is not possible to be successful in healing. Letter + Spirit Required 1. In her classes in the Metaphysical College which she taught from 1881 to 1898, she asked her class what element in a treatment was most often neglected. Their response was the Love, which she refers to as the Spirit. But she corrected them & said no. It is the letter that is missing in most treatments. Spiritual Basis Required 1. John Morgan emphasizes the importance of having our thought on a spiritual basis in order to study Christian Science. 2. The Scientific Statement of Being states clearly that matter is unreal, which fully supports the statement by John Morgan above. Scientific Statement of Being There is no life, truth, intelligence, nor substance in matter. All is infinite Mind and its infinite manifestation, for God is All-in-all. Spirit is immortal Truth; matter is mortal error. Spirit is the real and eternal; matter is the unreal and temporal. Spirit is God, and man is His image and likeness. Therefore man is not material; he is spiritual. [SH 468] Click Full Page to view more details |
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1 | Prayer Treatment | Specific | Confrontation and the Antidote | MBEI | Confrontation and the Antidote | Treat Mp3 | Show all | 11/29/2023 - SUMMARY 1. INTRO & DEFINITIONS a. Definition of God from 465 b. Definition of God & Good from 587 c. The scientific statement of being View 2. WENTWORTH WINSLOW Four steps are indicated in proper sequence by the four books listed below. In order to strive to bring about perfection, reversing whatever ailment is the topic. 1. Let God Do It ~ 36 articles 2. God Can Do It ~ 30 articles 3. God Will Do It ~ 35 articles 4. God Is Doing It ~ 21 articles 3. ROBERT PUTNAM ~ Ten Bible lessons 4. HELEN WRIGHT ~ Your divinity revealed ~ Chapters four to ten = one chapter for each of the seven terms for God. 5. REMOVE ALL SENSE OF PERSONALITY a. Think about only God b. Focus on one's own consciousness. 6. CONCLUSION ~ Striving to understand the two statements below opens the door that Mary Baker Eddy refers to ~ infinite progression is concrete being. a. 'God is All-in-all' b. 'There is nothing but God'. |
2 | 7 Symns for God | Treatment | Term for God | MBEI | God is Principle ~ Network of 7 | MP3 | Show all | 12/10/2022 -- God is incorporeal, divine, supreme, infinite Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth, Love. ~ SH 465 ~ Mary Baker Eddy How does Principle & its related qualities connect and interact in one grand network with all 7 terms for God? |
3 | 7 Symns for God | Treat MBEI | Terms for God - Your Divinity Revealed | MBEI | Letting the Principle to be a Guide to Heal | MP3 PDF | 08/08/2023 -- Your Divinity Revealed by Helen M Wright identifies the terms for God. The MP3 treatment and the PDF file is based on this research. | |
4 | 7 Symns for God | Treat MBE | Diapason of Heaven | Eddy, Mary Baker | MBE College Class Notes 1881 to 1898 ~ Principle | MP3 PDF | Show all | 08/03/2023 -- We must hallow this word “Principle” as a name for God. Declare often: there is only one Principle, and this is my infinite, all-present, all-powerful, all-knowing, all-acting, all-loving Principle. Principle is my God and my God is divine Principle. Good is my Principle and my Principle is good. Divine Principle is enthroned in my consciousness as my God. Persons and personal sense are not enthroned. This is the Word of God..... |
5 | Prayer Treatment | Specific | Negotiate and Always Win | MBEI | Negotiate ~ How to Negotiate and Always Win | Treat Mp3 | Show all | 11/26/2023 - SUMMARY 1. INTRO & DEFINITIONS View 2. AUTHORS & REFERENCES a. Christ Jesus ~ 1.'You will do greater things than I' = His followers 2. 'My father is greater than I' = He tells everyone he is not God. b. Mary Baker Eddy 1. Divine metaphysics is now reduced to a system.. ~ See statement in Header 2. Vision ~ 'Can you focus no matter what comes your way'. c. Albert Einstein 1. To solve a problem, it must be viewed from a higher dimension than where the problem appeared. 2. Desired to ride a beam of light through space so that time could be eliminated. d. Robert C. Putnam ~ Ten Bible lessons e. Frederick L. Rawson 1. Electrical expert identified positive and negative charges within the physical body. 2. Shorting out the negative charges is concurrent with healing. 3. The whole of the so called material life should be viewed as a movie and not reality. 4. Which part of the movie do you want to be viewing? f. Wentworth Winslow a. 'Elevate thought to strive for infinite progression which leads to concrete being'. ~ Mary Baker Eddy b. Four steps are indicated in proper sequence by the four books listed below. In order to strive to bring about perfection, reversing whatever ailment is the topic. 1. Let God Do It ~ 36 articles 2. God Can Do It ~ 30 articles 3. God Will Do It ~ 35 articles 4. God Is Doing It ~ 21 articles g. Helen Wright ~ Your divinity revealed ~ Chapters four to ten = one chapter for each of the seven terms for God. h. Genesis ~ Chpt 1 1. In the beginning God created = in the only God created. 2. Every major step of progress is preceded by the word LET = we must open thought to let the pureness of God's thoughts enter. 3. GOD a. Infinite Person - Divine, not human b. Do NOT think of anyone as a human personality. c. Think of every individual as an idea of God. 4. CONCLUSION ~ Striving to understand the two statements below opens the door that Mary Baker Eddy refers to, which is infinite progression is concrete being. a. 'God is All-in-all' b. 'There is nothing but God'. |
6 | Prayer Treatment | 4-Principle | Principle, Challenge, Mortal mind | MBEI | Principle ~ Challenge ~ Start to conquer at onset | Treat Mp3 Full Page | Show all | 01/12/2025 ~ Quotes ~ Definitions ~ How to Heal Everything 1. Intro quotes from Science & Health 2. Definitions of God & Good 3. 7 terms for God 4. 4 Operators 5. View All above Index 6. Other recommended links View SOME KEY POINTS 1. Principle is #4 in the series of the 7 terms for God based on the spiritual development as provided in the first book of the Bible, Genesis 1. 2. Principle represents structure & system. 3. If a challenge is unexpected with unfavorable possibilities, there may be a temptation to delay facing it or even to totally ignore it ~ hoping it will go away. However, anything unfavorable grows when ignored. When it grows, it will be more difficult to solve, will entail more time & effort, & may become a significant distraction from other activities. 4. The above is a typical influence that a so-called mortal mind may have on a human brain. 5. The best is to think of it as an opportunity & the opportunity will be the greatest if the challenge is faced & the solution worked on at once when its appearance is recognized. 6. The larger the problem appears to be, the greater the unfavorable nature of it could be. 7. The opportunity is always the greatest when we address it as soon as possible. 8. Dr. Albert Einstein is one of the authors included on the Mary Baker Eddy Institute website. There is a story about him on the Internet, which is not included on the website, which says that if he was given a hypothetical problem wherein he had 1 hour to solve it, how would he allocate the time if the correct solution would have a major impact on humanity. This apparently was presented to him because of his work in 1905 wherein he presented a formula of E = mc² which had to do with mass, the speed of light & relativity. His answer was that he would allocate 90% of the time to figuring out the right question & the remaining 10% to answer the question. Einstein stated that curiosity has its own reason for existing & he said never stop questioning 9. Anything that can be applied to the system of Divine Metaphysics applies to our life on a daily basis because Christian Science is a science of living and utilizing it in everything we do all day long. 10. Christian Science & the system of Divine Metaphysics are directly related as Christian Science is the term & the system of Divine Metaphysic is how Christian Science operates. |
7 | Prayer Treatment | 4-Principle | Structure, System, Divine Metaphysics | MBEI | Principle ~ Treatment Structure & System | Treat Mp3 Full Page | Show all | 02/24/2025 ~ Introductory Quotes to Science & Health 1. Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. — Jesus 2. There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so. — Shakespeare 3. Oh! Thou hast heard my prayer; And I am blest! This is Thy high behest: — Thou here, and everywhere. — Mary Baker Eddy Mary Baker Eddy Provided the System 1. Divine metaphysics is now reduced to a system, to a form comprehensible by and adapted to the thought of the age in which we live. This system enables the learner to demonstrate the divine Principle, upon which Jesus’ healing was based, and the sacred rules for its present application to the cure of disease.[SH 146:31-5] 2. When the 32 planks of the platform is understood and the letter and the spirit bear witness, the infallibility of divine metaphysics will be demonstrated. [SH 330:9] 3. In #1 Mary Baker Eddy clearly stated that all 32 planks are indelibly connected & therefore all 32 must not only be understood as one unit, but if anything is missing out of the 32 planks that we do not utilize in the whole thought process of a treatment, we're going to be missing part of the platform. 4. If we are missing part of the platform, it is not possible to be successful in healing. Letter + Spirit Required 1. In her classes in the Metaphysical College which she taught from 1881 to 1898, she asked her class what element in a treatment was most often neglected. Their response was the Love, which she refers to as the Spirit. But she corrected them & said no. It is the letter that is missing in most treatments. Spiritual Basis Required 1. John Morgan emphasizes the importance of having our thought on a spiritual basis in order to study Christian Science. 2. The Scientific Statement of Being states clearly that matter is unreal, which fully supports the statement by John Morgan above. Scientific Statement of Being There is no life, truth, intelligence, nor substance in matter. All is infinite Mind and its infinite manifestation, for God is All-in-all. Spirit is immortal Truth; matter is mortal error. Spirit is the real and eternal; matter is the unreal and temporal. Spirit is God, and man is His image and likeness. Therefore man is not material; he is spiritual. [SH 468] Click Full Page to view more details |