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1 | Prayer Treatment | 1-Mind | Mortal Mind ~ False Belief | MBEI | Mind ~ Belief is not Fact | Treat Mp3 Full Page | Show all | 01/17/2025 ~ Mind ~ Belief is not Fact Mind ~ Fact Mortal Mind ~ Suggestions to form False – Belief SOME KEY POINTS 1. If we prove a belief to be fact, then it is no longer a false belief & is termed Truth, a fact, something that is fixed, not variable. 2. If we understand what God is & what man is & the relationship between God & man, then we very definitely have something that is fixed & is able to be relied on to set us free from anything that is un-like-God. 3. Mary Baker Eddy uses the term evil as a very broad term to mean anything that is un-like-God, no matter what the form it takes. 4. On the one side we have something that is a representation of the incorporeal, divine, supreme & infinite Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth & Love, & this all refers to reality. 5. Everything that is not reality is a misunderstanding & is not really a fact at all, can never be proven to be a fact, and must be accepted as only a belief that is a false view. So that is termed as false belief, opposed to a true fact. 6. If one wants to obtain a healing, then the goal is to separate fact from fiction, truth from fantasy, perfection from anything that is less than perfect. 7. Perfection is flawless. There is no mixture with perfection. It is a fixed fact. 8. Anything at all that is in visible form must be translated to its true spiritual nature as long as it is real. For example, a beautiful rose must be recognized & acknowledged as the beauty of God being expressed, the fragrance, the aroma or smell, is the spiritual sense being expressed. 9. The way the petals unfold from a tight bud into a full bloom is the action of divine Mind revealing itself. All of these qualities are the substance of Spirit, which is flawless. 10. If something appears to be visible that is evil, such as a storm, then it must be recognized as not being a part of the reality of the universe of God, but an attempt to distract consciousness & implant into consciousness that reality includes evil. We must claim Truth to be the only reality & the only action that can exist is good action, the action of God, the action of perfect, all intelligent Mind. 11. EVIL ~ Our duty is to refuse to believe that evil is real ~ & specifically state that it is unreal & not from God ~ it is a fiction & has absolutely no power ~ because the only power is the power of divine Mind which is defined as good. 12. God is of purer eyes than to behold evil. If God is all seeing, God cannot behold evil. That means evil is not real. [Habakkuk] |
2 | Prayer Treatment | 1-Mind | Mind ~ Cross & Water | MBEI | Mind ~ Cross & Water | Treat Mp3 Full Page | Show all | 01/26/2025 ~ Quotes ~ Definitions ~ How to Heal Everything 1. Intro quotes from Science & Health 2. Definitions of God & Good 3. 7 terms for God 4. 4 Operators 5. View All above Index 6. Other recommended links View SOME KEY POINTS 1. Whenever we study, seeking truth is our purpose. Once we find a morsel of truth, then our next goal is to demonstrate it, prove it by living it. 2. How are we thinking about anything that we're confronted with? The way we think about it is going to determine our view, & that's going to determine whether it's a positive or a negative for our experience. 3. Something that appears to be negative can be flipped to be positive if we accept it as a challenge to understand Christian Science better & grow from the experience. We need to always be alert to be sure of what we are viewing is good or evil. If it is evil we need to flip it to see what is good. For Example: If a sports team is playing in a competition & they're getting beaten badly, you will find the coach will be discussing not whether they are ahead or behind but whether they are playing in accordance to the principles of the game. 4. What are the principles of any project we are involved in? It is between us & the principle of what we are doing & no one else is involved. 5. When we study, we seek the truth. We seek the principle, & we apply the truth to the principle to formulate the model in our thought of how we should be living our life. If we do that, we will be able to demonstrate that it is true. And then we will be able to grow by it. We will increase our confidence because we've gained something new to add to our reservoir of consciousness that we know to be true. 6. Mary Baker Eddy gives us a number of references on the word cross & they all have a central theme. That is what we need to take up the cross as Jesus did, & not try to ignore it, but to face it head on. 7. CROSS ~ It's a symbol of materialism, any kind of un-God-like activity. 8. She says, take it up & bear it. We have to face it & solve the problem. If we ignore it, it will grow & become more difficult to see its nothingness. 9. It's much easier to face the evil & solve when it's small. So at the very onset of any problem, that is when we attack it. 10. Jesus was not meek when he was dealing with evil. He was very aggressive. There was no doubt in his thought about what he needed to do or say. He did it with great force. 11. Mary Baker Eddy tells us that we are to guard our door of thought as if it was a door in our house to protect us from thieves & murderers. That's exactly what evil is. It tries to steal the goodness from our consciousness, & it tries to kill any good thought we have. |
3 | Prayer Treatment | 1-Mind | Mind, Guarding thought, Evil, | MBEI | Mind ~ Guarding Thought by Understanding How Evil Operates | Treat Mp3 Full Page | Show all | 01/18/2025 ~ Quotes ~ Definitions ~ How to Heal Everything 1. Intro quotes from Science & Health 2. Definitions of God & Good 3. 7 terms for God 4. 4 Operators 5. View All above Index 6. Other recommended links View SOME KEY POINTS 1. We should always be striving for seeing the truth & rejecting any false path. 2. MOMENT ~ smallest amount of time. Time can never be recovered so being constructive with every moment is the difference between success & failure. 3. We have to always be viewing everything through the 5 spiritual senses, such as: 1. Sight ~ spiritual discernment. 2. Hearing ~ spiritual understanding. 3. Feeling ~ divine consciousness. 4. Smell ~ intuition of character. 5. Taste ~ relish of Truth. [Richard Oakes ~ Blue Book ~ Pg 222] 4. Mortal Mind or matter cannot make laws or influence anyone. There is only one Mind, & that Mind is the source of all laws & is the intelligence of Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth & Love. 5. Do not give life to evil by attaching it to a person or thing. It cannot live without a body. Always separate the evil from personality. The healing must be within one's own consciousness as evil is only a false belief & does not belong to any person. 6. Man is immortal. There is but one infinite manifestation. No error can attach itself to man ~ Why deceive ourselves by thinking it can do so? 7. Every manifestation of life is ever-present & omnipresent good, & this carries within itself all healing & sustaining. Know that the kingdom of heaven is within you, & this is your armor. 8. With any problem, one must always dig to get to the root cause. Evil is always deceptive. Be sure you are not being tricked by working on a decoy instead of working on the real root cause. 9. Man is not a creator. He does not even assist in creation. The only power to create is with God. God finished his creation as stated in Genesis 1:1 through 2:3. One only needs to awaken to the fact that creation is already perfect & complete. Creation is not really a creation but an individual awakening of what is already true ~ a revelation. 10. Before any action is taken, we need to be sure that we are viewing the topic through the spiritual senses. This will eliminate many of the mistakes that otherwise would be made. Click full page to view more details. |
4 | Prayer Treatment | 1-Mind | Mind ~ Progress Block | MBEI | Mind ~ Live a Life of Giving to PREVENT Progress Block | Treat Mp3 Full Page | Show all | 02/08/2025 ~ Quotes ~ Definitions ~ How to Heal Everything 1. Intro quotes from Science & Health 2. Definitions of God & Good 3. 7 terms for God 4. 4 Operators 5. View All above Index SOME KEY POINTS 1. Mary Baker Eddy emphasizes the need to transform mortal thought. In other words, we need to examine consciousness from a material standpoint which has been based upon compounding lie upon lie for our entire lives. 2. It is a gradual process to transform it from matter to Spirit, from evil to good, from mortal Mind to immortal Mind, from material sense of life to a spiritual sense of life to a material sense of Soul whereby we are depending upon seeing, hearing, feeling, tasting & smelling from a material sense standpoint to its reality, which is spiritual sense. 3. When we think about utilizing our spiritual senses for identification, the items listed in #1 & 2 above are the kinds of terms we need to be thinking of if we want to be in the sanctuary of Spirit, where we're looking through lens of Spirit. 4. INFINITE PROGRESSION IS CONRETE BEING ~ We should continue to have infinite progression as long as we are on the path of Truth. If we follow the path of Truth then we are NOT blocking our progress. 5. Are we looking for the real Truth? If YES, then we will be able to stay on that path of Infinite progression, because it means that we are only going to let into our consciousness things that are true about God, man, the relationship between God & man. 6. We can eliminate any kind of a blockage from a belief of its existence, if we stay on the path of Truth. 7. Genesis 1:1 ~ IN THE BEGINNING ~ Mary Baker Eddy defines BEGINNING as being the ONLY record of spiritual creation. 8. Genesis 1:1 to Genesis 2:3 ~ God says, Let us make man in our image & after our likeness. And then it says, God made man in our image & after our likeness. 9. In other words, we cannot benefit from the ~ TRUE RECORD OF CREATION ~ unless we open our thought to it. We have to let the Truth ~ THAT GOD MADE MAN ~ into our consciousness in order to get the benefit from this fact. God did it but we cannot benefit from it unless we permit this fact into our individual consciousness. This is an individual choice. Each one must be ~ WORKING OUT THEIR OWN INDIVIDUAL SALVATION. Click full page to view more details.. |
5 | Prayer Treatment | 1-Mind | Majority Governs ~ Which Majority Should We Let Govern Us? | MBEI | Mind ~ Majority Governs | Treat Mp3 Full Page | Show all | 02/26/2025 ~ Majority Governs ~ Who is the Majority? 1. The majority always governs & controls. 2. Who is the majority? 3. What controls the majority? 4. Is there more than 1 majority? 5. What is it that controls all humanity? 6. Is there any other entity to consider? 7. Who controls other entities? 8. What is the purpose of the control? 9. What direction is it going? Guiding Factors 1. The first introductory quote in Science & Health, is from Jesus. 2. Since it is the first text, it serves as an extremely important message that Mary Baker Eddy is giving to the alert student. 3. To get the most out of any serious publication, one must constantly question the text. 4. The researcher of the Bible & the Mary Baker Eddy's writings are likely hoping & expecting to improve their life by latching onto new spiritual ideas. Click Full page to view more details.. |
6 | Prayer Treatment | 1-Mind | Mind Controls All | MBEI | Mind ~ Our Father-Mother God ~ Controls Everyone & Everything | Treat Mp3 Full Page | Show all | 01/05/2025 ~ Quotes & Definitions 1. Intro quotes from Science & Health 2. Definitions of God & Good 3. 7 terms for God 4. 4 Operators 5. View All above Index 6. System of divine metaphysics View SOME KEY POINTS 1. The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together; and a little child shall lead them. [Isaiah 11:06 ] 2. Focus ~ exploring how to clarify thought regarding draining the swamp. Swamp is where everything un-like-God dwells. 3. Everything outside the swamp is pure & perfect because the only substance is Spirit. 4. Spirit is defined as flawless & transparent. Therefore, it is completely reflective. 5. There is no alloy for it is not mixed with anything less than itself. It's unique characteristics is a unique manifestation of God & is individualized for each one that reflects it. 6. Every symbol that appears as a human being is really a unique child of God with unique characteristics, with a niche that is just for them. 7. No one can interfere with the niche of someone else. No one can take it away from them. No one can displace another out of their niche. No one can displace us out of our niche. 8. We all have a niche which is a specific purpose for us to exist. It's like what is our isness is our uniqueness. And our uniqueness can only reflect the only source there is, consisting of the only substance. 9. The only source is divine Mind, infinite, incorporeal, supreme Mind. That's the only Spirit, or substance, that exists. 10. Mind is incorporeal, no body, it is all mental & divine. It's absolutely perfect, supreme, there's nothing higher. It is the apex of infinity & the perfection of infinity & all mental, which means not corporeal, but incorporeal, that is without any limit of any physical body. 11. The terms incorporeal, divine, supreme, infinite apply equally to Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth & Love. 12. Every quality of God can be reflected by anyone that is thinking in spiritual terms. It's like any number in mathematics. That same number, no matter what it is, can be shared by everyone because it is not a physical thing. It is a mental concept. 13. Every mental concept is an idea. Therefore, there is no limit to its ability to be utilized or reflected by anyone & everyone. |
7 | Prayer Treatment | 1-Mind | Mind, Power, Principle, Government | MBEI | Mind ~ Power ~ Principle ~ Government | Treat Mp3 Full Page | Show all | 01/18/2025 ~ 1. CORRUPT FORCE BELIEF: The so-called corrupt forces within the government have been controlling the whole world since the beginning of the history of humanity. 2. FALSE RECORD OF CREATION: This false belief has stemmed from the biblical account of the false record of creation, which begins in Genesis 2:4. Throughout the Bible, the various chapters & verses have been peppered with, if not inundated with, this second record of creation or the results therefrom. 3. ADAM & EVE: Supposedly Adam & Eve were in the Garden of Eden & there was an apple tree, that contained apples of both good & evil. And the wrong choice was made. Therefore, the entire history of humanity is filled with the false belief that man is a sinner. 4. GENERIC MAN: Defined as being the qualities of a male, female, & child. 5. MALE: Courage, strength, perseverance, fatherhood, protector & responsibility. The president of the United States indicates that his primary function is to protect the United States. 6. FEMALE: Tenderness, kindness, nurturing, loving, forgiving, & compassion. 7. CHILD: Innocence, trust, forgiveness, & curiosity. 8. GENERIC MAN: A very complete character, one that includes all of the qualities. 9. SITUATION DICTATES NEED: What one individual prefers when dealing with another is for those qualities to be represented at any given moment based on what the need is. So if a woman is with a man & there is a danger involved, they're looking for the man to be courageous, brave & bold. 10. MOTHER & BABY: If there is a mother that has a new baby, the father is looking for the mother to be caring, nurturing, kind. Both of them look to a baby as being curious, in other words, one that wants to learn new things as well as being innocent & trustful. Click the full page to view more details. |
8 | Prayer Treatment | 1-Mind | Mind, Principle, Spiritual foundation | MBEI | Mind ~ Principle ~ True Foundation | Treat Mp3 Full Page | Show all | 01/17/2025 ~ Quotes ~ Definitions ~ How to Heal Everything 1. Intro quotes from Science & Health 2. Definitions of God & Good 3. 7 terms for God 4. 4 Operators 5. View All above Index 6. Other recommended links View SOME KEY POINTS 1. If one desires any topic in which they desire to have a permanent foundation, then Principle is the operative word, which is the 4th term for God in the order of spiritual development. 2. How do we obtain a true spiritual foundation? Mary Baker Eddy, in her usage of the term ~ creative ability ~ which gives us the function needed to start building the foundation ~ she assigns it to the synonymous term for God, which is Mind. 3. The term ~ creates ~ is assigned to both the term Mind & Spirit, because Spirit is substance. So, you must have a foundation based on the substance of Spirit if you expect it to be of permanent value. 4. Mind being the ~ creative ability ~ is where we must look in order to build a true foundation. 5. Principle is the core ~ the center of all structure & system. Therefore, Mind, Spirit, Soul, Life, Truth & Love ~ all 6 ~ branch out from Principle, & everything connects to it. Principle is always in balance & therefore always harmonious. But that is only the case if each of the other 6 synonymous terms for God are involved in the structure, the foundation, or the principle. Otherwise it is not in balance & it will not be harmonious. 6. Mary Baker Eddy assigns the words ~ idea & ideal ~ to both Mind & Principle. 7. We could think of Mind as generating ~ the idea ~ Principle as holding ~ the idea ~ as a part of the foundation to Truth. So the ~ ideal idea ~ is a result of the interaction between Mind, Principle & Truth. 8. In many of the prayer treatments that the Mary Baker Eddy Institute (MBEI) provides, there is discussion about the interaction of the 7 synonyms & how they are all connected as one grand complete operation & functionality of God, along with the 4 operators & 4 levels. 9. Mary Baker Eddy used another term for Mind which is ~ all faculty ~ & that really includes ~ capacity, capability, functionality, action, & facility. Those together bring about performance & that is measured as power. 10. Mind is incorporeal, divine, supreme, & infinite. Those 4 terms also apply to the other 6 synonymous terms to define God. These terms are adjectives to explain the characteristics of the other 6 terms for God which are Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth & Love. |
9 | Prayer Treatment | 1-Mind | Success, Genius, Desire | MBEI | Mind ~ Success Depends on Desire | Treat Mp3 Full Page | Show all | 01/31/2025 ~ SOME KEY POINTS 1. GENIUS ~ What does it mean? Less the than 1% of the people that begin a project actually stick with the requirements to be successful to bring it to a conclusion. If you are in that less than 1%, then you qualify as a genius. 2. Being a genius doesn't have anything to do with your IQ, DNA, family, heritage, upbringing, the atmosphere of your home life or anything else. 3. What matters is: a. Where are you right now? b. What is your desire? c. How serious is it? d. Is it serious enough for you to bring the project to a successful conclusion? There are plenty of tools to assist in doing that. 4. The question is, will you do it? Will you formulate a good worthwhile project & stick to the formula without deviation unless there's some good reason to be adjusting the plan. 5. You will have been less than 1 out of a 100 to finish what you start on a worthwhile project. And when it's done, you will have been successful. 6. The Mary Baker Eddy Institute gives you all the tools that you need from start to finish. 7. If you are a sincere student of Christian Science & the System of Divine metaphysics, you have the opportunity to transform every phase of your life to a dimension superior to what it was previously. 8. Everything is elevated to a more spiritual basis, which means a more permanent foundation. There is no difference between one goal & another as long as it is a wholesome goal. If it benefits all humanity, that makes it all the more valuable. 9. The formula is the same regardless of the project. 10. I have seen people work on a project for 2 or 3 years consistently, & then all of a sudden they give up. Most people will give up long before 2 or 3 years of consistent effort, but that just gives you a clue as to how rare it is for someone to complete a project if it is a major project, because there appears to be so much resistance for people to become successful that they easily are distracted, diverted & discouraged. 11. In studying the System of Divine Metaphysics, we can make progress on a continuous basis & when we do that, we should be encouraged by the progress that we see taking place every time we study. |
10 | Prayer Treatment | 1-Mind | Divine Mind ~ Turns on the light | MBEI | Mind ~ Turns on the Light | Treat Mp3 Full Page | Show all | 01/14/2025 ~ Quotes ~ Definitions ~ How to Heal Everything 1. Intro quotes from Science & Health 2. Definitions of God & Good 3. 7 terms for God 4. 4 Operators 5. View All above Index 6. Other recommended links View SOME KEY POINTS 1. Important points of Christian Science [SH 497]. The first one ~ As adherents of Truth, we take the inspired Word of the Bible as our sufficient guide to eternal life. 2. Genesis 1:1 to Genesis 2:3 ~ 7 days of creation ~ This is the unfoldment of the spiritual record of creation. 3. Day 1 ~ In the beginning, God said, let there be light. And there was light. 4. God saw the light that it was good. And God divided the light from the darkness. God called the light day, & the darkness he called night, & the evening & the morning are the first day. 5. We cannot tell the difference between one thing & another unless the light is on. 6. Divine Mind turns on the light so we can see the spiritual sense of the Bible. And there is a very methodical, systematic, scientific way to do that. 7. Mary Baker Eddy states: 7a. Divine metaphysics is now reduced to a system, to a form comprehensible by & adapted to the thought of the age in which we live. 7b. This system enables the learner to demonstrate the divine Principle upon which Jesus's healing was based & the sacred rules for its application to the cure of disease. [SH 146] Click to view further details on full page. |
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1 | 7 Symns for God | Treat MBEI | God | MBEI | Communication ~ One Way Simplex | Treat Mp3 | Show all | 09/26/2023 -- SUMMARY 1.Do we know our business? 2. Our business is to align ourselves with the principle of every activity in which we are involved. 3. Aligning ourselves with principle is how we communicate with God, how we talk to God. 4. Genesis 1 stresses the point that we must let our consciousness be open so that we can accept the qualities of God as outlined in Genesis chapter 1. 5. We need to learn the 4 operators of the system of divine Metaphysics ~ See the definition in the Header from Science and Health 463 6. To know Mary Baker Eddy better, we must study her writings. 7. To know God better, study the definitions of God and the definition of Good and the quotations that are introductions to the Science and Health chapters. 8. To align oneself with God, it must be in an impersonal way, which means that if we love an individual, it has to be loving all mankind. 9. We can't love one person and hate another. There is a very definite line between love and hate. Either it's all love or if there's anything at all that is not all love, then it's hate. There is no mixture in Spirit which is flawless, so this is the same with Truth in error. 10. There is no evil and good. There is no good and evil. There is no hate and love. There is no love and hate. All expressions of God's qualities must be impersonal, so everyone is treated the same way. 11. To settle our accounts on an ongoing continuous basis, so there is never any conflict with anyone that goes unresolved. 12. The Golden Rule is ~ Do unto others as you would have others do unto you. 13. All communication is without interruption. 14. Nothing can dilute, divert, stop or reverse the communication from God and man. 15. Nothing can prevent the benefits of what anyone has for others. 16. All communication is mental. 17. 100% customer satisfaction is a mutual relationship where honesty must be utilized on both sides. 18. God is All in all and there is nothing but God. 19. Referenced Authors 1. Christ Jesus ~ Ability to focus on truth and Truth; 2. Mary Baker Eddy a. System of divine metaphysics; ~ Please See Header b. Many items in the manual require her personal signature, which means that they were designed to self expire. c. To see the authentic publications by Mary Baker Eddy without bureaucratic unauthorized changes, please refer to the 1910 final editions, all of which are on our website. See all 16 books + the textbook. 3. Clara Barton ~ Mrs. Mary Baker Eddy has done the greatest good for her fellow creatures and Christian Science, the most potent factor in religious life. 4. Dale Carnegie ~ a. Problems: record and do not look at it for 6 months. Most resolve themselves. b. Great respect for Mary Baker Eddy 5. Albert Einstein ~ “Blessed art Thou (MBE) because everything that really is, is in this Book. (SH)” “To think that a woman knew this over 80 years ago. 6. Bliss Knapp ~ The fan is a symbol for separation, separating the good from the evil. 7. Frederick L Rawson ~ a. Treatment or Healing by True Prayer ~ 1,315 Treatments; b. Instant healing ~ There is nothing but God. |
2 | 7 Symns for God | Treat MBEI | Mind | MBEI | Effective Use of Here & Now | Treat_Mp3 | Show all | 12/29/2022 - Dissolve All Barriers That Try To Steal the Moments If we replace a thought of limitation with one of true being, we realize that the only real time is now and the only real place is here. Life, from a human sense is limited. But as we step-by-step raise thought above the human, we open the door to letting the human touch the divine. Mary Baker Eddy stated that the magnitude of the humanity of Jesus enabled his divinity. |
3 | 7 Symns for God | Treat MBEI | God | MBEI | Forgive, To Give, Pay It Forward | Treat Mp3 | Show all | 10/03/2023 --Please refer to citations in the text below to see the Complete Quotations SUMMARY 1. NOW is the only time. There is no past and no future. 2. Chpt 10 ~ Misc Writings ~ Pg 8 Love your enemies – Enemy is one who you think is your enemy. It is only in your thought that one or anyone is an enemy. The believer and the belief are all the same. 3. Chpt 10 ~ Misc Writings ~ Pg 210 Love your enemies or you will not lose them. Charity is courage of conviction. Love opens eyes of blind. 4. My Pg 191:4 Be patient toward persecution = weakness of tyrants. Enemies unconsciously advertise for good. Let your light shine. 5. Referenced Authors: a. Christ Jesus ~ Forgive 70x7 = ALWAYS forgive = realize no right to condemn. b. Mary Baker Eddy ~ Prayed multi times/day that she was not criticizing = look only for good always. EVERYONE needs to do the same thing. c. Dale Carnegie ~ Be careful about criticizing – tomorrow you may realize you are wrong and agree with the opposition. d. Francis Fluno ~ Criticism = prevents progress for oneself. 6.Foundation for criticizing = non-existent. 7.Pay it forward – movie Give to everyone without even having a specified reason. Give to be reflecting love impersonally. Joy greatest when giving for benefit of someone else. Always try to give anonymously. 8.Think about GIVING TO ~ not forgiving. 9.Dogs bark to get attention. Look for the real reason. The barking may be only a symbol pointing to an unrelated cause. Any individual can be acting like a dog with a desperate desire to get attention. 10.Need a problem solved – address it ASAP 11.Please refer to mp3 for more complete details. |
4 | 7 Symns for God | Treat MBEI | God | MBEI | Freedom and Free | Treat Mp3 | Show all | 09/27/2023 -- What is freedom? & What is Free? SUMMARY Mary Baker Eddy: a. America was the only place where Christian Science could have been discovered, founded and had leadership. b. America, freedom of religion and freedom of speech. c. America founded by those escaping the oppression of the dictatorships of Europe ~ First priority was freedom in the New World. d. America has been totally under the control of UK since 1871 when America borrowed money from a Rockefeller family for the Civil War which was instigated by UK for the very purpose of dividing America. A new Constitution was put in place which made America subservient to the UK government instead of American government being subservient to American Population. e. All attorneys swear to the oath which is controlled by the UK ~ Using the title Esquire after their real name. f. The Queen of England has been controlling the US for the last 80 years. g. The 5 Eyes are all UK controlled. h. The Patriot Act was for the very reason of strengthening the UK control over the US population. i. Patriot Act was the result of 9-11 September 11, 2001 tragedy. This tragedy was all pre-engineered in order to establish the Patriot Act for further control of the population by the UK. 5. Referenced Authors: a. Christ Jesus ~ Ability to focus on truth and Truth. b. Mary Baker Eddy ~ i. System of divine metaphysics ~ Please See Header. ii. It enables everyone to apply the system and get a consistent result. iii. Science and Health could not be published until Mary Baker Eddy delivered the manuscript for Animal Magnetism. c. Robert Putnam ~ i. Council of Nicaea 325 A.D. ii. Council of Nicaea gave total control of religion to the state; d. Frederick L Rawson ~ i. Treatment or Healing by True Prayer ~ 1,315 Treatments; ii. Instant healing ~ There is nothing but God. e. Helen Wright ~ i. Your Divinity Revealed ~ Separate Chapters for each of the 7 Synonyms for God. ii. 6 volume edition of a complete Analysis of the 1875 Science and Health iii. It is our duty to follow the 10 Commandments iv. Sermon on the Mount v. The Golden Rule vi. If we follow only the first commandment that suffices if we understand what God is, which is defined by Mary Baker Eddy on page 465 and 587. vii. The operators must be applied to the elements in order to give the correct result. viii. Math, music, and divine metaphysics all have elements, and operators. |
5 | 7 Symns for God | Treat MBEI | Term for God | MBEI | God is Mind ~ Network of 7 | Treat Mp3 | Show all | 12/03/2022 --- All the synonyms work together in one grand network. Like the Redwood Sequoia trees of Northwest California, the roots bond together in unity to make them all as one unified cohesion of strength.
We are all one brotherhood as we share the only and only Father-Mother God. |
6 | 7 Symns for God | Treat MBEI | God | MBEI | Intelligence ~ God the Source | Treat_Mp3 | Show all | 09/21/2023 -- SUMMARY 1. Science & Health ~ Chpt 1 Prayer ~ Pg 2 & 3 God's Standard God is Love. Can we ask Him to be more? God is intelligence. Can we inform the infinite Mind of anything He does not already comprehend? Do we expect to change perfection? Shall we plead for more at the open fount, which is pouring forth more than we accept? The unspoken desire does bring us nearer the source of all existence and blessedness. The spiritual mathematics Asking God to be God is a vain repetition. God is 'the same yesterday, and to-day, and forever;' and He who is immutably right will do right without being reminded of His province. The wisdom of man is not sufficient to warrant him in advising God. Who would stand before a blackboard, and pray the principle of mathematics to solve the problem? The rule is already established, and it is our task to work out the solution. Shall we ask the divine Principle of all goodness to do His own work? His work is done, and we have only to avail ourselves of God's rule in order to receive His blessing, which enables us to work out our own salvation. The Divine Being must be reflected by man, — else man is not the image and likeness of the patient, tender, and true, the One 'altogether lovely;' but to understand God is the work of eternity, and demands absolute consecration of thought, energy, and desire. 2. Science and Health ~ Chpt 17 Glossary ~ Pg 587 GOD. The great I AM; the all-knowing, all-seeing, all-acting, all-wise, all-loving, and eternal; Principle; Mind; Soul; Spirit; Life; Truth; Love; all substance; intelligence. GOOD. God; Spirit; omnipotence; omniscience; omnipresence; omni-action. 3. The spiritual nature of the senses. Senses of soul are the spiritual senses, not the so called material senses. 4.Fake it until you make it. 5.Referenced Authors: 1. Christ Jesus ~ Ability to focus on truth and Truth; 2. Mary Baker Eddy ~ System of divine metaphysics; 3. Robert Putnam ~ Ten Bible Lessons, Council of Nicaea and Mystery of Godliness & Iniquity; 4. Frederick L Rawson ~ Treatment or Healing by True Prayer ~ 1,315 Treatments; 5. Helen Wright ~ Your Divinity Revealed ~ Separate Chapters for each of the 7 Synonyms for God. God is all in all and there is nothing but God. |
7 | 7 Symns for God | Treat MBEI | Mind Reveals Truth | MBEI | Law, Governor, Controller | Treat Mp3 | Show all | 12/27/2022 --- End All Conflict ~ Mind Reveals Truth The fact that there is only one Mind, opens the door to grasp the reality that there can also be only one Law, Governor, and therefore all is controlled by the one Controller, God. This God is neither a part-time God nor a space-limited God. God either is All-in-all or there is no God. There is too much evidence to refute the omnipresence of God. God requires a manifestation just as an artist must express the thoughts being held that beg expression. Otherwise, the artist is not an artist but only a name without significance. Man is required of God in order for God to be man's God. And, Man is the image and God is the source ---!!! |
8 | 7 Symns for God | Treat MBEI | Terms for God - Your Divinity Revealed | MBEI | Letting the term for God be a Guide to Heal | Treat Mp3 Treat Pdf | Show all | 07/28/2023 --- God is incorporeal, divine, supreme, infinite Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth, Love. [SH 465]
The great I AM; the all-knowing, all-seeing, all-acting, all-wise, all-loving, and eternal; Principle; Mind; Soul; Spirit; Life; Truth; Love; all substance; intelligence. [SH 587] |
9 | 7 Symns for God | Treat MBE | Diapason of Heaven | Eddy, Mary Baker | MBE College Class Notes 1881 to 1898 ~ Mind | Treat Mp3 Treat Pdf | Show all | 08/03/2023 ---- 1 of 7 MIND - THE DIAPASON OF HEAVEN Mrs. Eddy writes, “The real Christian Scientist is constantly accentuating harmony in word and deed, mentally and orally, perpetually repeating this diapason of heaven: ‘Good is my God, and my God is good. Love is my God, and my God is Love.’” (Mis. 206:19) |
10 | Prayer Treatment | 1-Mind | Mortal Mind ~ False Belief | MBEI | Mind ~ Belief is not Fact | Treat Mp3 Full Page | Show all | 01/17/2025 ~ Mind ~ Belief is not Fact Mind ~ Fact Mortal Mind ~ Suggestions to form False – Belief SOME KEY POINTS 1. If we prove a belief to be fact, then it is no longer a false belief & is termed Truth, a fact, something that is fixed, not variable. 2. If we understand what God is & what man is & the relationship between God & man, then we very definitely have something that is fixed & is able to be relied on to set us free from anything that is un-like-God. 3. Mary Baker Eddy uses the term evil as a very broad term to mean anything that is un-like-God, no matter what the form it takes. 4. On the one side we have something that is a representation of the incorporeal, divine, supreme & infinite Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth & Love, & this all refers to reality. 5. Everything that is not reality is a misunderstanding & is not really a fact at all, can never be proven to be a fact, and must be accepted as only a belief that is a false view. So that is termed as false belief, opposed to a true fact. 6. If one wants to obtain a healing, then the goal is to separate fact from fiction, truth from fantasy, perfection from anything that is less than perfect. 7. Perfection is flawless. There is no mixture with perfection. It is a fixed fact. 8. Anything at all that is in visible form must be translated to its true spiritual nature as long as it is real. For example, a beautiful rose must be recognized & acknowledged as the beauty of God being expressed, the fragrance, the aroma or smell, is the spiritual sense being expressed. 9. The way the petals unfold from a tight bud into a full bloom is the action of divine Mind revealing itself. All of these qualities are the substance of Spirit, which is flawless. 10. If something appears to be visible that is evil, such as a storm, then it must be recognized as not being a part of the reality of the universe of God, but an attempt to distract consciousness & implant into consciousness that reality includes evil. We must claim Truth to be the only reality & the only action that can exist is good action, the action of God, the action of perfect, all intelligent Mind. 11. EVIL ~ Our duty is to refuse to believe that evil is real ~ & specifically state that it is unreal & not from God ~ it is a fiction & has absolutely no power ~ because the only power is the power of divine Mind which is defined as good. 12. God is of purer eyes than to behold evil. If God is all seeing, God cannot behold evil. That means evil is not real. [Habakkuk] |
11 | Prayer Treatment | 1-Mind | Mind ~ Cross & Water | MBEI | Mind ~ Cross & Water | Treat Mp3 Full Page | Show all | 01/26/2025 ~ Quotes ~ Definitions ~ How to Heal Everything 1. Intro quotes from Science & Health 2. Definitions of God & Good 3. 7 terms for God 4. 4 Operators 5. View All above Index 6. Other recommended links View SOME KEY POINTS 1. Whenever we study, seeking truth is our purpose. Once we find a morsel of truth, then our next goal is to demonstrate it, prove it by living it. 2. How are we thinking about anything that we're confronted with? The way we think about it is going to determine our view, & that's going to determine whether it's a positive or a negative for our experience. 3. Something that appears to be negative can be flipped to be positive if we accept it as a challenge to understand Christian Science better & grow from the experience. We need to always be alert to be sure of what we are viewing is good or evil. If it is evil we need to flip it to see what is good. For Example: If a sports team is playing in a competition & they're getting beaten badly, you will find the coach will be discussing not whether they are ahead or behind but whether they are playing in accordance to the principles of the game. 4. What are the principles of any project we are involved in? It is between us & the principle of what we are doing & no one else is involved. 5. When we study, we seek the truth. We seek the principle, & we apply the truth to the principle to formulate the model in our thought of how we should be living our life. If we do that, we will be able to demonstrate that it is true. And then we will be able to grow by it. We will increase our confidence because we've gained something new to add to our reservoir of consciousness that we know to be true. 6. Mary Baker Eddy gives us a number of references on the word cross & they all have a central theme. That is what we need to take up the cross as Jesus did, & not try to ignore it, but to face it head on. 7. CROSS ~ It's a symbol of materialism, any kind of un-God-like activity. 8. She says, take it up & bear it. We have to face it & solve the problem. If we ignore it, it will grow & become more difficult to see its nothingness. 9. It's much easier to face the evil & solve when it's small. So at the very onset of any problem, that is when we attack it. 10. Jesus was not meek when he was dealing with evil. He was very aggressive. There was no doubt in his thought about what he needed to do or say. He did it with great force. 11. Mary Baker Eddy tells us that we are to guard our door of thought as if it was a door in our house to protect us from thieves & murderers. That's exactly what evil is. It tries to steal the goodness from our consciousness, & it tries to kill any good thought we have. |
12 | Prayer Treatment | 1-Mind | Mind, Guarding thought, Evil, | MBEI | Mind ~ Guarding Thought by Understanding How Evil Operates | Treat Mp3 Full Page | Show all | 01/18/2025 ~ Quotes ~ Definitions ~ How to Heal Everything 1. Intro quotes from Science & Health 2. Definitions of God & Good 3. 7 terms for God 4. 4 Operators 5. View All above Index 6. Other recommended links View SOME KEY POINTS 1. We should always be striving for seeing the truth & rejecting any false path. 2. MOMENT ~ smallest amount of time. Time can never be recovered so being constructive with every moment is the difference between success & failure. 3. We have to always be viewing everything through the 5 spiritual senses, such as: 1. Sight ~ spiritual discernment. 2. Hearing ~ spiritual understanding. 3. Feeling ~ divine consciousness. 4. Smell ~ intuition of character. 5. Taste ~ relish of Truth. [Richard Oakes ~ Blue Book ~ Pg 222] 4. Mortal Mind or matter cannot make laws or influence anyone. There is only one Mind, & that Mind is the source of all laws & is the intelligence of Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth & Love. 5. Do not give life to evil by attaching it to a person or thing. It cannot live without a body. Always separate the evil from personality. The healing must be within one's own consciousness as evil is only a false belief & does not belong to any person. 6. Man is immortal. There is but one infinite manifestation. No error can attach itself to man ~ Why deceive ourselves by thinking it can do so? 7. Every manifestation of life is ever-present & omnipresent good, & this carries within itself all healing & sustaining. Know that the kingdom of heaven is within you, & this is your armor. 8. With any problem, one must always dig to get to the root cause. Evil is always deceptive. Be sure you are not being tricked by working on a decoy instead of working on the real root cause. 9. Man is not a creator. He does not even assist in creation. The only power to create is with God. God finished his creation as stated in Genesis 1:1 through 2:3. One only needs to awaken to the fact that creation is already perfect & complete. Creation is not really a creation but an individual awakening of what is already true ~ a revelation. 10. Before any action is taken, we need to be sure that we are viewing the topic through the spiritual senses. This will eliminate many of the mistakes that otherwise would be made. Click full page to view more details. |
13 | Prayer Treatment | 1-Mind | Mind ~ Progress Block | MBEI | Mind ~ Live a Life of Giving to PREVENT Progress Block | Treat Mp3 Full Page | Show all | 02/08/2025 ~ Quotes ~ Definitions ~ How to Heal Everything 1. Intro quotes from Science & Health 2. Definitions of God & Good 3. 7 terms for God 4. 4 Operators 5. View All above Index SOME KEY POINTS 1. Mary Baker Eddy emphasizes the need to transform mortal thought. In other words, we need to examine consciousness from a material standpoint which has been based upon compounding lie upon lie for our entire lives. 2. It is a gradual process to transform it from matter to Spirit, from evil to good, from mortal Mind to immortal Mind, from material sense of life to a spiritual sense of life to a material sense of Soul whereby we are depending upon seeing, hearing, feeling, tasting & smelling from a material sense standpoint to its reality, which is spiritual sense. 3. When we think about utilizing our spiritual senses for identification, the items listed in #1 & 2 above are the kinds of terms we need to be thinking of if we want to be in the sanctuary of Spirit, where we're looking through lens of Spirit. 4. INFINITE PROGRESSION IS CONRETE BEING ~ We should continue to have infinite progression as long as we are on the path of Truth. If we follow the path of Truth then we are NOT blocking our progress. 5. Are we looking for the real Truth? If YES, then we will be able to stay on that path of Infinite progression, because it means that we are only going to let into our consciousness things that are true about God, man, the relationship between God & man. 6. We can eliminate any kind of a blockage from a belief of its existence, if we stay on the path of Truth. 7. Genesis 1:1 ~ IN THE BEGINNING ~ Mary Baker Eddy defines BEGINNING as being the ONLY record of spiritual creation. 8. Genesis 1:1 to Genesis 2:3 ~ God says, Let us make man in our image & after our likeness. And then it says, God made man in our image & after our likeness. 9. In other words, we cannot benefit from the ~ TRUE RECORD OF CREATION ~ unless we open our thought to it. We have to let the Truth ~ THAT GOD MADE MAN ~ into our consciousness in order to get the benefit from this fact. God did it but we cannot benefit from it unless we permit this fact into our individual consciousness. This is an individual choice. Each one must be ~ WORKING OUT THEIR OWN INDIVIDUAL SALVATION. Click full page to view more details.. |
14 | Prayer Treatment | 1-Mind | Majority Governs ~ Which Majority Should We Let Govern Us? | MBEI | Mind ~ Majority Governs | Treat Mp3 Full Page | Show all | 02/26/2025 ~ Majority Governs ~ Who is the Majority? 1. The majority always governs & controls. 2. Who is the majority? 3. What controls the majority? 4. Is there more than 1 majority? 5. What is it that controls all humanity? 6. Is there any other entity to consider? 7. Who controls other entities? 8. What is the purpose of the control? 9. What direction is it going? Guiding Factors 1. The first introductory quote in Science & Health, is from Jesus. 2. Since it is the first text, it serves as an extremely important message that Mary Baker Eddy is giving to the alert student. 3. To get the most out of any serious publication, one must constantly question the text. 4. The researcher of the Bible & the Mary Baker Eddy's writings are likely hoping & expecting to improve their life by latching onto new spiritual ideas. Click Full page to view more details.. |
15 | Prayer Treatment | 1-Mind | Mind Controls All | MBEI | Mind ~ Our Father-Mother God ~ Controls Everyone & Everything | Treat Mp3 Full Page | Show all | 01/05/2025 ~ Quotes & Definitions 1. Intro quotes from Science & Health 2. Definitions of God & Good 3. 7 terms for God 4. 4 Operators 5. View All above Index 6. System of divine metaphysics View SOME KEY POINTS 1. The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together; and a little child shall lead them. [Isaiah 11:06 ] 2. Focus ~ exploring how to clarify thought regarding draining the swamp. Swamp is where everything un-like-God dwells. 3. Everything outside the swamp is pure & perfect because the only substance is Spirit. 4. Spirit is defined as flawless & transparent. Therefore, it is completely reflective. 5. There is no alloy for it is not mixed with anything less than itself. It's unique characteristics is a unique manifestation of God & is individualized for each one that reflects it. 6. Every symbol that appears as a human being is really a unique child of God with unique characteristics, with a niche that is just for them. 7. No one can interfere with the niche of someone else. No one can take it away from them. No one can displace another out of their niche. No one can displace us out of our niche. 8. We all have a niche which is a specific purpose for us to exist. It's like what is our isness is our uniqueness. And our uniqueness can only reflect the only source there is, consisting of the only substance. 9. The only source is divine Mind, infinite, incorporeal, supreme Mind. That's the only Spirit, or substance, that exists. 10. Mind is incorporeal, no body, it is all mental & divine. It's absolutely perfect, supreme, there's nothing higher. It is the apex of infinity & the perfection of infinity & all mental, which means not corporeal, but incorporeal, that is without any limit of any physical body. 11. The terms incorporeal, divine, supreme, infinite apply equally to Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth & Love. 12. Every quality of God can be reflected by anyone that is thinking in spiritual terms. It's like any number in mathematics. That same number, no matter what it is, can be shared by everyone because it is not a physical thing. It is a mental concept. 13. Every mental concept is an idea. Therefore, there is no limit to its ability to be utilized or reflected by anyone & everyone. |
16 | 7 Symns for God | Treat MBEI | Mind Controls All | MBEI | Mind ~ Place, Space, Time | Treat Mp3 | Show all | 08/28/2023 -- Place, Space, Time ~ One Mind Controls All SUMMARY 1. Divine metaphysics is now reduced to a system, to a form comprehensible by and adapted to the thought of the age in which we live. This system enables the learner to demonstrate the divine Principle, upon which Jesus’ healing was based, and the sacred rules for its present application to the cure of disease. ~ Science and Health 146:31 2.System Defined (a) Synonyms 1. Mind ~ Source of everything needed because it is mental. 2. Spirit ~ The only substance which is flawless. 3. Soul ~ Spiritual viewpoint of all existence. 4. Principle ~ System and structure which is always in balance. 5. Life ~ Living the qualities of God and multiplying by reflection. 6. Truth ~ Staying on track without deviation. 7. Love ~ Nurturing all the qualities to bring understanding to recognize wholeness. (b) Operators 1. Word ~ the facts about God 2. Christ ~ translating what comes our way to its spiritual nature. 3. Christianity ~ using the understanding to demonstrate two items above were accurately understood 4. Science ~ approve understanding of reality as a result of the three items above is complete. ------------------------------------------- 3. Study (Your Divinity Revealed) by Helen Wright to understand the above eleven components. ------------------------------------------- 4.Beautiful cooperation between two countries that are draining the swamp. 1. Exposing the Evil (a) Nazism (b) Child abuse (c) Child trafficking (d) Child kidnapping (e) Child slavery Market (f) Pedophilia (g) Biological laboratories for genocide (h) Violating country's borders. (i) Violating international agreements. (j) Violating security of other countries. (k) Murdering civilians of neighboring countries 2. Eradicating the evils noted above 3. Returning the children to their parents. ------------------------------------------- 5. Nothing can be out of place or lacking space or be out of sequence because Mind is always in control. ------------------------------------------- 6. Giving and gratitude are the cure for lack. ------------------------------------------- 7. Lack Below is a list of some of the solutions that are effective to heal the believe of lack: 1. Forget about ‘ME’ attitude. TRASH it --- !!! a. Focus on everyone & everything EXCLUDING yourself. b. Homeless ~ (1)children, (2)adults, (3)animals. c. If you are homeless, forget it and focus on others. 2. Give generously & ANONYMOUSLY. 3. Express gratitude in ACTIONS about everything good. LOOK for good. Mary Baker Eddy did this 3 times a day. 4. SMILE ALL THE TIME from within so it is NOT fake. Smile with JOY in your heart. 5. If you cannot figure out why you should be joyful --- forget Christian Science --- you are lost and do not want to be found. 6. You should be able to make a gratitude list of 100 spiritual qualities anytime 24/7/365 --- !!! ------------------------------------------- 8. Wisdom of a Pastor: a. The parents were members of his church and had 6 children. b. They lived in a 1 room apartment. c. Sunday ~ they complained to the Pastor that they needed more rooms. d. Monday ~ a knock on the door. The Pastor brought 6 goats, and left them in their room. e. The Pastor said have FUN, I'll come back in a month and see how you are doing. f. One month later, the Pastor checked on them. g. They were all happy, having fun playing with the goats. h. The Pastor returned the goats to their owner. i. The parents said WOW, we have so much room. j. Gratitude for what one has always bring joy to the heart. ------------------------------------------- 9. Authors mentioned 1. Christ Jesus ~ Perfect Man 2. Mary Baker Eddy ~ (a) System of Divine metaphysics (b) A little here, a little there 3. Frederick L Rawson ~ Make other people happy 4. President Trump ~ The art of the deal 5. Helen Wright ~ (a) Your Divinity Revealed (b) Eleven components defined 6. Wentworth Winslow ~ 4 books about God 7. Bicknell Young ~ First one to realize that the Mind of God is the one & only Mind that exists |
17 | Prayer Treatment | 1-Mind | Mind, Power, Principle, Government | MBEI | Mind ~ Power ~ Principle ~ Government | Treat Mp3 Full Page | Show all | 01/18/2025 ~ 1. CORRUPT FORCE BELIEF: The so-called corrupt forces within the government have been controlling the whole world since the beginning of the history of humanity. 2. FALSE RECORD OF CREATION: This false belief has stemmed from the biblical account of the false record of creation, which begins in Genesis 2:4. Throughout the Bible, the various chapters & verses have been peppered with, if not inundated with, this second record of creation or the results therefrom. 3. ADAM & EVE: Supposedly Adam & Eve were in the Garden of Eden & there was an apple tree, that contained apples of both good & evil. And the wrong choice was made. Therefore, the entire history of humanity is filled with the false belief that man is a sinner. 4. GENERIC MAN: Defined as being the qualities of a male, female, & child. 5. MALE: Courage, strength, perseverance, fatherhood, protector & responsibility. The president of the United States indicates that his primary function is to protect the United States. 6. FEMALE: Tenderness, kindness, nurturing, loving, forgiving, & compassion. 7. CHILD: Innocence, trust, forgiveness, & curiosity. 8. GENERIC MAN: A very complete character, one that includes all of the qualities. 9. SITUATION DICTATES NEED: What one individual prefers when dealing with another is for those qualities to be represented at any given moment based on what the need is. So if a woman is with a man & there is a danger involved, they're looking for the man to be courageous, brave & bold. 10. MOTHER & BABY: If there is a mother that has a new baby, the father is looking for the mother to be caring, nurturing, kind. Both of them look to a baby as being curious, in other words, one that wants to learn new things as well as being innocent & trustful. Click the full page to view more details. |
18 | Prayer Treatment | 1-Mind | Mind, Principle, Spiritual foundation | MBEI | Mind ~ Principle ~ True Foundation | Treat Mp3 Full Page | Show all | 01/17/2025 ~ Quotes ~ Definitions ~ How to Heal Everything 1. Intro quotes from Science & Health 2. Definitions of God & Good 3. 7 terms for God 4. 4 Operators 5. View All above Index 6. Other recommended links View SOME KEY POINTS 1. If one desires any topic in which they desire to have a permanent foundation, then Principle is the operative word, which is the 4th term for God in the order of spiritual development. 2. How do we obtain a true spiritual foundation? Mary Baker Eddy, in her usage of the term ~ creative ability ~ which gives us the function needed to start building the foundation ~ she assigns it to the synonymous term for God, which is Mind. 3. The term ~ creates ~ is assigned to both the term Mind & Spirit, because Spirit is substance. So, you must have a foundation based on the substance of Spirit if you expect it to be of permanent value. 4. Mind being the ~ creative ability ~ is where we must look in order to build a true foundation. 5. Principle is the core ~ the center of all structure & system. Therefore, Mind, Spirit, Soul, Life, Truth & Love ~ all 6 ~ branch out from Principle, & everything connects to it. Principle is always in balance & therefore always harmonious. But that is only the case if each of the other 6 synonymous terms for God are involved in the structure, the foundation, or the principle. Otherwise it is not in balance & it will not be harmonious. 6. Mary Baker Eddy assigns the words ~ idea & ideal ~ to both Mind & Principle. 7. We could think of Mind as generating ~ the idea ~ Principle as holding ~ the idea ~ as a part of the foundation to Truth. So the ~ ideal idea ~ is a result of the interaction between Mind, Principle & Truth. 8. In many of the prayer treatments that the Mary Baker Eddy Institute (MBEI) provides, there is discussion about the interaction of the 7 synonyms & how they are all connected as one grand complete operation & functionality of God, along with the 4 operators & 4 levels. 9. Mary Baker Eddy used another term for Mind which is ~ all faculty ~ & that really includes ~ capacity, capability, functionality, action, & facility. Those together bring about performance & that is measured as power. 10. Mind is incorporeal, divine, supreme, & infinite. Those 4 terms also apply to the other 6 synonymous terms to define God. These terms are adjectives to explain the characteristics of the other 6 terms for God which are Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth & Love. |
19 | Prayer Treatment | 1-Mind | Success, Genius, Desire | MBEI | Mind ~ Success Depends on Desire | Treat Mp3 Full Page | Show all | 01/31/2025 ~ SOME KEY POINTS 1. GENIUS ~ What does it mean? Less the than 1% of the people that begin a project actually stick with the requirements to be successful to bring it to a conclusion. If you are in that less than 1%, then you qualify as a genius. 2. Being a genius doesn't have anything to do with your IQ, DNA, family, heritage, upbringing, the atmosphere of your home life or anything else. 3. What matters is: a. Where are you right now? b. What is your desire? c. How serious is it? d. Is it serious enough for you to bring the project to a successful conclusion? There are plenty of tools to assist in doing that. 4. The question is, will you do it? Will you formulate a good worthwhile project & stick to the formula without deviation unless there's some good reason to be adjusting the plan. 5. You will have been less than 1 out of a 100 to finish what you start on a worthwhile project. And when it's done, you will have been successful. 6. The Mary Baker Eddy Institute gives you all the tools that you need from start to finish. 7. If you are a sincere student of Christian Science & the System of Divine metaphysics, you have the opportunity to transform every phase of your life to a dimension superior to what it was previously. 8. Everything is elevated to a more spiritual basis, which means a more permanent foundation. There is no difference between one goal & another as long as it is a wholesome goal. If it benefits all humanity, that makes it all the more valuable. 9. The formula is the same regardless of the project. 10. I have seen people work on a project for 2 or 3 years consistently, & then all of a sudden they give up. Most people will give up long before 2 or 3 years of consistent effort, but that just gives you a clue as to how rare it is for someone to complete a project if it is a major project, because there appears to be so much resistance for people to become successful that they easily are distracted, diverted & discouraged. 11. In studying the System of Divine Metaphysics, we can make progress on a continuous basis & when we do that, we should be encouraged by the progress that we see taking place every time we study. |
20 | Prayer Treatment | 1-Mind | Divine Mind ~ Turns on the light | MBEI | Mind ~ Turns on the Light | Treat Mp3 Full Page | Show all | 01/14/2025 ~ Quotes ~ Definitions ~ How to Heal Everything 1. Intro quotes from Science & Health 2. Definitions of God & Good 3. 7 terms for God 4. 4 Operators 5. View All above Index 6. Other recommended links View SOME KEY POINTS 1. Important points of Christian Science [SH 497]. The first one ~ As adherents of Truth, we take the inspired Word of the Bible as our sufficient guide to eternal life. 2. Genesis 1:1 to Genesis 2:3 ~ 7 days of creation ~ This is the unfoldment of the spiritual record of creation. 3. Day 1 ~ In the beginning, God said, let there be light. And there was light. 4. God saw the light that it was good. And God divided the light from the darkness. God called the light day, & the darkness he called night, & the evening & the morning are the first day. 5. We cannot tell the difference between one thing & another unless the light is on. 6. Divine Mind turns on the light so we can see the spiritual sense of the Bible. And there is a very methodical, systematic, scientific way to do that. 7. Mary Baker Eddy states: 7a. Divine metaphysics is now reduced to a system, to a form comprehensible by & adapted to the thought of the age in which we live. 7b. This system enables the learner to demonstrate the divine Principle upon which Jesus's healing was based & the sacred rules for its application to the cure of disease. [SH 146] Click to view further details on full page. |
21 | 7 Symns for God | Treat MBEI | Vision - perception | MBEI | Mind ~ Vision & Perception | Treat Mp3 | Show all | 08/10/2023 --- Most important topic is vision-perception. "Can you focus no matter what comes your way?" ~ Mary Baker Eddy
"There is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so." ~ Shakespeare Our thoughts controls our experience. Cultivate perfect thoughts to have a perfect experience. ~ Frederick L Rawson Do not pick up the phone which is only offering mortal mind suggestions. Instead listen to radio station KOG to hear only messages from God about the Kingdom of Heaven. ~ Wentworth Winslow |
22 | 7 Symns for God | Treat MBEI | God | MBEI | Vision ~ Master Key | Treat Mp3 | Show all | 09/24/2023 -- SUMMARY 1. Introduction quotes to Science and Health 1. Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. — John viii. 32 2. There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so. — Shakespeare 3. Oh! Thou hast heard my prayer; And I am blest! This is Thy high behest: — Thou here, and everywhere. — Mary Baker Eddy 2. Science and Health ~ Chpt 17 Glossary ~ Pg 587 GOD. The great I AM; the all-knowing, all-seeing, all-acting, all-wise, all-loving, and eternal; Principle; Mind; Soul; Spirit; Life; Truth; Love; all substance; intelligence. GOOD. God; Spirit; omnipotence; omniscience; omnipresence; omni-action. 3. God is incorporeal, divine, supreme, infinite Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth, Love. ~ SH 465 ~ Mary Baker Eddy 4. Referenced Authors: 1. Christ Jesus ~ Ability to focus on truth and Truth; 2. Albert Einstein ~ “Blessed art Thou (MBE) because everything that really is, is in this Book. (SH)” “To think that a woman knew this over 80 years ago. 3. Bliss Knapp ~ He is an author, and it was regarding the fan. The fan is a symbol for separation, separating the good from the evil. 4. . Mary Baker Eddy a. System of divine metaphysics; ~ Please See Header b. Many items in the manual require her personal signature, which means that they were designed to self expire. c. The branches were detached from the mother church, with the Mother church having no authority over them. d. To see the authentic publications by Mary Baker Eddy without bureaucratic unauthorized changes. Please refer to 1910 final editions, all of which are on our website. All 16 books + the textbook. e. Please see article on Vision in Mary Baker Eddy Index 5. Frederick L Rawson ~ a. Treatment or Healing by True Prayer ~ 1,315 Treatments; b. Instant healing ~ There is nothing but God. 6. Francis J Fluno ~ See article on Criticism 7. Helen Wright ~ Your Divinity Revealed ~ Separate Chapters for each of the 7 Synonyms for God. 8. Wentworth Winslow a. The telephone = mesmeric communication; b. Radio KOG = facts about God. |
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