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1 | God | Articles & Books | God Can Do It | Winslow, Wentworth Byron | An Anachronism | MP3 PDF | Show all | An Anachronism ~ God Can Do It ~ Pgs 9 to 12 How Christ Jesus Overcame the 3 Temptations of the Devil The door is open for everyone to strive to overcome temptations All about us are voices, music, songs, and so on, and if we dial in on them, we can hear them. Seldom, though, do we realize that the Voice of God is omnipresent, with its omniscience and omnipotence. If we dial in on Station KOG (Kingdom of God) we may hear that voice. The divine Mind, God, or Spirit, is omnipresent; but the human mind, the devil or Satan, is not omnipresent. It is related in Job that 'there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord, and Satan came also among them. And the Lord said unto Satan, Whence comest thou? Then Satan answered the Lord, and said, From going to and fro in the earth, and from walking up and down in it.' From this biblical statement, it is plain that the human mind, or the devil, is not omnipresent, and, unlike omnipresent Spirit, it needs material things to put its messages across. I liken the method of reception of the human mind messages to a telephone, and that of the reception of the Word of God, or the omnipresence of Spirit, to a radio..... |
2 | God | Articles & Books | God | Winslow, Wentworth Byron | Books by Winslow | Show all | Wentworth B Winslow ~ 122 articles ~ 4 Volumes Many years ago the writer started out to play a part in the world. He has everything necessary to make a success of his part and make it a happy one. He had a father, highly respected, with a pedigree unexcelled, who gave him a first-class education; who put him into what was considered one of the finest positions leading up to an honorable career, if advantage were taken of the opportunities present; who gave him the entree everywhere that was worthwhile having an entree to; in fact, who started him off with advantages far beyond the ordinary. Instead of taking his part, however, the writer traveled along another road of his own choosing, and finally became ill, until some thirty-five years ago he was given up to die, and this verdict was pronounced by some of the best physicians in New York.' About this time he heard of the wonderful might of the Lord to heal and save, and, though little impressed, sought out one who professed to heal through this power. This man told him to 'put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh, to fulfill the lusts thereof' (Paul to the Romans), and showed him how to take his part; and, as he did so, he became wholly healed and well.' Mr. Winslow was listed as a practitioner in The Christian Science Journal from 1906 through 1938. |
3 | God | Book | Your Divinity Revealed | Wright, Helen M | General Review | Show all | Chpt 3 ~ General Review ~ Pg 40 - 41 Why Stress the Intellectual? Before going on to study the synonyms and the terms listed under each, let's review what we have seen so far. Why is it necessary to stress the intellectual side more than the inspirational side in this study of the seven synonymous terms for God? Mrs. Eddy uses 'intellectual' in a positive way both in Science and Health and in Prose Works. In Pulpit and Press, vii:13 she speaks of our present time as 'that advanced age, with its lenses of more spiritual mentality, indicating the gain of intellectual momentum, on the early footsteps of Christian Science .... ' Christian Science is both intellectual and spiritual It must be explained in order to be understood. As mentioned before, Mrs. Eddy has more than one hundred and twenty references to learn, learned, learning, learns, learner and learners in Science and Health, indicating that Science is something that must be learned. Why Study the Seven Synonyms? Nothing is more important than this study of the seven synonymous terms for God, since only a consciousness that is prepared can ultimately grasp Being's own declaration and explanation of itself. God, the one Being-what you are, having 'the kingdom of God within you'__ has declared its nature and essence to be Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth, and Love. The central theme of Christian Science is the investigation of the meaning of these seven synonymous terms for God. In no other way can mankind find reality and the divine system of reference than through learning and assimilating the meaning of the seven synonymous terms. How do they operate? What is their purpose? How can we catch the meaning and spirit of these seven terms? Why Are the Seven Synonymous Terms So Important to Us? The seven synonymous terms depict our Being, and the ideas of those synonymous terms reflect our Mind. These seven terms are the groundwork, the basis, the elements of our being. What could be more important than the study of Being that is our being? When we become aware of this, we realize it would not be an economical use of our time to pursue other lines of thought or try to get answers to anything other than the question of the one Being that in reality is our being. This must be established at the outset. When consciousness is engaged in the contemplation of the seven synonymous terms it is pursuing the only line that is beneficially productive. Nothing else really matters, as pioneers like Doorly, Kappeler and other earnest students saw. Is the human mind or the brain a factor? |
4 | God | Science and Health | God | Eddy, Mary Baker | God's Standard | Show all | Chpt 1 ~ Prayer ~ Pgs 2:23-30 God's Standard God is Love. Can we ask Him to be more? God is intelligence. Can we inform the infinite Mind of anything He does not already comprehend? Do we expect to change perfection? Shall we plead for more at the open fount, which is pouring forth more than we accept? The unspoken desire does bring us nearer the source of all existence and blessedness. |
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