Bible Lessons
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1 | Bible | Christianity & Bible Lessons | God | Putnam, Dr. Robert C | Council of Nicaea ~ 325 A.D. | MP3 PDF | Show all | 12/20/2023 ~ Cause of Corruption & Downfall of Christianity This meeting defined God to be a man. This converted Christianity into a political bureaucracy by government mandate. As a result, the Dark ages began. Council of Nicaea ~ 325 A.D. ~ Cause of corruption & downfall of Christianity. 1. Defined Jesus to be God – Jesus defined himself as a servant of God; 2. Stripped Jesus of Bible prophesy dating from 2000 B.C; 3. Removed mandate of Jesus to mankind to “heal the sick”; 4. Robbed mankind of sovereignty by including false doctrine that opposed God; 5. Ignored disgusting ignoble conduct of 11 of the disciples toward Jesus and stellar spirituality of John; 6. Connected the church to a political structure – Roman Catholicism; 7. Stripped church of its spirituality & enabled mind-control & profit motive – opposite of Jesus’ motives; 8. Removed the books of Barnabus and Hermas to remove evidence about ABOVE FACTS. |
2 | Bible | Christianity & Bible Lessons | God | Putnam, Dr. Robert C | Mystery of Godliness and Iniquity | Show all | 1995 ~ 30 pgs ~ The Mystery of Godliness and the Mystery of Iniquity In ancient times the name of Rome was Saturnia, or the land of Saturn. Saturn was the principal God of Assyria or Babylonia or Chaldea. In ancient times alphabetical letters were used to form words, and numbers were assigned to the letters. Gematria is the use of Hebrew portions of the Bible interpreted in this manner. The Babylonians developed a number system that had 60 as its basis, and it was called the sexagesimal system and reminds us of our decimal system. In olden times the year was thought to be 360 days long. As this did not correspond properly with the seasons, five days were added as feast days. The world was represented as a circle with 360 divisions or days. By taking the radius and applying it to the circumference, one obtained 6 equal arcs, each representing 60 days. |
3 | Bible | Christianity & Bible Lessons | God | Putnam, Dr. Robert C | Ten Bible Lessons | Show all | 1963 ~ 146 Pgs ~ This unique volume makes available a highly organized and systematic presentation of many of the outstanding truths of the Bible. It discusses the spiritual qualities needed to become a true Christian as revealed in the lives of the principal Biblical figures, and stresses the application of these qualities in daily living. Through a special system of references, the student is able to see clearly the Biblical authority for the statements made in each lesson and is encouraged at each step to return to the Bible itself for inspiration. Intended for either individual or group study, Ten Bible Lessons contain more than enough material for a full year of Sunday School teaching. It is an invaluable guide for both new and advanced students of the Bible. |
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