Frederick L Rawson Healings Index


Frederick L. Rawson

Frederick L Rawson Healings Index
0. Introduction + Biography ~ Please see below
1. Healings ~ Scroll to See Below
2. How to Apply CS to Solve the Problem ~ Scroll to See Below
3. Treating Backwards or Retroactive Healing ~ Scroll to See Below
Excelled as a Christian Science healer
Mr. Rawson was hired by a London newspaper to research Christian Science as he also had a vivid interest in religious matters. He was hired to research whether or not the claims of healing were true, and if they were, what scientific basis there was for them.  As a result of his findings that they were indeed true, he took up the study seriously and became one of the most successful Christian Science practitioners.
Bio Summary ~ 2 pgs  View
Bio Comprehensive ~ 10 pgs View
Healings ~ Frederick L Rawson
# Group Category Topic Title Show All Description
1 Healings Two-wheel carts, Horse, Construction, Driver, Rock, God Accident ~ Rocks dumped on Man Show all One day when I was visiting Mr. Rawson in Lon­don we stood at a window looking out across the street.
2 Healings Horse, Beaten, Man, Window Animal beaten by driver came to Window Show all Another thing happened in that same connection. The horse didn’t do something that suited him and the owner started to
3 Healings World War I, Nothing but God Army ~ One Hundred Men Show all F. L. Rawson took one hundred men into World War I and came out without a scratch on any of
4 Healings Won Sportsman Shooting Contest Depending on oneness with God Show all Turned his head away from the target and closed his eyes. Thought about his oneness with God and God's perfection. Nothing
5 Healings Eczema, Disease, Christian Science, Testimony Recovery from Eczema Show all I saw at once that here was something which had not previously come within the range of my experience. I had suffered
How to Apply Christian Science to Solve the Problem ~ 1,315 Examples
Examples of Applied Treatment
Treatment is the word used to indicate that form of prayer which is based upon right thinking, namely, thinking of absolute good. It is actively thinking of the world of reality, or the absolute, called by the theologians, God and heaven; by scientific men, cause and its manifestation; and by meta­ physicians, Mind and its ideas. It is true communion with God, holy communion, the realisation of which the Church endeavours to bring about by the use of the bread and wine as symbols. The word treatment therefore signifies the line of demarca­tion between prayer thus understood and prayer based upon supplication addressed to a distant omnipotent being who, many think, may or may not answer or even hear the cry of the suppliant.
CLICK to view all 1,315 Examples   View
Treating Backwards or Retroactive Healing
“ Treating backwards or Retroactive Healing ” is the term applied to treatment when the person treated desires the apparent effect of the treatment to take place at a given time in the past. 
In treating backwards you can commence by realising that nothing is impossible to God; then realise that there is no such thing as time. Then give an ordinary treatment such as you usually give, and the treatment will take place at the time at which you think it will take place. Past, present and future, all are one, everything in the material world takes place at the same time. “ That which hath been is now; and that which is to be hath already been “ (Eccl. 3:15).“ Before they call, I will answer ” (Is. 65:24).

Treatment or Healing by True Prayer ~ 281 pgs by Frederick L Rawson View