The picture illustrates that:
1. The devil is puny, fragile & fearing.
2. Christ Jesus is shown as a powerhouse, very easy to destroy the devil.
3. The real meaning of Christ Jesus in this example is of being so powerful that it represents the supreme God consciousness or the Christ consciousness.
4. Christ is a title that was assigned to Jesus as he was the most perfect man that walked on the globe.
5 good reasons Why US is Christian
1. The currency says, in God we trust.
2. The commandments were carved on the exterior walls of all the courthouses.
3. In court, the left hand is placed on the Bible and the right hand is raised up to swear on the Bible.
4. You solemnly swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, & nothing but the truth, so help you God.
5. Lord’s prayer was said in churches and schools.
Easter Music
Easter Gladness ~ Christian Science Hymnal 171, 413 MP3
Let us sing of Easter gladness That rejoices every day, Sing of hope and faith uplifted; Love has rolled the stone away. Lo, the promise and fulfillment, Lo, the man whom God hath made, Seen in glory of an Easter Crowned with light that cannot fade. When we touch Truth's healing garment And behold Life's purity, When we find in Love the refuge That is man's security, When we turn from earth to Spirit, And from self have won release, Then we see the risen Saviour; Then we know his promised peace. Living meekly as the Master, Who of God was glorified, Looking ever to the radiance Of his wondrous Eastertide; Freed of fear, of pain, and sorrow, Giving God the honor due, Every day will be an Easter Filled with benedictions new.
Easter 2024 Prayer Treatments
2. Each day is a day of ascension
Mind ~ Let intelligence lead the way
How to maximize the productivity
every day
Uniqueness with a common thread
Christian Science Treatment
230330 ~ 44 min MP3
3. Easter ~ Place
God ~ We must change our place
Network of 7 Terms for God in Action
Find out the right place to be at any given moment
Christian Science Treatment 230326 ~ 55 min MP3
4. God anointed messengers
Life ~ God is the eternal life of every one of his ideas
Only the human concepts can be murdered
Each human concept is unique. Where are they now ?
Christian Science Treatment
230324 ~ 72 min MP3
1. Crucifixion ~ Item 2 proves Christ never crucified ~ Only a false view experienced the tragedy.
2. Resurrection ~ The elevation of thought for individual recognition & acceptance.
3. Probation ~ Activities immediately following resurrection ~ Jesus told his disciples not to touch him.
4. Ascension ~ Disappearance of human Jesus ~ Prove he overcome belief of life, truth and intelligence of matter.
The First day of the Week: the Empty Tomb But at the first signs of dawn on the first day of the week, they went to the tomb, taking with them the aromatic spices they had prepared. They discovered that the stone had been rolled away from the tomb, but on going inside, the body of the Lord Jesus was not to be found. While they were still puzzling over this, two men suddenly stood at their elbow, dressed in dazzling light. The women were terribly frightened, and turned their eyes away and looked at the ground. But the two men spoke to them... CLICK to view complete chapter PDF
EASTER Cybernetics
Ascension from Mechanics & Electronics to Spiritual Cybernetics

Input to Thought
Give up the “old man” & “LET” Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth, Love be recognized & accepted as Truth
Christ ~ Translate
Visible to Invisible
Translate all unreal material sense input of see, hear, feel, taste, smell & “LET” real spiritual perfect sense of Soul appear
Christianity ~ Demonstrate
Exercise, Dig, Output, Feedback
Purify ~ search, expose, annihilate error & “LET” Truth be seen & understood to
reveal only real perfect existence
Science Ascension
Being in sanctuary of Spirit, an idea of God & “LET” only this same Spirit be reality ~ Infinitude of Concrete Being
… Automatic control and communication functions in … Mechanical & electronic systems, involving the application of statistical mechanics to feedback —
INTRODUCTION This book is dedicated in honor of Mary Baker Eddy, one of the greatest scientific geniuses of her time. Her stature as a world-historic person reflects a number of pioneering achievements that she is widely honored for, which have uplifted the face of civilization in numerous respects. She is noted for her dedication to advancing the status of women; for ennobling Christianity with a scientific dimension; for reinstating its nearly lost element of Christ- healing; for her discovering and founding of Christian Science, and the writing of its textbook; See Index Book Index See Index Complete Author Index


Radiant in Glory
Matt 17
For two thousand years the prophets told of the coming Messiah. Finally he appeared and began his brief ministry.
In three short years he started a revolution which was to gather momentum and sweep the West. It destroyed Greek philosophy. It replaced barbarism with civilization. It provided a basis for Western culture. It gave answers where others could only ask questions. It emphasized Spirit rather than the flesh.
Bible Lesson 9 of 10 ~ Dr. Robert C Putnam, Bible Scholar View/Download
In John 17:4 Jesus said, “I have glorified thee on the earth. I have finished the work which thou gavest me to do.” This is a remarkable statement. In three short years Jesus had completed his mission. His work was finished.
Did this mean that all revelation was complete? Not at all. In John 16:12 he said, “I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now.”
Bible Lesson 10 of 10 ~ Dr. Robert C Putnam, Bible Scholar View/Download

Mary Baker Eddy
Prophesied by Jesus
Rev 12:1
Mary Baker Eddy ~ Prophesy of Revelation Fulfilled
(1) And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars. ~ Revelation 12:1 (2) And he had in his hand a little book open: and he set his right foot upon the sea, and his left foot on the earth. ~ Revelation 10:12