Christ Jesus
Christian Science Interpretation ~ Christ Jesus ~ Biography & Publications Index
0. Biography ~ Please see below 1. John asks Jesus: “Is there any material universe?” 2. “Jesus was best man to trod the Globe” ~ MBEI Treatments 3. 34 Healings ~ Index + Index with Introduction to each 4. 41 Parables of Jesus with Interpretation 5. Christ Jesus & The Second Coming of the Christ 6. History of Christianity ~ Fraud about Christ Jesus 7a. Fraud about Christ Jesus named as God ~ Council 325 A.D. 7b. Fraud by the Jesuits & Mind Control

God’s man discerned Through spiritual sense you can discern the heart of divinity, and thus begin to comprehend in Science the generic term man. Man is not absorbed in Deity, and man cannot lose his individuality, for he reflects eternal Life; nor is he an isolated, solitary idea, for he represents infinite Mind, the sum of all substance. In divine Science, man is the true image of God. The divine nature was best expressed in Christ Jesus, who threw upon mortals the truer reflection of God and lifted their lives higher than their poor thought-models would allow, — thoughts which presented man as fallen, sick, sinning, and dying. The Christlike understanding of scientific being and divine healing includes a perfect Principle and idea, — perfect God and perfect man, — as the basis of thought and demonstration. ~ Chpt 9: Creation, pages 258:31 to 259:14. Jesus the Scientist Jesus of Nazareth was the most scientific man that ever trod the globe. He plunged beneath the material surface of things, and found the spiritual cause. To accommodate himself to immature ideas of spiritual power, — for spirituality was possessed only in a limited degree even by his disciples, — Jesus called the body, which by spiritual power he raised from the grave, “flesh and bones.” To show that the substance of himself was Spirit and the body no more perfect because of death and no less material until the ascension (his further spiritual exaltation), Jesus waited until the mortal or fleshly sense had relinquished the belief of substance-matter, and spiritual sense had quenched all earthly yearnings. Thus he found the eternal Ego, and proved that he and the Father were inseparable as God and His reflection or spiritual man. Our Master gained the solution of being, demonstrating the existence of but one Mind without a second or equal. ~ Chpt 10: Science of Being, pages 313:24 – 314:9 The kingdom within When speaking of God’s children, not the children of men, Jesus said, “The kingdom of God is within you;” that is, Truth and Love reign in the real man, showing that man in God’s image is unfallen and eternal. Jesus beheld in Science the perfect man, who appeared to him where sinning mortal man appears to mortals. In this perfect man the Saviour saw God’s own likeness, and this correct view of man healed the sick. Thus Jesus taught that the kingdom of God is intact, universal, and that man is pure and holy. Man is not a material habitation for Soul; he is himself spiritual. Soul, being Spirit, is seen in nothing imperfect nor material. ~ SH Chpt 14: Recapitulation, pages 476:28 to 477:8 Show all
1. John asks Jesus: “Is there any material universe?” Jesus: “No” ~ “Is there a material body?” Jesus: “No” View
2. “Jesus was best man to trod the Globe” ~ Mary Baker Eddy Treatments by MBEI# | Group | Category | Topic | Author | Title ~ CLICK selection | Media | Show All | Text Content ~ CLICK media to view/download |
# | Group | Category | Topic | Author | Title | Media | Showall | Text Content ~ CLICK media to view/download |
1 | Treatment | Treatment Series for Man | MBEI | New Treatments on Man with Illustrations | Index | “Jesus was best man to trod the globe” -- Please CLICK media to View complete list of treatments. | ||
2 | Treatment | Treatment Series for Man | MBEI | New Treatments on Man without Illustrations | Index | “Jesus was best man to trod the globe” -- Please CLICK media to View complete list of treatments. |
3. 34 Healings ~ Index + Index with Introductions to each# | Group | Category | Topic | Author | Title ~ CLICK selection | Media | Show All | Text Content ~ CLICK media to view/download |
# | Group | Category | Topic | Author | Title | Media | Showall | Text Content ~ CLICK media to view/download |
1 | Healings | Healings ~ Index | John, Luke, Mark & Mathew | List of 34 Healings ~ Index | Index | According to the gospel accounts, here are the miracles Jesus performed during his time on Earth. For the most part, Christians -- Please CLICK media to View complete index. | ||
2 | Healings | Healings ~ Text | John, Luke, Mark & Mathew | List of 34 Healings with complete Text Content | Index | List of 34 Healings -- Please CLICK media to View complete text content. |
4. 41 Parables with Interpretations# | Group | Category | Topic | Author | Title ~ CLICK selection | Media | Show All | Text Content ~ CLICK media to view/download |
# | Group | Category | Topic | Author | Title | Media | Showall | Text Content ~ CLICK media to view/download |
1 | Parables of Jesus | Parables of Jesus | 41 Parables with Interpretation | Stamp and Maas | Spiritual Interpretation of the 41 parables of Jesus | Index | “Without a parable spake he not unto them” – Matthew 13:34. This quotation from Matthew is an emphatic statement about the method in which Jesus taught the multitudes. -- Please CLICK media to View complete list of publications. |
5. Christ Jesus & The Second Coming of the Christ
Christian Science Scholar ~ Dr. Robert C Putnam
# | Group | Category | Topic | Author | Title ~ CLICK selection | Media | Show All | Text Content ~ CLICK media to view/download |
# | Group | Category | Topic | Author | Title | Media | Showall | Text Content ~ CLICK media to view/download |
1 | Bible Lessons - Putnam | Christ Jesus ~ 9 of 10 | Christ Jesus | Putnam, Dr. Robert C | Christ Jesus | Index | Please CLICK media to View complete list of publications. | |
2 | Bible Lessons - Putnam | Christ - Second Coming ~ 10 of 10 | Second Coming of the Christ | Putnam, Dr. Robert C | Second Coming of the Christ | Index | Please CLICK media to View complete list of publications. |

Evil to Good ~ Awaken to See the Transition
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7a. Fraud about Christ Jesus named as God ~ Council of Nicaea 325 A.D.
Cause of corruption & downfall of Christianity.
1. Defined Jesus to be God – Jesus defined himself as a servant of God;
2. Stripped Jesus of Bible prophesy dating from 2000 B.C;
3. Removed mandate of Jesus to mankind to “heal the sick”;
4. Robbed mankind of sovereingity by including false doctrine that opposed God;
5. Ignored disgusting ignoble conduct of 11 of the disciples toward Jesus and stellar spirituality of John;
6. Connected the church to a political structure – Roman Catholicism;
7. Stripped church of its spirituality & enabled mind-control & profit motive – opposite of Jesus’ motives;
8. Removed the books of Barnabus and Hermas to remove evidence about ABOVE FACTS.