Frederick Rawson
1,315 ~ Examples of Applied Treatment
A total of 1,315 treatments covering any problem one could encounter. This is a scientific approach to healing offered by one of the best Christian Science Practitioners of all time. Click the link below to go directly to a complete alpha index of all 1,315 treatments.
Treatment is the word used to indicate that form of prayer which is based upon right thinking, namely, thinking of absolute good. It is actively thinking of the world of reality, or the absolute, called by the theologians, God and heaven; by scientific men, cause and its manifestation; and by meta physicians, Mind and its ideas. It is true communion with God, holy communion, the realisation of which the Church endeavours to bring about by the use of the bread and wine as symbols. The word treatment therefore signifies the line of demarcation between prayer thus understood and prayer based upon supplication addressed to a distant omnipotent being who, many think, may or may not answer or even hear the cry of the suppliant. Frederick L Rawson 1,315 Applied Treatment Examples Treatment or Healing by True Prayer Frederick L Rawson God is incorporeal, divine, supreme, infinite Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth, Love. ~ Science & Health ~ Pg 465
Mary Baker EddyShow all
Treating back in time OR Treating Backwards ~ Frederick L Rawson
“Before Abraham was, I am” ~ Christ Jesus “And it shall come to pass, that before they call, I will answer” ~ Isaiah
“That which hath been is now; and that which is to be hath already been” ~ Eccl.
Realize that nothing is impossible to GOD ~ Realize that there is no such thing as time
“ Treating backwards ” is the term applied to treatment when the person treated desires the apparent effect of the treatment to take place at a given time in the past. In treating backwards you can commence by realising that nothing is impossible to God; then realise that there is no such thing as time. Then give an ordinary treatment such as you usually give, and the treatment will take place at the time at which you think it will take place. Past, present and future, all are one, everything in the material world takes place at the same time. “ That which hath been is now; and that which is to be hath already been “ (Eccl. 3:15).“ Before they call, I will answer ” (Is. 65:24).
Treating back in time OR Treating ~ Retroactive Healing ~ Frederick L Rawson
“Before Abraham was, I am” ~ Christ Jesus “And it shall come to pass, that before they call, I will answer” ~ Isaiah
“That which hath been is now; and that which is to be hath already been” ~ Eccl.
The Scientific “Now” ~ When Treatment is desired to take effect at a given time in the past
The Scientific 'Now'. To stop short in any research that bids fair to widen the gates of knowledge to recoil from fear of difficulty, or adverse criticism is to bring reproach on Science. There is nothing for the investigator to do but to keep straight on, to explore up and down, inch by inch, with the taper of his reason'; to follow the light wherever it may lead, even should it at times resemble a will-o'-the-wisp (Sir William Crookes, F.R.S.). All this is now easily explained, and it is possible to prove by direct experiment that what we call time is merely limited human perception. Out of a total of at least five hundred cases, of all kinds, my first result proving this may be given as an instance (fn 1). Ages ago it was discovered and taught that there was no such thing as time. Everything, as far as it can be said to be happening, is happening at the same time, and the only reason why one cannot see a thing at any given time, is because of this supposed human material limitation. Thinking over this, one sees that, if it is true, it ought to be provable by direct experiment. We ought to be able to pray now, and the effect of that prayer should have been as efficacious in the past as it has been generally admitted to be in the future (fn 2). It is obvious that to the material senses we cannot alter what has (to those senses) already happened. We can at best only wipe out all recollection and all traces of it in the present and future. Again, if praying to produce an effect in the past, all we can do will be to prevent that past having been as bad as it would otherwise have been without the prayer. Recognising that there is nothing impossible to God, a resolve was made to try the effect as soon as possible. The next day a letter was received from a sister-in-law written the day before, on a Monday, and asking for help through the recently discovered method of scientific prayer, the deep, systematic, right thinking which follows upon a right understanding of God and man. On receipt of this letter on Tuesday morning, recognising that there is no such thing as time, and that, therefore, practically the letter had only just been written, and knowing that now and always man is a perfect spiritual being, made in God's image and likeness, I denied the reality of the physical trouble, and realised as clearly as possible the perfect God and perfect man, thus praying in the way that Jesus told us. By the next post a letter came saying that a wonderful thing had happened, and how directly the letter had been written she was perfectly well. Thus were these logical deductions proved correct, as they have been many times since, by the best of all proofs, experimental tuition. Isaiah, speaking of the last days, says: And it shall come to pass, that before they call, I will answer (Isa. 65:24). This time has now come; the thoughts on the subject that have always been there are now being recognised and understood. 1. Since the first edition of Life Understood was published, students of it have found that they have been able to obtain similar results by working in the way shown. Results are the only proof and the only value of a theory. 2. You may also ask how belief can effect a result which precedes the development of that belief. It can only be replied, that Christian Science reveals what * eye hath not seen’ (Science and Health, p. 553).Show all