9 Treatments ~ Reject Matter & Affirm Spirit

Mary Baker Eddy Institute ~ Treatment
1. Spirit ~ The Only Substance ~ 74 min
Frederick L Rawson ~ Treatments
1. Material Basis ~ 1,315 Ailments & Treatments
2. Material Body ~ 1,315 Ailments & Treatments
Frederick L Rawson ~ Treatments
3. Material Man ~ 1,315 Ailments & Treatments
4. Is the Real Man Material Or Spiritual?
5. The Non-Reality of Matter
Mary Baker Eddy ~ Treatments
1. Scientific Statement of Being
2. Unity of Good ~ Chpt 9 ~ There Is No Matter
3. Rudimental Divine Science ~ Chpt 7
Is there No Matter

Egyptian Manuscript ~ Chained to Table in British Museum ~ Under Officer Guard
This dialog is translated from a manuscript in the British Museum. The manuscript, which was found in Oxyrynchus, Egypt on the backside of a land-surveyor list of measurements, is very old. It is stored in a case which is chained to a table. A British officer stands by it all the time. He allows anyone to copy it, but not to touch it.

John said: “Master, is there any material universe?” Jesus answered: “No.” John asked: “Is there a material body?” Jesus hesitated a long time and finally said: “Saints believed that their bodies were fashioned of clay and this believing brought them death.” Jesus said: “Let not him who seeketh cease from seeking until he hath found: …and when he hath found, he shall be amazed. …and when he hath been amazed, he shall reign. …and when he shall reign, he shall have rest. …the Kingdom of Heaven is within you and whoever shall know himself shall find it. Strive, therefore, to know yourselves and ye shall know that ye are in the City of God, and ye are the City.
Matter a Shadow ~ The Christian Science Journal August, 1888 Vol. 6 No. 5 Page 224
THE answer to the oft-repeated question, Is there no matter? involves another question, What is matter? The word matter is defined, by standard authority, as the material, or substance, out of which any object or thing is made, — substance which changes in form according to the evolution of physical law, as seen in the mineral, vegetable, and animal kingdoms, in their various stages of birth, growth, and decay. Matter is also spoken of as something which relates to the metaphysical, as well as physical, world. The subject-matter of a sermon may be termed its substance. Every word or statement in any language, defining thought, must be classed either in the scale with Truth, or in the opposite scale with error, falsity; and if matter is a word defining a thought of Truth, then it is evident that every object, of which we take cognizance, must be composed of substance, in some form. CLICK button below for Complete Text 240313 ~ 1888 ~ 4 pgs PDF or listen MP3
Mary Baker Eddy Institute Treatment (1) + Frederick L Rawson Treatments (2)
Frederick L Rawson Index 1,315 Ailments + Counter Fact to guide in Healing 1,315 Index
Spirit ~ The Only Substance
Spirit is not Obese (any Excess) Matter
Introduction MP3
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Spirit is the opposite of matter and only one of them can be real. There are not two opposites of any topic in which both of them can be real. Therefore, one must do the research at the onset of when the topic occurs to one. How do we overcome the total belief of life, truth and intelligence in matter? For more details CLICK this treatment below.
Material Basis ~ 1,315 Ailments ~ Row # 699
There is no material basis, the only basis is spiritual, for the only foundation is God; the only thoughts are God’s thoughts, divine and holy thoughts, which are always coming to man. Nothing exists except Spirit and the manifestation of Spirit, all is spiritual & perfect. There is no material world, only God’s world, the world of reality, perfect and divine. There is no want of knowledge of Truth, man knows Truth and loves Truth and rejoices in Truth. There is no mortal mind to keep man off his true basis, for there is only one Mind, God, good; man is always on a spiritual basis; he has spiritual perception, spiritual discernment, spiritual understanding, and knows Truth.
Material Body ~ 1,315 ~ Row #700
There is no material body, man’s body is the body of thought, the infinite combinations of ideas which have come to man, and of which man is conscious whenever needed. Man’s body can never be affected by matter, man’s body is spiritual, the glorious body which gives man joy and happiness ; fashioned like unto his glorious body” (Phil. 3 : 21).
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& Scroll to Row #700
Material Man ~ Frederick L Rawson ~ 1,315 Ailments ~ Row # 702
There is no material man, man is divine, a perfect being, in a perfect world, governed by a perfect God, “God’s spiritual idea, individual, perfect, eternal" (S&H p. 115). The only man there is now, ever was or ever will be is spiritual and perfect, reflecting Life, Truth, Love, Mind, Soul, Spirit, intelligence, substance and Principle. Man is consciousness, God’s consciousness, knowing nothing unlike God, being co-existent and co-eternal with God, ever representing perfect, spiritual ideas in the divine order of being, God’s thinking, knowing, acting, conscious, existent idea of Himself; in quality reflecting all that God is. “The sinless joy,—the perfect harmony and immortality of Life, possessing unlimited divine beauty and goodness without a single bodily pleasure or pain, constitutes the only veritable, indestructible man, whose being is spiritual” (S&H p. 76). There is no matter, only Spirit and the infinite manifestation of Spirit, pure, perfect, divine and holy. “Immortal man was and is God’s image or idea, even the infinite expression of infinite Mind, and immortal man is coexistent and coeternal with that Mind” (S&H p. 336). Man cannot be conscious of anything material, man thinks only of God’s spiritual ideas which are continually unfolding to him, for man is God’s consciousness by means of which God thinks and knows, and man knows Truth and rejoices in Truth. There is nothing but God, nothing but Truth. “His truth endured to all generations” (Ps. 100:5). CLICK Index Select "M" in Alpha Menu & Scroll to Row #702
Is the Real Man Material Or Spiritual? ~ Chpt 13
“Call no man your father upon the earth; for one is your Father, which is in heaven” (Matt. 23:9). For ages man has been cajoled and generally hypnotized into the belief that he is a material being, liable to sin, sickness, worries, troubles, and ultimate death. There is not a word of truth in it. It is a misapprehension of existence, absolutely false.
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The Non-Reality of Matter ~ Chpt 17
“When Bishop Berkeley said there was no matter and proved it, it was no matter what he meant” (Byron). Up to recent years the indestructibility of matter was regarded as a dogma, to cast a doubt on which would have been regarded as rank heresy, while to advance the suspicion that there is, perhaps, no such thing as matter, but that all phenomena are merely due to force… Complete 7 Pg document View
Mary Baker Eddy
Question. — What is the scientific statement of being? Answer. — There is no life, truth, intelligence, nor substance in matter. All is infinite Mind and its infinite manifestation, for God is All-in-all. Spirit is immortal Truth; matter is mortal error. Spirit is the real and eternal; matter is the unreal and temporal. Spirit is God, and man is His image and likeness. Therefore man is not material; he is spiritual.
'God is a Spirit' (or, more accurately translated, 'God is Spirit'), declares the Scripture (John iv. 24), 'and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth.' If God is Spirit, and God is All, surely there can be no matter; for the divine All must be Spirit. The tendency of Christianity is to spiritualize thought and action. The demonstrations of Jesus annulled the claims of matter, and overruled laws material as emphatically as they annihilated sin. According to Christian Science, the first idolatrous claim of sin is, that matter exists; the second, that matter is substance; the third, that matter has intelligence; and the fourth, that matter, being so endowed, produces life and death. Hence my conscientious position, in the denial of matter, rests on the fact that matter usurps the authority of God, Spirit; and the nature and character of matter, the antipode of Spirit, include all that denies and defies Spirit, in quantity or quality. This subject can be enlarged. It can be shown, in detail, that evil does not obtain in Spirit, God; and that God, or good, is Spirit alone; whereas, evil does, according to belief, obtain in matter; and that evil is a false claim, — false to God, false to Truth and Life. Hence the claim of matter usurps the prerogative of God, saying, 'I am a creator. God made me, and I make man and the material universe.' Spirit is the only creator, and man, including the universe, is His spiritual concept. By matter is commonly meant mind, — not the highest Mind, but a false form of mind. This so-called mind and matter cannot be separated in origin and action. What is this mind? It is not the Mind of Spirit; for spiritualization of thought destroys all sense of matter as substance, Life, or intelligence, and enthrones God in the eternal qualities of His being. This lower, misnamed mind is a false claim, a suppositional mind, which I prefer to call mortal mind. True Mind is immortal. This mortal mind declares itself material, in sin, sickness, and death, virtually saying, 'I am the opposite of Spirit, of holiness, harmony, and Life.' To this declaration Christian Science responds, even as did our Master: 'You were a murderer from the beginning. The truth abode not in you. You are a liar, and the father of it.' Here it appears that a liar was in the neuter gender, — neither masculine nor feminine. Hence it was not man (the image of God) who lied, but the false claim to personality, which I call mortal mind; a claim which Christian Science uncovers, in order to demonstrate the falsity of the claim. There are lesser arguments which prove matter to be identical with mortal mind, and this mind a lie. The physical senses (matter really having no sense) give the only pretended testimony there can be as to the existence of a substance called matter. Now these senses, being material, can only testify from their own evidence, and concerning themselves; yet we have it on divine authority: 'If I bear witness of myself, my witness is not true.' (John v. 31.) In other words: matter testifies of itself, 'I am matter;' but unless matter is mind, it cannot talk or testify; and if it is mind, it is certainly not the Mind of Christ, not the Mind that is identical with Truth. Brain, thus assuming to testify, is only matter within the skull, and is believed to be mind only through error and delusion. Examine that form of matter called brains, and you find no mind therein. Hence the logical sequence, that there is in reality neither matter nor mortal mind, but that the self-testimony of the physical senses is false. Examine these witnesses for error, or falsity, and observe the foundations of their testimony, and you will find them divided in evidence, mocking the Scripture (Matthew xviii. 16), 'In the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established.' Sight. Mortal mind declares that matter sees through the organizations of matter, or that mind sees by means of matter. Disorganize the so-called material structure, and then mortal mind says, 'I cannot see;' and declares that mater is the master of mind, and that non-intelligence governs. Mortal mind admits that it sees only material images, pictured on the eye's retina. What then is the line of the syllogism? It must be this: That matter is not seen; that mortal mind cannot see without matter; and therefore that the whole function of material sight is an illusion, a lie. Here comes in the summary of the whole matter, where with we started: that God is All, and God is Spirit; therefore there is nothing but Spirit; and consequently there is no matter. Touch. Take another train of reasoning. Mortal mind says that matter cannot feel matter; yet put your finger on a burning coal, and the nerves, material nerves, do feel matter. Again I ask: What evidence does mortal mind afford that matter is substantial, is hot or cold? Take away mortal mind, and matter could not feel what it calls substance. Take away matter, and mortal mind could not recognize its own so-called substance, and this so-called mind would have no identity. Nothing would remain to be seen or felt. What is substance? What is the reality of God and the universe? Immortal Mind is the real substance, — Spirit, Life, Truth, and Love. Taste. Mortal mind says, 'I taste; and this is sweet, this is sour.' Let mortal mind change, and say that sour is sweet, and so it would be. If every mortal mind believed sweet to be sour, it would be so; for the qualities of matter are but qualities of mortal mind. Change the mind, and the quality changes. Destroy the belief, and the quality disappears. The so-called material senses are found, upon examination, to be mortally mental, instead of material. Reduced to its proper denomination, matter is mortal mind; yet, strictly speaking, there is no mortal mind, for Mind is immortal, and is not matter, but Spirit. Force. What is gravitation? Mortal mind says gravitation is a material power, or force. I ask, Which was first, matter or power? That which was first was God, immortal Mind, the Parent of all. But God is Truth, and the forces of Truth are moral and spiritual, not physical. They are not the merciless forces of matter. What then are the so-called forces of matter? They are the phenomena of mortal mind, and matter and mortal mind are one; and this one is a misstatement of Mind, God. A molecule, as matter, is not formed by Spirit; for Spirit is spiritual consciousness alone. Hence this spiritual consciousness can form nothing unlike itself, Spirit, and Spirit is the only creator. The material atom is an outlined falsity of consciousness, which can gather additional evidence of consciousness and life only as it adds lie to lie. This process it names material attraction, and endows with the double capacity of creator and creation. From the beginning this lie was the false witness against the fact that Spirit is All, beside which there is no other existence. The use of a lie is that it unwittingly confirms Truth, when handled by Christian Science, which reverses false testimony and gains a knowledge of God from opposite facts, or phenomena. This whole subject is met and solved by Christian Science according to Scripture. Thus we see that Spirit is Truth and eternal reality; that matter is the opposite of Spirit, — referred to in the New Testament as the flesh at war with Spirit; hence, that matter is erroneous, transitory, unreal. A further proof of this is the demonstration, according to Christian Science, that by the reduction and the rejection of the claims of matter (instead of acquiescence therein) man is improved physically, mentally, morally, spiritually. To deny the existence or reality of matter, and yet admit the reality of moral evil, sin, or to say that the divine Mind is conscious of evil, yet is not conscious of matter, is erroneous. This error stultifies the logic of divine Science, and must interfere with its practical demonstration.Show all
All is Mind. According to the Scriptures and Christian Science, all is God, and there is naught beside Him. 'God is Spirit;' and we can only learn and love Him through His spirit, which brings out the fruits of Spirit and extinguishes forever the works of darkness by His marvelous light. The five material senses testify to the existence of matter. The spiritual senses afford no such evidence, but deny the testimony of the material senses. Which testimony is correct? The Bible says: 'Let God be true, and every man a liar.' If, as the Scriptures imply, God is All-in-all, then all must be Mind, since God is Mind. Therefore in divine Science there is no material mortal man, for man is spiritual and eternal, he being made in the image of Spirit, or God. There is no material sense. Matter is inert, inanimate, and sensationless, — considered apart from Mind. Lives there a man who has ever found Soul in the body or in matter, who has ever seen spiritual substance with the eye, who has found sight in matter, hearing in the material ear, or intelligence in non-intelligence? If there is any such thing as matter, it must be either mind which is called matter, or matter without Mind. Matter without Mind is a moral impossibility. Mind in matter is pantheism. Soul is the only real consciousness which recognizes being. The body does not see, hear, smell, or taste. Human belief says that it does; but destroy this belief of seeing with the eye, and we could not see materially; and so it is with each of the physical senses. Accepting the verdict of these material senses, we should believe man and the universe to be the football of chance and sinking into oblivion. Destroy the five senses as organized matter, and you must either become non-existent, or exist in Mind only; and this latter conclusion is the simple solution of the problem of being, and leads to the equal inference that there is no matter. Show all