Evil Exposed ~ 19 Videos ~ Every Major Problem is Covered

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25 False Flags Blamed on Muslims
JUDEO CHRISTIAN JEWS Christian Jews believe in the New Testament. They realize that Christ Jesus was prophesied in the Old Testament and look to him as the son of God, which is a title that he earned as proven by the way he conducted his life. Jesus represented Love to its fullest. He loved everyone. He Loved the qualities of goodness. The two great commandments of Jesus: 1. Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart and with all thy soul. 2. Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. Jews that live these qualities are the Christian Jews. Everyone that abides by these commandments will completely experience the new Heaven and the new Earth in every phase of their life. ZIONIST JEWS Those who wants to control: 1. Food 2. Energy 3. Money
Christianity or War Which Direction Will America Take?
1. Mary Baker Eddy prophesied the most serious & longest dark ages if Christian Scientist did not do the work for all humanity that needed to be done. 2. Christian Science was the fastest growing religious movement in 1910. 3. It was expected that all churches of all denominations would quickly adopt the Principles of Christian Science. 4. The medical profession fought Christian Science from its inception, fighting for his own survival. 5. Six of the most prestigious medical experts of the world denounced the fraud in the medical industry, but to no avail. 6. Drug companies have been paying doctors, nurses & hospitals to promote their habit-forming drugs. 7. The Christian Science church bureaucracy became very greedy & control-hungry & illegally oppressed all brand churches. 8. Due to the above, a video by Catholic Cardinal Gerhard Muller is posted as he has a clear thought for the solution. 9. The choice is simple. (a) Everyone start doing their part & encourage others to do the same. --- OR --- (b) See planet Earth drop off the cliff & be submerged into the fires of Evil. We are all on the edge of the cliff. All countries are looking to America to be the Leader to uplift the population above Evil. WILL YOU JOIN THE ARMY AS A CHRISTIAN METAPHYSICAL WARRIOR !!!
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Genocide of the Population Destroying the Health of 94%

(1) Analyze (2) Expose (3) Let Evil Destroy itself ~ Get out of the Way (4) Eradicate any residual Evil
(5) Affirm the Truth (6) Seal the Prayer Treatment (7) Spread the Love ~ Express Complete Gratitude

(1) Conquering & Changing the Brain (2) Making Money (3) Genocide by destroying Health
240404 ~ Prayer Treatment ~ 77 m MP3