Christian Science Index ~ Christ & Christmas Book by Mary Baker Eddy
Summary of Mary Baker Eddy’s Life’s Discoveries
Christ and Christmas

An illustrated poem
Mary Baker Eddy
This small but powerful book is a summary of Mary Baker Eddy’s life’s discoveries culminating in the Science of the Bible & the Science of Christianity in the 11th drawing with the 12th being blank indicating the infinite has no ending. The infinite can not be defined.
Upon being asked, Mrs. Eddy designated the importance of her writings in this order:
(1) Science and Health With Key to the Scriptures,
(2) Miscellaneous Writings,
(3) Manual of The Mother Church,
(4) Christ and Christmas.
This above order indicates an unfolding sequence from the vision of the City as portrayed by St. John in Revelation.
Christ and Christmas is comprised of a poem and 11 Illustrations by Mary Baker Eddy with drawings by James F. Gilman. Each illustration is assigned a specific part of the poem.
The evolution of Mary Baker Eddy’s discoveries are completely and yet concisely conveyed in this book. The depth of each verse with its accompanying illustration is so concentrated that advanced students even now, over 120 years later, continue to further uncover more of the light shining forth from the hidden messages of Truth much like the Textbook, Science & Health with Key to the Scriptures.
Historically, poetry often conveys profound significance that may require voluminous explication. The ever-unfolding discoveries of the dynamic power symbolized in every element of this masterpiece sets a new standard. Below is an index of some authors that are sharing their insights.
Mary Baker Eddy

Discoverer and founder of
Christian Science
Author of the illustrated poem
Christ & Christmas
Illustrations by
James F. Gilman
Christ & Christmas ~ Poem only View/Dnld