Christian Science – Fun Christmas with Serious Mary Baker Eddy References

Christmas Eve
Christmas Birth of Jesus
Christmas Star

Leaving all with God, Loving all, Flying with Divine Mind delivers Divine happiness.


Sleigh 2 Horse Head Left
Love Faith

Having fun with family, giving and receiving joyfully to everyone, brightens up the atmosphere.

Christmas Presents Children
Christmas Presents Family
Christmas Presents Man and Woman

Beauty is a gift from God. It is available in all colors & forms. Reflecting it beautifies everything.


Whitehouse Christmas ~ The First Lady, Melania Trump, Designer, wife of President Donald J. Trump


Green Christmas Trees Whitehouse Melania Trump
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White Christmas Trees Whitehouse Melania Trump

Living joy and giving generously breaks through the clouds of darkness for all to see more clearly.

Snow Falling
Dog in Snow
Cat in Snow
Snow Rabbit
Snow Skiing
Snow Sunshine