Christian Science Daily Thoughts ~ Index 2024 241231
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# | Date | Day | Title | Quotations |
# | Date | Day | Topics | Media | Titles Included |
# | Date | Day | Title | Quotations |
1 | 241231 | Tuesday | Vision ~ One way to fix it | Vision is an important function to address for it affects so many other things. There are 3 introductory quotes at the beginning of Science & Health. The first quote states ~ we need to understand Truth. The second one states ~ what we think is going to be our experience. Therefore, we must let Truth be what we are thinking about as we are doing our spiritual perception, our spiritual looking. Mary Baker Eddy examined herself hourly to be sure her focus was on the Truth about everyone & everything, which means that no evil was accepted, but only Truth was recognized to be real. Doing this enabled her to heal any problem instantaneously. This is our guide. [MBEI] |
2 | 241227 | Friday | Criticism | Criticism is fault-finding. It shuts you out of heaven. It will darken all your skies. It will keep you from demonstrating for yourself and others. It will bar you from progress. It leads you into all trouble. It leads you into all discord, into all unkindness, impatience, hard heartedness, unfriendliness—and finally into all evil, hatefulness and envy. Just as long as that spirit of criticism remains in your thought, and you leave it there, just so long will you not progress, just so long will you not be able to demonstrate, just so long will you not be able to find your way in Truth, because you will be looking for faults constantly. You are fault finding on a mortal, material plane. [Dr. Francis J. Fluno, CSD] |
3 | 241226 | Thursday | Inventions within Science of Christianity | Nikola Tesla discovered that all the electricity needed to light up all of planet Earth is easily available for FREE. His many discoveries prove once again that everything in the universe is one harmonious action. Divine Mind is omnipotence, omniscience, omnipresence and omni-action. All truly great discoveries reinforce Truth, the one and only Truth which is God and discovered by Mary Baker Eddy in 1866. She said Divine Metaphysics has been reduced to a system. All the great inventors are working within the Science of Christianity whether they realize it or not. There is only one true Science. [MBEI] |
4 | 241225 | Wednesday | Vision | Vision ~ To be sure to be choosing Truth, one must carefully filter everything that appears. Shakespeare’s quote ~ nothing is either good or bad but thinking makes it so – is of paramount importance. The easiest way to prevent experiencing anything that is NOT God, Good is to NOT permit it to have entrance into consciousness. To do this, the filtering system must include a clear cut line between God, Good which is God, Truth and everything else. Then the task of choosing God, Good is simplified and conclusive. [MBEI] |
5 | 241224 | Tuesday | Life Eternal vs Life Lost | Life Eternal ~ A life of giving ~ Adds & Multiplies ~ Spiritual & GOOD Life Lost ~ A life of taking ~ Subtracts & Divides ~ Material & EVIL [MBEI] |
6 | 241223 | Monday | Diapason of Heaven ~ Life | Life is holy. We must hallow this word, for it is a sacred name for God. Declare often: There is only one Life, and that is God. There is no personal life. My life is God, an infinite, incorporeal, all-encompassing, all- present, all-active, everlasting Life. Declare that God, good, is the only Life of man. [Mary Baker Eddy] |
7 | 241220 | Friday | Diapason of Heaven ~ Mind | Love the light of victory evolved ~ Mind is light ~ “The real Christian Scientist is constantly accentuating harmony in word and deed, mentally and orally, perpetually repeating this diapason of heaven: ‘Good is my God, and my God is good. Love is my God, and my God is Love.’” (Mis. 206:19) [Mary Baker Eddy] |
8 | 241219 | Thursday | Diapason of Heaven ~ Love | Love is my God and my God is Love. Good is my God and my good is Love. Love is my God and my love is good. Love is my Principle and my Principle is Love. Love is the law of my being. Divine Love is enthroned in my consciousness as my God. This is the Word of God. [Mary Baker Eddy] |
9 | 241218 | Wednesday | Spirit is Flawless | Spirit is flawless, transparent, reflective. The native American Indians call a beautiful lake with lovely landscape in full bloom with golden leaves in the Fall the smile of the Great Spirit. Do we smile like the lake by reflecting the perfection of God - Try it. You will find others return your BIG BEAUTIFUL SMILE if it is from your heart. [MBEI] |
10 | 241217 | Tuesday | Divine Spirit | Divine substance; Mind; divine Principle; all that is good; God; that only which is perfect, everlasting, omnipresent, omnipotent, infinite. [Glossary Pg 594 ~ Mary Baker Eddy] |
11 | 241216 | Monday | Diapason of Heaven ~ Spirit | We must declare often that Spirit is not an invisible personality inhabiting a material body. Spirit has no other meaning than God, and substance. We must declare there is only one Spirit and that is God. Spirit is my God and my God is Spirit, individual, incorporeal, immaterial. [Mary Baker Eddy] |
12 | 241213 | Friday | Diapason of Heaven ~ Truth | Truth is a sacred name for God. We must divest it of all materiality. Declare often: Truth is my God and my God is Truth. Good is my Truth and my Truth is good. Truth is enthroned in my consciousness. Error and materiality are not enthroned. This is the Word of God. [Mary Baker Eddy] |
13 | 241212 | Thursday | Man | The compound idea of infinite Spirit; the spiritual image and likeness of God; the full representation of Mind. [SH 591 ~ Mary Baker Eddy] |
14 | 241211 | Wednesday | Error must be handled ~ NOT ignored | Error wants to be let alone, but we are not going to let it alone. Rather will we continue our effort at right thinking until the absurd and illegitimate argument that man is flesh and bones-organized matter-is met and the ideas of God manifested. [Blue Book pg 221-222 ~ Mary Baker Eddy] |
15 | 241210 | Tuesday | Diapason of Heaven ~ Soul | We must hold Soul in consciousness only as a sacred name for God. We have to rise above the belief that Soul is an invisible personality residing in a fleshly form, with a personal identity. Soul must be recognized as a name for God and a name by which God is to be worshiped. [Mary Baker Eddy] |
16 | 241209 | Monday | Diapason of Heaven ~ Principle | We must hallow this word “Principle” as a name for God. Declare often: there is only one Principle, and this is my infinite, all-present, all-powerful, all-knowing, all-acting, all-loving Principle. Principle is my God and my God is divine Principle. Good is my Principle and my Principle is good. [Mary Baker Eddy] |
17 | 241206 | Friday | Crime is always veiled in obscurity | The Science of Mind uncovers to Scientists secret sin, even more distinctly than so-called physical crimes are visible to the personal senses; crime is always veiled in obscurity, but Science fastens guilt upon its author through Mind with the certainty and directness of the eye of God Himself. [Blue Book pg 221-222 ~ Mary Baker Eddy] |
18 | 241205 | Thursday | Place ~ where God wants me to be | I love to be where God wants me to be; I love to do what God wants me to do; without asking how, when, or why. I have my place in Principle; I have my work in Principle; I have my reward in Principle; and there is no law of mental malpractice that can act through any condition or circumstance to hinder or obstruct the perfect and complete manifestation of God's plan for me here & now. [Blue Book pg 221 ~ Mary B Eddy] |
19 | 241204 | Wednesday | Malpractice = Bad practice = Bad thinking | Malpractice is the wrath of man, and it is being made to praise God by driving you out of the tenement or belief in body. If it does not drive you out of it, it will kill you in it. [Blue Book pg 221 ~ Mary Baker Eddy] Credit ~ Wentworth Winslow |
20 | 241203 | Tuesday | Sense to Soul | If you rise spiritually, you lose your sense of 'I' in matter and gain
your selfhood in Spirit. This brings the divine health which is not
dependent upon the body, but is of the Father, forever the same. [Blue Book pg 221 ~ Mary Baker Eddy] |
21 | 241202 | Monday | Soul ~ uplifted from material to Spiritual sense | O God, I have taken hold of Thy hand, of Thine omnipotence. Thou hast taken my feet from the mire and clay and established them upon the rock. I am not afraid for I know thou hast lifted me above the world, its erroneous illusions and temptations. I know them henceforth no more forever. [Blue Book pg 221 ~ Mary Baker Eddy] |
22 | 241129 | Friday | Trust Good ~ Truth & Love flow freely | Because I have put my trust in good, I have no responsibility whatever. My home is in God. I partake of the bounties of God's table, spread with the milk and honey of His kingdom. I give no heed to what I shall say, to what I shall wear, or wherewithal I shall pay my debts. Whatsoever I shall speak, God speaks through me. His word is for the healing of the nations. He clothes me with white garments of His own weaving - the robe of righteousness eternal and indestructible. Truth is my income, is ever-present, and has wiped out all my indebtedness. Truth and Love flow freely without price. [Blue Book pg 221 ~ Mary Baker Eddy] |
23 | 241128 | Thursday | Trust in God | Trust in God - God is Life - God is infinite, therefore if we are the
image and likeness of infinity, we have no beginning and no end, and are His image and likeness; that is my life insurance. [Blue Book pg 221 ~ Mary Baker Eddy] |
24 | 241127 | Wednesday | Joy ~ Gratitude ~ Glorification | Keep your joy! This is the hour of demonstration, dominion and power, gratitude and glorification; for even with faults man is still Love's idea. [Blue Book pg 221 ~ Richard Oakes] |
25 | 241126 | Tuesday | Hypnotism ~ no Bible authority | Do not attack hypnotism; do not take Scriptural authority for its identification, but allude to it briefly when you do speak of it, as you would to a ghost story. This will check its spread more than any other way would. [Blue Book pg 223 ~ Mary Baker Eddy] |
26 | 241125 | Monday | Mind ~ Angel Messages | Oh, may the light that is never dim so encompass you, that no night is there. May His angels hold thee in their power, and Songs of Science be heard in the intuitions of thought, till your life is in tune with the rhythm of God. [Blue Book pg 224 ~ Mary Baker Eddy] |
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