Bliss Knapp, CSB
Christian Science Author ~ Bliss Knapp CSB ~ Biography and Publication Index
0. Biography of Bliss Knapp ~ Please see below
1. Bliss Knapp Christian Scientist ~ Biography
2. List of 11 CS Lectures ~ Please SCROLL or CLICK to GO NOW
Extraordinary Career of Bliss Knapp CSB 1. Practitioner 2. Teacher, Age 30 3. Lecturer, Age 27 for 21 years 4. Bible Lesson committee, Mother Church 5. President, Mother Church, Age 35 6. Treasurer, Mother Church 7. First reader, Mother Church 8. Author Periodicals 9. Author, The Destiny of The Mother Church 10. Annual Meeting Speaker 11. $250,000,000 donor to Mother Church, 1958 $2,630,856,401 adjusted for inflation, 2023 Bliss Knapp's parents were important early workers for the Christian Science Movement and whose healing, teaching, lecturing, writing and other immeasurable contributions blessed countless people and the Cause of Christian Science. Ira and Flavia Knapp were two students of Mrs. Eddy who were instrumental in the building of the original Mother Church in Boston. They were among the “First Members” selected by Mrs. Eddy when she re-organized the Church in 1892, and Mr. Knapp was one of the original Directors. The Knapp family moved to Boston in 1888 in order to serve the Cause. Ira Knapp’s unswerving faith in Mrs. Eddy as the God-directed woman in the Apocalypse, made him one of her most trusted students. Bliss Knapp tells of his father’s invaluable service to Mrs. Eddy in the building of the original edifice of The Mother Church. At times, he stood alone with her in her efforts to establish the Church on a spiritual foundation, when others were opposing her method in doing this. BLISS KNAPP had an extraordinary career serving the Cause of Christian Science. He was born on a farm in northern New Hampshire, where at the age of ten he first met Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science. The Bliss Knapp family became close to Mrs. Eddy and at her urging, that he attend Harvard College. Upon graduation, Mrs. Eddy appointed him to The Christian Science Board of Lecturership. Show all
By Charles Theodore "Ted" Houpt ~ Former Principia College Professor
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1 | 0a | Author Biography | MBE Students | Content | Content | Charles Houpt | Table of Contents | |
2 | 0c | Author Biography | MBE Students | Preface | Preface | Charles Houpt | Preface | |
3 | 0b | Author Biography | MBE Students | Foreword | Foreword | Charles Houpt | Publisher's Foreword | |
4 | 01 | Author Biography | MBE Students | Home | Heritage and Home | Charles Houpt | Show all | The name Knapp is of Anglo-Saxon origin, cneop, signifying a summit or hilltop. Biographically speaking, it still bears its original significance. -- Please CLICK TITLES to view or download complete chapter |
5 | 02 | Author Biography | MBE Students | College and Career | College and Career | Charles Houpt | Show all | Meanwhile there was the matter of Bliss’s further education. In a letter written to a friend (May 20, 1955) he recollected: When I was a boy, I thought that I did not want to go to college, and I was able to persuade my parents to send me to a school which prepared for business. -- Please CLICK TITLES to view or download complete chapter |
6 | 03 | Author Biography | MBE Students | Letter's of Bliss Knapp | Letters of a Lecturer | Charles Houpt | Show all | Bliss’s letters to his family during the next five years constitute what must be one of the most complete records of the experiences of a member of the Board of Lectureship in the first two decades of this century. -- Please CLICK TITLES to view or download complete chapter |
7 | 04 | Author Biography | MBE Students | Journey | From Boston to Brookline via Hobart and Belfast | Charles Houpt | Show all | The world tour began on June 15, 1912, as Mr. Knapp sailed from San Francisco for Hong Kong by way of Honolulu on a Japanese ship, the Chiyo Maru, with 46 passengers. As always, he presents the picture with more immediacy and more detail than the biographer can. -- Please CLICK TITLES to view or download complete chapter |
8 | 05 | Author Biography | MBE Students | Fruit | From Me is Thy Fruit Found | Charles Houpt | Show all | A Christian Science lecture is like a cornucopia, an open-end affair. The lecture is never over when the speaker stops talking. Lectures are delivered to provide correct information about Christian Science, to clear up misconceptions — and to heal. -- Please CLICK TITLES to view or download complete chapter |
9 | 06 | Author Biography | MBE Students | Carousel | Here We Go Around | Charles Houpt | Show all | Over the years, as has been suggested in these pages, Bliss Knapp’s relationship with the Mabury family had been growing more intimate. As he explained in a letter to Israel Pickens (April 19, 1918): “Twenty-one years ago, when she (Eloise Mabury) was going through ‘prep’ school, she roomed at No. 2 Batavia St. and I lived at No. 4 Batavia St. so you see I have known her for a long time.” -- Please CLICK TITLES to view or download complete chapter |
10 | 07 | Author Biography | MBE Students | Manual | The Manual and the Readership | Charles Houpt | The Knapp settled from the time being into the hotel Somerset in Boston. | |
11 | 08 | Author Biography | MBE Students | Lectures | Lecturing Again 1926-1931 | Charles Houpt | Show all | After three such intensive years, a vacation was in order. The gravitation was always towards Eloise’s family in California. The Knapps left for Los Angeles in late June, and spent six weeks there -- Please CLICK TITLES to view or download complete chapter |
12 | 09 | Author Biography | MBE Students | Blissful | The Serene Years 1931-1942 | Charles Houpt | Show all | On July 31, 1931, the Knapps moved into their new house, at Little’s Point, Swampscott, “a perfect haven of rest and refreshment for many years to come, in the summer time.” -- Please CLICK TITLES to view or download complete chapter |
13 | 10 | Author Biography | MBE Students | War | The War Years 1942-1945 | Charles Houpt | The "dear Beech House" was not to be opened again until June 1945 when the war was over. | |
14 | 11 | Author Biography | MBE Students | Glory | Noontide Glory | Charles Houpt | October 22,1945, was another of those "red-letter" days for Eloise. | |
15 | 12a | Author Biography | MBE Students | Appendix 1 | Appendix 1 | Charles Houpt | Books, Lectures, Articles and Addresses by Bliss Knapp | |
16 | 12b | Author Biography | MBE Students | Appendix 2 | Appendix 2 | Charles Houpt | The Ira O. Knapp Family Monument | |
17 | 13c | Author Biography | MBE Students | Index | Index | Charles Houpt | Index of the Book | |
18 | 13b | Author Biography | MBE Students | Notes | Notes | Charles Houpt | General Review of All the Chapters | |
19 | 13a | Author Biography | MBE Students | Epilogue | Epilogue | Charles Houpt | Summary of Bliss Knapp Achievements |
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1 | 1 | MBE CSB Students | Lectures | The Ideal Church | Christian Science and the Ideal Church | Knapp, Bliss | Show all | Christendom has long been divided into many sects and denominations largely because of a multiplicity of viewpoints concerning the Bible teachings about God, Christ, man, and the universe. But if we wish to see eye to eye in this lecture on Christian Science, and avoid all misunderstanding, we must at the very outset have the same point of view concerning God. -- Please CLICK title to view or download complete lecture |
2 | 2 | MBE CSB Students | Lectures | A Reason for Christian Healing | Christian Science ~ A Reason for Christian Healing | Knapp, Bliss | Show all | There is no doubt that everyone would do well to consider earnestly Paul's advice to the Thessalonians to "prove all things." It is true that one does not really believe that which he has not proved; true that only that faith which is founded on actual demonstration will survive the ordeal of human experience. Paul was not satisfied with a mere acceptance of his teaching. -- Please CLICK title to view or download complete lecture |
3 | 3 | MBE CSB Students | Lectures | Its Divine Authority | Christian Science ~ Its Divine Authority | Knapp, Bliss | Show all | One of the most noteworthy features of the Christian Science movement is the remarkable spread of its teachings throughout the civilized world. In the year 1879 the first Christian Science Church was established with but twenty-six members. During the intervening years there have been established over twelve hundred churches of this denomination... -- Please CLICK title to view or download complete lecture |
4 | 4 | MBE CSB Students | Lectures | Its Healing Ministry (1) | Christian Science ~ Its Healing Ministry (1) | Knapp, Bliss | Show all | Every known religion or philosophy claims to be the promulgation of revealed truth; but whatever may be the nature or quality of such truth, that which differentiates the demonstrable revelation of Jesus Christ from them all is its power to give health and life. Other religions might interest themselves in a man's death or the Adam dream, ... -- Please CLICK title to view or download complete lecture |
5 | 5 | MBE CSB Students | Lectures | Its Healing Ministry (2) | Christian Science ~ Its Healing Ministry (2) | Knapp, Bliss | Show all | Logical and orderly inquiry into the truth and value of any discovery or addition to human knowledge, necessarily includes hearing of it as presented in the affirmative by some qualified person. The affirmative side of a question can seldom be learned from one who maintains the negative. If Ferdinand and Isabella had not listened to Columbus, but had heard his propositions only as presented by .... -- Please CLICK title to view or download complete lecture |
6 | 6 | MBE CSB Students | Lectures | Its Nature and Purpose | Christian Science ~ Its Nature and Purpose | Knapp, Bliss | Show all | In coming before you to speak on the subject of Christian Science, it is in full recognition of the great diversity of opinions you may entertain respecting economics, religion, philosophy, art, and even the sciences; but the coherence which enables such diverse opinions to yield to the larger sense of unity on the vital points of life and liberty, was forever fixed in that most potent and fundamental idea of our Declaration of Independence... -- Please CLICK title to view or download complete lecture |
7 | 7 | MBE CSB Students | Lectures | Its Religious and Healing Elements (1) | Christian Science ~ Its Religious and Healing Elements (1) | Knapp, Bliss | Show all | The wonderful power that characterized the life and works of Christ Jesus was in no more need of champions than the force of gravitation. The one, like the other, is ever operative and must be understood before it can be utilized. People embrace Christianity not so much to help it along, as to be helped. -- Please CLICK title to view or download complete lecture |
8 | 8 | MBE CSB Students | Lectures | Its Religious and Healing Elements (2) | Christian Science ~ Its Religious and Healing Elements (2) | Knapp, Bliss | Show all | In all that Jesus did, he made it clear that the wonderful power he exercised over sickness and sin was not of himself. He specifically declared, "The Son can do nothing of himself, but what he seeth the Father do." His ability to obliterate disease and sin was the result of what he actually knew about God, the Father of us all. When, therefore, he taught that same understanding of God to his disciples ... -- Please CLICK title to view or download complete lecture |
9 | 9 | MBE CSB Students | Lectures | The Revelation of Divine Power | Christian Science ~ The Revelation of Divine Power | Knapp, Bliss | Show all | "The time for thinkers has come. Truth, independent of doctrines and time-honored systems, knocks at the portal of humanity." Today multitudes of earnest thinkers are asking themselves whether Christian Science is not, indeed, the truth. -- Please CLICK title to view or download complete lecture |
10 | 10 | MBE CSB Students | Lectures | The True Standard of Right | Christian Science ~ The True Standard of Right | Knapp, Bliss | Show all | An ex-mayor of New York declared not long ago that "a person who wants to be honest nowadays must be a crank on honesty." That is just a forcible way of describing the present conflict between good and evil, and the extent to which one must go to maintain his standard of right. -- Please CLICK title to view or download complete lecture |
11 | 11 | MBE CSB Students | Lectures | Why I Am a Christian Scientist | Why I Am a Christian Scientist (Radio Address) | Knapp, Bliss | Show all | Faith - Some people underestimate the element of faith; others may ignore it entirely; whereas faith is the open door to every department of learning. When, for example, a child first goes to school, he must accept on faith the declaration of his teacher that two and two make four. -- Please CLICK title to view or download complete lecture |