0.0 – Christian Science – 16 Books by Mary Baker Eddy – Bk 5 – Unity of Good – Chpt 3 – The Deep Things of God Mary Baker Eddy Category: Book Beg Line#: 1 Pub Title: Unity of Good Pub Type: Book End Pg#: 16 Author: Eddy, Mary Baker Chapter #: 3 End Line#: 5 Chpt Title: The Deep Things of God Beg Pg#: 13 Total Pgs: 4 View/Download: available later View/Dnld Des: ALL BOOKS ALL CHAPTERS Christian Science ~ 16 books by Mary Baker Eddy Topics: Tags: 5 ~ Unity of Good ~ Chpt 3 ~ The Deep Things of God Description: Text Content: SHOW ALL 13 THE DEEP THINGS OF GOD 1 Science reverses the evidence of the senses in the- ology, on the same principle that it does in astronomy. 3 Popular theology makes God tributary to man, coming at human call; whereas the reverse is true in Science. Men must approach God reverently, doing their own work in 6 obedience to divine law, if they would fulfil the intended harmony of being. The principle of music knows nothing of discord. God 9 is harmony's selfhood. His universal laws, His unchange- ableness, are not infringed in ethics any more than in music. To Him there is no moral inharmony; as we shall 12 learn, proportionately as we gain the true understanding of Deity. If God could be conscious of sin, His infinite power would straightway reduce the universe to chaos. 15 If God has any real knowledge of sin, sickness, and death, they must be eternal; since He is, in the very fibre of His being, "without beginning of years or end of 18 days." If God knows that which is not permanent, it follows that He knows something which He must learn to unknow, for the benefit of our race. 21 Such a view would bring us upon an outworn theological Unity of Good – The Deep Things of God 14 1 platform, which contains such planks as the divine repent- ance, and the belief that God must one day do His 3 work over again, because it was not at first done aright. Can it be seriously held, by any thinker, that long after 6 God made the universe, — earth, man, animals, plants, the sun, the moon, and "the stars also," — He should so gain wisdom and power from past experience that He 9 could vastly improve upon His own previous work, — as Burgess, the boatbuilder, remedies in the Volunteer the shortcomings of the Puritan's model? 12 Christians are commanded to grow in grace. Was it necessary for God to grow in grace, that He might rectify His spiritual universe? 15 The Jehovah of limited Hebrew faith might need repentance, because His created children proved sinful; but the New Testament tells us of "the Father of lights, 18 with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning." God is not the shifting vane on the spire, but the corner-stone of living rock, firmer than everlasting hills. 21 As God is Mind, if this Mind is familiar with evil, all cannot be good therein. Our infinite model would be taken away. What is in eternal Mind must be reflected 24 in man, Mind's image. How then could man escape, or hope to escape, from a knowledge which is everlasting in his creator? 27 God never said that man would become better by learn- ing to distinguish evil from good, — but the contrary, that Unity of Good – The Deep Things of God 15 1 by this knowledge, by man's first disobedience, came "death into the world, and all our woe." 3 "Shall mortal man be more just than God?" asks the poet-patriarch. May men rid themselves of an incubus which God never can throw off? Do mortals know more 6 than God, that they may declare Him absolutely cognizant of sin? God created all things, and pronounced them good. 9 Was evil among these good things? Man is God's child and image. If God knows evil, so must man, or the like- ness is incomplete, the image marred. 12 If man must be destroyed by the knowledge of evil, then his destruction comes through the very knowledge caught from God, and the creature is punished for his 15 likeness to his creator. God is commonly called the sinless, and man the sinful; but if the thought of sin could be possible in Deity, would 18 Deity then be sinless? Would God not of necessity take precedence as the infinite sinner, and human sin become only an echo of the divine? 21 Such vagaries are to be found in heathen religious his- tory. There are, or have been, devotees who worship not the good Deity, who will not harm them, but the bad 24 deity, who seeks to do them mischief, and whom there- fore they wish to bribe with prayers into quiescence, as a criminal appeases, with a money-bag, the venal 27 officer. Surely this is no Christian worship! In Christianity, Unity of Good – The Deep Things of God 16 1 man bows to the infinite perfection which he is bidden to imitate. In Truth, such terms as divine sin and infinite 3 sinner are unheard-of contradictions, — absurdities; but would they be sheer nonsense, if God has, or can have, a real knowledge of sin?SHOW ALL