0.0 – Christian Science – 16 Books by Mary Baker Eddy – 13 – Message to The Mother Church 1901 Mary B. Eddy 13 ~ Message to The Mother Church 1901 Christian Science ~ 16 Books by Mary Baker Eddy All Books Index SUBTITLES Book 13 ~ Message to The Mother Church 1901 Pgs 01 to 35 Description: The Message for 1901 is a substantial little book, and not only for the reason that its thirty-five pages make it by far the longest of these Messages to The Mother Church. In contrast to the previous books it seems to stand back from the details of individual life, to survey the theory and practice of Christian Science, and to teach the underlying scientific essence of all that has gone before. In the order of divine wisdom, experience comes before teaching, for one must first have had some life-experience before it can be spiritually interpreted (see S&H 322:26-32). People customarily think of life as a series of personal and material experiences, whereas Science explains that life actually is the experience of God. Thus while the first twelve books represent the experience of working out the \"Life-problem,\" this thirteenth marks a momentous change as consciousness now moves beyond the boundary of individual achievement and the Scientist finds himself to be the unlimited workings of Principle\'s own idea. This point of transcending human personality and finding that God is the only Person or doer is the theme both of Message 1901 and of the thirteenth chapter of Science and Health, TEACHING CHRISTIAN SCIENCE. What is happening in Mrs Eddy\'s founding work to explain this change of key? Message 1901 is the first book to be published in the twentieth century, and she welcomes the new century with the poem of that name, bringing its message of heaven here and thus a new earth. Then throughout 1901 she is working on the last structural revision of Science and Health. The rearranged chapters will be in \'matrix\' form, so that as the student lives his way through the book he will be born anew as a real Scientist, and the concept of being a mortal person will be replaced. (No wonder the textbook\'s thirteenth chapter contains the passage on obstetrics!) Accordingly in September 1901 the course on physical obstetrics at the College is discontinued. Again 1901 is when Mrs Eddy announces to the world that her successor is to be not a person but generic man. All these features help to explain why in her own copy of the book she identified Message 1901 as \"infinite personality\" (Coil. 260). See Mary Baker Eddy\'s Other Writings by John L. Morgan (1984) PLEASE CONTACT THE MARY BAKER EDDY INSTITUTE FOR PDF COPY OF THIS BOOK