00 – Christian Science – 16 books by Mary Baker Eddy – 12 – Message to The Mother Church 1900 Mary B. Eddy 12 ~ Message to The Mother Church 1900 Christian Science ~ 16 Books by Mary Baker Eddy All Books Index Book 12 ~ Message to The Mother Church 1900 Pgs 01 to 15 Description: Mrs Eddy wrote seven of these special Messages to The Mother Church for the occasion of their Communion Service. (Mis. 120, My 121, Pan, My 124, Mess. 1900, Mess. 1901, Mess. 1902.) Instead of giving the students the symbols of bread and wine which are partaken in the ordinary Christian sacrament, in these Communion Messages she is feeding them with the actual Christ-substance that makes up the healthy church body. When Paul is writing his similar epistles to the young church of his day he frequently refers in his messages to \"the edification of the church;\" for instance, \'the edifying of the body of Christ,\" or making \"increase of the body unto the edifying of itself in love\" (Eph. 4). The word has no connection with eating nor, originally, does it mean merely pleasing moral instruction. The literal sense is building up, as in \'edifice.\' In these Messages, then, Mrs Eddy is building up the Christian and scientific consciousness that constitutes the Christian Scientist. Although this twelfth book contains some powerful statements, it may appear - on the surface at least - not to carry quite the same spiritual force as the previous eleven; that is, it brings no dramatic new teaching on the nature of God, no fresh revelation of the absolute facts of Science. But we would be very mistaken if we thought it lightweight. The function of the earlier eleven books has been to explain the allness of God and the illusory nature of evil and disease; step by step they equip us to prove in practice the truth of these two points. We have observed just the same spiritual sequence flowing through the chapters of Science and Health. Now with the objections answered (textbook chapter II), the way is open for the successful practice of Christian Science (textbook chapter 12). \"Truth is revealed. It needs only to be practised\" (S&H 174). And the key to its practice lies not in some extra piece of scientific instruction but in maintaining the Christ-consciousness - which alone does the healing work. What is required is an attitude of abiding, of steadfastness, for as we live our way through the eleven steps we are in the twelfth, the circuit is completed, and the power flows. See Mary Baker Eddy\'s Other Writings by John L. Morgan (1984) PLEASE CONTACT THE MARY BAKER EDDY INSTITUTE FOR PDF COPY OF THIS BOOK