Be Aware of Big Pharma Vaccine Fraud

1a. THE MEDICAL INDUSTRY lives on FRAUD as is proven by the arrest & execution of many of top management. 1b. There are a few top professionals who are good people & have a motive of helping mankind. Unfortunately, this is a very small percentage of the total. 1c. Below is a summary of HOW EVIL OPERATES within the Big Pharma Industry Fraud. 2. Deceives the target which is usually the entire population. 3. Disparages the character of anyone who attacks its evil methods. 4. It creates lies which are a total fabrication of the character of anyone attacking it. 5. It accuses the innocent ones for doing exactly what it is doing itself. 6. After fabricating a lie, it promotes it through a corrupt media.

7. It then uses the corrupt media as a source of authenticity. 8. The entire industry is built on deception. 9. Man's body is naturally immune to sickness & disease. 10. Big Pharma creates vaccines to insert poison into the body. 11. It does the above in an attempt to make the body sick or diseased in order to create a patient for a continuous use of drugs in the future. EVERY MAJOR DISEASE has been created by the drug industry which creates an entire industry of equipment as well as drugs. This is the most EVIL ACTIVITY any company can ever be involved in. 12. The few top professionals that are honest talk freely about the items noted above. 13. The huge majority are deceived by bribes & trickery which puts them in compromising

positions & makes them vulnerable to bribes. 14. There are many good people in the industry that care about humanity but they are overshadowed by the greed of Big Pharma who had only their profits as their guide. 15. The top professionals that are operating the evil companies never take their own medicines as they know it is poison. 16. The motive of the vaccine is to reduce worldwide population by 94% from 8.3 billion to approximately 500 million. 17. The goal is to enslave the 500 million to be the servants to the ones who reduced the population through GENOCIDE. 18. Many of the CEO'S OF BIG PHARMA have been ARRESTED & EXECUTED. Each one is tested & NONE HAD EVER TAKEN ANY OF THEIR OWN VACCINES.