American Freedom Articles 1776-2023-230706-1359

American Freedom Articles ~ 1776-2023

One Nation Under God, New Jerusalem

ONE nation under God, new Jerusalem, designed with Science & Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy as divine Science. Divinity embraces humanity and dissolves mortality ~ Thy kingdom is come.

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AMERICAN FREEDOM - Thinking about Christian Science on this holiday is an opportunity to contemplate the value of the freedom upon which America was based which is an open door to strive to improve humanity NOT by promoting war which is just another name for evil, animal magnetism, devil.  Promoting war promotes an evil military industrial complex, as President Dwight D Eisenhower warned America in his departing speech at the termination of his second term as President of the United States of America.

PROMOTE unity, peace and the betterment of Show all

Freedom ~ Christian Science Author ~ Mildred L LeBlond, CSB

It is important to know what freedom is and how it is accomplished. It is
not just by the rejection of error, but to know a thing is not true. It is the
individual alone who can make evil an unreality. Actually, freedom begins with
the rejection of error. Freedom comes to the beholder first, and this is divine
freedom -- the only freedom there is. 
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Thy kingdom is come

As we arrive at the 8th day which is the 8,000 year period of Bible history, Mary Baker Eddy’s prophesy will be Show all

No Separation

The head cannot be separated from its body, the body of work. God cannot be separated from his body of work, His Show all

Standard of liberty

Citizens of the world, accept the 'glorious liberty of the children of God,' and be free! This is your divine right. Science Show all
Julia Ward Howe
Julia Ward Howe is the author of the lyrics for The Battle Hymn of the Republic.. MORE
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VISION Show all

Unified But Individual

I know no life divided,
O Lord of life, from Thee;
In Thee is life provided
For all mankind Show all