How Healings Work?

              How Healing Works ~ Science & Health Pg 478-482       

Does brain think, and do nerves feel, and is there intelligence in matter?
Divine Mind is the Medicine ~ Truth is the Healer ~ Mortal Mind is Powerless to do ANYTHING

Pg 478-482   View/Dnld

Harmonious functions Question. — Does brain think, and do nerves feel, and 15 is there intelligence in matter? Answer. — No, not if God is true and mortal man a liar. The assertion that there can be pain or pleasure 18 in matter is erroneous. That body is most harmonious in which the discharge of the nat- ural functions is least noticeable. How can intelligence 21 dwell in matter when matter is non-intelligent and brain-lobes cannot think? Matter cannot perform the functions of Mind. Error says, "I am man;" but this 24 belief is mortal and far from actual. From beginning to end, whatever is mortal is composed of material hu- man beliefs and of nothing else. That only is real which 27 reflects God. St. Paul said, "But when it pleased God, who separated me from my mother's womb, and called me by His grace, . . . I conferred not with flesh and blood." Immortal birthright 30 Mortal man is really a self-contradictory phrase, for man is not mortal, "neither indeed can be;" man is im- PAGE 479 1 mortal. If a child is the offspring of physical sense and not of Soul, the child must have a material, not a spirit- 3 ual origin. With what truth, then, could the Scriptural rejoicing be uttered by any mother, "I have gotten a man from the Lord"? On the con- 6 trary, if aught comes from God, it cannot be mortal and material; it must be immortal and spiritual. Matter's supposed selfhood Matter is neither self-existent nor a product of Spirit. 9 An image of mortal thought, reflected on the retina, is all that the eye beholds. Matter cannot see, feel, hear, taste, nor smell. It is not self- 12 cognizant, — cannot feel itself, see itself, nor understand itself. Take away so-called mortal mind, which constitutes matter's supposed selfhood, and matter 15 can take no cognizance of matter. Does that which we call dead ever see, hear, feel, or use any of the physical senses? Chaos and darkness 18 "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep." 21 (Genesis i. 1, 2.) In the vast forever, in the Science and truth of being, the only facts are Spirit and its innumerable creations. Darkness and chaos 24 are the imaginary opposites of light, understanding, and eternal harmony, and they are the elements of nothingness. Spiritual reflection 27 We admit that black is not a color, because it reflects no light. So evil should be denied identity or power, because it has none of the divine hues. Paul 30 says: "For the invisible things of Him, from the creation of the world, are clearly seen, being under- stood by the things that are made." (Romans i. 20.) PAGE 480 1 When the substance of Spirit appears in Christian Sci- ence, the nothingness of matter is recognized. Where 3 the spirit of God is, and there is no place where God is not, evil becomes nothing, — the opposite of the some- thing of Spirit. If there is no spiritual reflection, then 6 there remains only the darkness of vacuity and not a trace of heavenly tints. Harmony from Spirit Nerves are an element of the belief that there is sensa- 9 tion in matter, whereas matter is devoid of sensation. Consciousness, as well as action, is governed by Mind, — is in God, the origin and gov- 12 ernor of all that Science reveals. Material sense has its realm apart from Science in the unreal. Harmonious action proceeds from Spirit, God. inharmony has no 15 Principle; its action is erroneous and presupposes man to be in matter. Inharmony would make matter the cause as well as the effect of intelligence, or Soul, thus 18 attempting to separate Mind from God. Evil non-existent Man is not God, and God is not man. Again, God, or good, never made man capable of sin. It is the oppo- 21 site of good — that is, evil — which seems to make men capable of wrong-doing. Hence, evil is but an illusion, and it has no real basis. Evil is a 24 false belief. God is not its author. The supposititious parent of evil is a lie. Vapor and nothingness The Bible declares: "All things were made by Him 27 [the divine Word]; and without Him was not anything, made that was made." This is the eternal verity of divine Science. If sin, sickness, 30 death were understood as nothingness, they would dis- appear. As vapor melts before the sun, so evil would vanish before the reality of good. One must hide the PAGE 481 1 other. How important, then, to choose good as the reality! Man is tributary to God, Spirit, and to nothing 3 else. God's being is infinity, freedom, harmony, and boundless bliss. "Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty." Like the archpriests of yore, man is 6 free "to enter into the holiest," — the realm of God. The fruit forbidden Material sense never helps mortals to understand Spirit, God. Through spiritual sense only, man com- 9 prehends and loves Deity. The various con- tradictions of the Science of Mind by the ma- terial senses do not change the unseen Truth, which re- 12 mains forever intact. The forbidden fruit of knowledge, against which wisdom warns man, is the testimony of error, declaring existence to be at the mercy of death, 15 and good and evil to be capable of commingling. This is the significance of the Scripture concerning this "tree of the knowledge of good and evil," — this growth of 18 material belief, of which it is said: "In the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die." Human hypotheses first assume the reality of sickness, sin, and death, and 21 then assume the necessity of these evils because of their admitted actuality. These human verdicts are the pro- curers of all discord. Sense and pure Soul 24 If Soul sins, it must be mortal. Sin has the elements of self-destruction. It cannot sustain itself. If sin is supported, God must uphold it, and this is 27 impossible, since Truth cannot support error. Soul is the divine Principle of man and never sins, — hence the immortality of Soul. In Science we learn that 30 it is material sense, not Soul, which sins; and it will be found that it is the sense of sin which is lost, and not a sinful soul. When reading the Scriptures, the substitu- PAGE 482 1 tion of the word sense for soul gives the exact meaning in a majority of cases. Soul defined 3 Human thought has adulterated the meaning of the word soul through the hypothesis that soul is both an evil and a good intelligence, resident in matter. 6 The proper use of the word soul can always be gained by substituting the word God, where the deific meaning is required. In other cases, use the word sense, 9 and you will have the scientific signification. As used in Christian Science, Soul is properly the synonym of Spirit, or God; but out of Science, soul is identical with 12 sense, with material sensation. Science & Health ~ Chpt 14 ~ Pg 478-482 View/Dnld


      Science & Health Pg 482-484      

Is it important to understand these explanations in order to heal the sick?
Pg 482-484   View/Dnld
The human, mortal mind so-called is not a healer, but causes the belief in disease. ~ Nothing but Truth or Divine Mind can Heal

Sonship of Jesus Question. — Is it important to understand these ex- planations in order to heal the sick? 15 Answer. — It is, since Christ is "the way" and the truth casting out all error. Jesus called himself "the Son of man," but not the son of Joseph. As 18 woman is but a species of the genera, he was literally the Son of Man. Jesus was the highest human concept of the perfect man. He was inseparable from 21 Christ, the Messiah, — the divine idea of God outside the flesh. This enabled Jesus to demonstrate his con- trol over matter. Angels announced to the Wisemen of 24 old this dual appearing, and angels whisper it, through faith, to the hungering heart in every age. Sickness erroneous Sickness is part of the error which Truth casts out. 27 Error will not expel error. Christian Science is the law of Truth, which heals the sick, on the basis of the one Mind or God. It can heal in no 30 other way, since the human, mortal mind so-called is not a healer, but causes the belief in disease. PAGE 483 True healing transcendent 1 Then comes the question, how do drugs, hygiene, and animal magnetism heal? It may be affirmed that they 3 do not heal, but only relieve suffering tempo- rarily, exchanging one disease for another. We classify disease as error, which nothing but Truth or 6 Mind can heal, and this Mind must be divine, not human. Mind transcends all other power, and will ultimately su- persede all other means in healing. In order to heal by 9 Science, you must not be ignorant of the moral and spir- itual demands of Science nor disobey them. Moral igno- rance or sin affects your demonstration, and hinders its 12 approach to the standard in Christian Science. Terms adopted by the author After the author's sacred discovery, she affixed the name "Science" to Christianity, the name "error" to 15 corporeal sense, and the name "substance" to Mind. Science has called the world to battle over this issue and its demonstration, which 18 heals the sick, destroys error, and reveals the universal harmony. To those natural Christian Scientists, the an- cient worthies, and to Christ Jesus, God certainly revealed 21 the spirit of Christian Science, if not the absolute letter. Science the way Because the Science of Mind seems to bring into dis- honor the ordinary scientific schools, which wrestle with 24 material observations alone, this Science has met with opposition; but if any system honors God, it ought to receive aid, not opposition, from all think- 27 ing persons. And Christian Science does honor God as no other theory honors Him, and it does this in the way of His appointing, by doing many wonderful works 30 through the divine name and nature. One must fulfil one's mission without timidity or dissimulation, for to be well done, the work must be done unselfishly. Christianity PAGE 484 1 will never be based on a divine Principle and so found to be unerring, until its absolute Science is reached. When 3 this is accomplished, neither pride, prejudice, bigotry, nor envy can wash away its foundation, for it is built upon the rock, Christ. Science & Health ~ Chpt 14 ~ Pg 482-484 View/Dnld