Louis Agassiz
Louis Agassiz ~ Biography and Publication Index
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(a) Usefulness of Learning Through Observation
Louis Agassiz (1807-1873) was a Swiss-born American naturalist, geologist, and teacher who made revolutionary contributions to the study of natural science with landmark work on glacier activity and extinct fishes. He achieved lasting fame through his innovative teaching methods, which altered the character of natural science education in the United States.
Awards And Honors:
1. Hall of Fame (1915)
2. Copley Medal (1861)
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1 | Publication | Article | Learning, Observation, Power, Art, Facts | Show all | USEFULNESS OF LEARNING THROUGH OBSERVATION 1. The Power of Observation 2.The Art of Comparing Objects 3. Do the Work For Yourself 4. Look, And See for Yourself |
Reference from Mary Baker Eddy
# | Group | Category | Chpt # | Chpt Title | Pg # | Topic | Show All | References From MBE |
# | Group | Category | Chpt # | Chpt Title | Pg # | Topic | Show All | References From MBE |
1 | References | 13 | Message to The Mother Church 1901 | 27 | Message, Mother Church, Agassiz, 1901 | Show all | Professor Agassiz said: "Every great scientific truth goes through three stages. First, people say it conflicts with the Bible. Next, they say it has been discovered before. Lastly, they say they had always believed it." Having passed through the first two stages, Christian Science must be approaching the last stage of the great naturalist's prophecy. | |
2 | References | 05 | Animal Magnetism Unmasked ~ SH 1910 | 104 | Agassiz, Naturalist, Author, Scientific, Truth, Bible | Show all | Agassiz, the celebrated naturalist and author, has wisely said: "Every great scientific truth goes through three stages. First, people say it conflicts with the Bible. Next, they say it has been discovered before. Lastly, they say they have always believed it." | |
3 | References | 17 | Answers to Criticisms ~ Other Writings | 304 | The First Church of Christ Scientist and Miscellany | Show all | Agassiz, the celebrated naturalist and author, wisely said: "Every great scientific truth goes through three stages. First, people say it conflicts with the Bible. Next, they say it has been discovered before. Lastly, they say they have always believed it." | |
4 | References | 15 | Genesis ~ SH 1910 | 547 | Embryonic Evolution | Show all | Embryonic Evolution The late Louis Agassiz, by his microscopic examination of a vulture's ovum, strengthens the thinker's conclusions as to the scientific theory of creation. Agassiz was able to see in the egg the earth's atmosphere, the gathering clouds, the moon and stars, while the germinating speck of so-called embryonic life seemed a small sun. In its history of mortality, Darwin's theory of evolution from a material basis is more consistent than most theories. Briefly, this is Darwin's theory, — that Mind produces its opposite, matter, and endues matter with power to recreate the universe, including man. Material evolution implies that the great First Cause must become material, and afterwards must either return to Mind or go down into dust and nothingness. |
5 | References | 15 | Genesis ~ SH 1910 | 548 | Methods of Reproduction | Show all | Natural history is richly endowed by the labors and genius of great men. Modern discoveries have brought to light important facts in regard to so-called embryonic life. Agassiz declares ("Methods of Study in Natural History," page 275): "Certain animals, besides the ordinary process of generation, also increase their numbers naturally and constantly by self-division." This discovery is corroborative of the Science of Mind, for this discovery shows that the multiplication of certain animals takes place apart from sexual conditions. The supposition that life germinates in eggs and must decay after it has grown to maturity, if not before, is shown by divine metaphysics to be a mistake, — a blunder which will finally give place to higher theories and demonstrations. | |
6 | References | 15 | Genesis ~ SH 1910 | 549 | Material Law | Show all | In one instance a celebrated naturalist, Agassiz, discovers the pathway leading to divine Science, and beards the lion of materialism in its den. At that Deference to point, however, even this great observer mis-material law takes nature, forsakes Spirit as the divine origin of creative Truth, and allows matter and material law to usurp the prerogatives of omnipotence. He absolutely drops from his summit, coming down to a belief in the material origin of man, for he virtually affirms that the germ of humanity is in a circumscribed and non- intelligent egg. | |
7 | References | 16 | The Apocalypse ~ SH 1910 | 561 | Espousals Supernal | Show all | Agassiz, through his microscope, saw the sun in an egg at a point of so-called embryonic life. Because of his more spiritual vision, St. John saw an "angel standing in the sun." The Revelator beheld the spiritual idea from the mount of vision. Purity was the symbol of Life and Love. The Revelator saw also the spiritual ideal as a woman clothed in light, a bride coming down from heaven, wedded to the Lamb of Love. To John, "the bride" and "the Lamb" represented the correlation of divine Principle and spiritual idea, God and His Christ, bringing harmony to earth. |