Grekel – The Life of Mary Baker Eddy – 3 Volumes by Doris Grekel

The Life of Mary Baker Eddy ~ 3 Volumes             by Doris Grekel     

THE DISCOVERY of the Science of Man ~ Volume 1


Preface – “ON the twenty-sixth of November in 1897, Mrs. Eddy wrote in a letter to Julia Field-King, ‘People seem to understand C.S. in the exact ratio that they know me and vice versa. It sometimes astonishes me to see the invariableness of this rule.’ In March of 1907 when Joseph Pulitzer of the New York World was spearheading an attack and a lawsuit against the Revelator to this age, she said to a student, ‘The papers are writing up my history; the history of my ancestry; writing lies. My history is a holy one.’

“For many years the author has been seeking to know Mrs. Eddy and to learn her holy history. Though she feels she has little more than begun on this vast search, it has been rewarding beyond expectations. This research has convinced her that an understanding of the trials and triumphs of Mary Baker Eddy is essential for those who “would enter by the door.” The publication of these pages is a small, partial payment toward the great debt we owe to the Discoverer of the Science of Man.” (p. ix)

Volume 1  407 pages
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THE FOUNDING of Christian Science ~ Volume 2


Preface – “JESUS called himself the door, and Mrs. Eddy called herself a window. A door is a ‘passage; means of access.’ A window is ‘an opening in the wall of a building for admission of light.’
Verily, verily I say unto you, I am the door of the sheep …. I am the door; by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and go in and out and find pasture.”  John

God has worked through me in this age because He could. The light will come through the window because it will let it, while the wall will not; it would shine through the wall if it could. God is no respecter of persons. Then would you say the wall can let in the light the same as the window? No. Then does one person let in as much light as another? No. Can the one who lets in the light see what is best for the others better than one who does not? Yes. That is the trouble with those outside (the wall); they think they can run things just as well and a little better than I can (the windowpane). How do you know I am a windowpane for the light to shine through? By the works. – Divinity Course and General Collectanea

“These two individuals have brought the fatherhood and motherhood of God to our apprehension. They are God’s two witnesses on this planet, the two candlesticks to light the way, the two olive trees.” (p. xi)

Volume 2  535 pages
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Preface – “In an early essay Mrs. Eddy said: ‘The church created, founded and erected on the rock against which the winds and waves prevail not, is the church triumphant, the indwelling temple of God.’ Mary Baker Eddy demonstrated this ‘indwelling temple of God’ in her own life, explained it in Science and Health, and, to help her followers make this demonstration, she set forth rules in her Manual of The Mother’s Church, ‘Mary Baker Eddy’s Church’ (Man. 102).

“Mrs. Eddy’s sojourn among mortals was devoted to wakening mankind to spiritual life; and the higher she lifted her voice, the louder did error scream lies about her and her blameless life. In one brief answer to the mountains of falsehoods she said: ‘Above all the fustian of either denying or asserting the personality or presence of Mary Baker Eddy, stands the eternal fact of Christian Science and the honest history of its Discoverer and Founder.’

“It is the author’s hope that the honest history in these pages will help the earnest seeker for Truth to find and to follow the Forever Leader, and thus to ‘rejoice in the church triumphant.’ ” (p. xi)

Volume 3  669 pages
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