Christ Jesus
Parables of Jesus ~ Christian Science Spiritual Interpretation by Stamp & Maas ~ Foreword
1. Parables of Jesus ~ Interpretation by Stamp & Maas --- Please see below
“Without a parable spake he not unto them” – Matthew 13:34.
This quotation from Matthew is an emphatic statement about the method in which Jesus taught the multitudes. He emphasized the importance of impersonalizing all of life such that he commonly referred to a man, woman, or child without even using a name.
Jesus would say in a few words what takes pages and pages to relate the possible spiritual meaning. More often than not, a literal interpretation is applied to much if not all of the Bible, including the Parables of Jesus. But that is a huge mistake as Jesus himself tells us many times.
In the view of the operators of this website, the most comprehensive spiritual interpretations of the 41 Parables of Jesus authored by Clifford Stamp & Rosalie Maas represent the most advanced views of the true intended meaning by Jesus.
You are encouraged to view the above author’s other publications.
Since the authors of these spiritual interpretations have stated that they have gained in multiple ways as a result of the inspired prayer that revealed their interpretations, we find the following quote from Mary Baker Eddy to be appropriate:
“‘In the scientific relation of God to man, we find that whatever blesses one blesses all, as Jesus showed with the loaves and fishes, – Spirit, not matter, being the source of supply” Science & Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy, page 206 lines 15-18.
The authors made this closing statement in their introduction:
“From the infinitude of the Mind which gave them it is clear that the parables have many meanings other than those presented in these booklets. May these particular interpretations be as helpful to the reader as they have been to those who had the privilege of entertaining them.” Clifford Stamp & Rosalie Maas