0.0 – Christian Science Bk 7 of 7 – Mary Baker Eddy – Your Divinity Revealed by Helen M Wright – Chpt 0 – Title Pages Helen M Wright Category: Book Beg Line#: 0 Pub Title: Your Divinity Revealed: The Seven-fold Revelation of Your Being, Vol 7 Pub Type: Book End Pg#: 5 Author: Wright, Helen M Chapter #: 0 End Line#: 0 Chpt Title: Title pages and Mary Baker Eddy photo, Acknowledgement, Preface, Table of Contents Beg Pg#: 1 INDEX BIOGRAPHY Total Pgs: 5 ALL CHAPTERS INDEX View/Download: PDF Title pages - Mary Baker Eddy photo - Acknowledgement PDF Table of Contents PDF Preface Christian Science ~ Your Divinity Revealed by Helen M Wright Topics: Tags: 7 ~ Your Divinity Revealed: The Seven-fold Revelation of Your Being ~ Chpt 0 ~ Title pages and Mary Baker Eddy photo, Acknowledgement, Preface, Table of Contents Description: Text Content: SHOW ALL PREFACE: These things that we herewith are going to set down in print are true, living, vital, and real, and they are the only things that will help mankind. If we can only find sincere students who have spiritual sense, who see the values that matter, and who will live them and love them and use them, then we shall do the greatest thing in the world; we shall see we are Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth, and Love, and we shall free mankind. Mary Baker Eddy did something no one else in the history of mankind had ever done. She saw and explained evil's unreality. Because of her teaching, evil will disappear just as the "flat" earth has disappeared. Spiritual evolution has not stopped. Mortals will evolve out of thinking they are man just as they evolved out of the Stone Age, out of the cave-man experience. Through the Science of being, mortals will continue to evolve out of the belief, the illusion, that man is separated from infinite good-from his own infinite divine Mind. He will realize that his mind that has made a hell out of heaven can now make a heaven out of hell by rising out of, above and beyond the human mind, just as Jesus, our Wayshower, did in the ascension. All are destined to "expand into Truth and self-completeness that embraces all things, and need communion with nothing more than itself to find [perfection, fulfillment]" (First edition 223:17). Since truth cannot be stereotyped but unfolds endlessly, the approaching seventh-thousand-year period will bring vii the realization that we are Mind expressing itself as idea. We are all destined to escape from the misconception that we are in bondage to matter. We are not a physical, corporeal man in bondage to matter-to a flesh-blood-bones corporeal body, initiated by the illusion of human birth, the last enemy to be destroyed by Truth. In place of the illusion will dawn the realization that we are the Word. We are "incorporeal, divine, supreme, infinite Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth and Love." To attempt to present Mary Baker Eddy in her true light and life by calling attention to her highest teaching which has been the purpose of the author's volumes on Mary Baker Eddy-not only glorifies Mrs. Eddy but also glorifies the reader in proportion to his understanding of what Mary Baker Eddy teaches. Mrs. Eddy's life work was such a tremendous spiritual achievement that no human pen or tongue, other than her own, can fully honor or portray it. Yet books that explain the Science she brought to humanity are helpful in translating thought out of the mortal, hypnotic state, into the immortal. They help all mankind make the transition from the material to the spiritual point of view. When Mrs. Eddy was healed in 1866, she said, "I must know the Science of this healing." Mrs. Eddy never says, "God reveals;" she says "Science reveals," and in Science and Health she uses the term Science over 1000 times. In the Mary Baker Eddy Institute Letter No. 12, the writer lovingly promised that the next "Letter" would be on the "system" of Christian Science. But this requires a whole book-a book telling you, the reader, what you are as "in viii corporeal, divine, supreme, infinite Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth and Love." This book on the "system" follows naturally from my book containing the 12 Mary Baker Eddy Institute Letters. I cannot take personal credit for the ideas herein, for they are drawn from extensive notes made while studying in Europe with John Doorly, Max Kappeler and other dedicated early students of the system. But we can say that in our and other students' experiences the course of study presented here, if thoroughly and honestly undertaken, will lead to a cultured spiritual consciousness, where you see that you are the Principle. And if you read it ten times you will each time see something new and helpful. The student studying this book should have Mary Baker Eddy's divinely dictated Science and Health with him at all times while pondering these notes that tell you what you are, in reality. In Christ and Christmas Mary Baker Eddy wrote, "In tender mercy, Spirit sped a loyal ray to rouse the living, wake the dead and point the way." If Mary Baker Eddy is our Wayshower, and Science and Health With Key to the Scriptures is our roadmap, then I offer this book as a signpost pointing the way, pointing always back to Mary Baker Eddy's celestial textbook to tell you what you are as "incorporeal, divine, supreme, infinite Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth and Love." Mrs. Eddy's birthday, July 16, 1821, was a day of great moment to the human race. Did you know that the year 1821 was recorded in stone thousands of years ago? Pyramidologists tell us that "Epoch Iff is 6000 lunar years, IX ending in 1821 A. D., the year of Mrs. Eddy's birth. The woman of the Apocalypse, Mary Baker Eddy, ("with [matter] under her feet") first appeared in that prophesied year, 1821. Mary Baker Eddy, like Jesus, could have said, "Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words [in the second coming of the Christ, the 'Comforter'] shall not pass away." Though Mrs. Eddy was thwarted, opposed and blocked in every way by the anathemas brought down upon her by pulpit, press, and the medical world, she held her course with boundless determination, through mental blizzards, hurricanes and typhoons. In the mighty sweep of the centuries to come, her words will speak more and more clearly to itching ears and dull disciples until all mankind sees their true divine being as incorporeal, divine, supreme, infinite Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth and Love. In Mrs. Eddy's early teaching, she taught, "You, my students, are ... God and not man. Holding intelligence thus, all error (sin, sickness and death) was destroyed. This is Science." (See Essays and Other Footprints, Oakes, p. 227) When our Leader told the early students, "You, my students, are God, and not man," she was emphasizing that man is not, cannot, be God, but likewise that you, the student, cannot heal unless you know that God is the Healer, making you one with God, with no power but His. Because some students misunderstood and completely reversed her meaning, Mary Baker Eddy was forced to reexamine her early, and correct, phraseology, as found in the first edition of Science and Health and elsewhere, and to introduce the modifications of later editions. x What Jesus' Mission Showed Jesus' mission on earth was to show, by demonstration, that there is no corporeal personality, no sickness, no sin, no death. According to Christian Science the word person means divinity, and not humanity. This Science teaches that there is absolutely no such thing as physical personality. The incarnation (or fleshly environment) of Jesus was intended to illustrate the process by which physicality (or so-called material personality) is diminished-that proportionately as mortal mind is spiritualized, physical personality decreases, until it finally disappears, as Jesus vanished in the ascension. Jesus' work was individual, and can never be repeated. His reappearing must be impersonal. His second coming must be as an impersonal idea, not as corporeality. He must present, not mind as incarnated in matter, or soul as circled in the flesh, but a realization of Life, Truth, and Love in their spiritual signification, as set forth in the Scriptures and in Science and Health. The Savior proved that his growth was a progress upward out of corporeality, into Spirit, not a retrogression downward, into the flesh. No mortal man or woman ever will, or can, take Jesus' place, or again fulfill his earthly mission. His work is already accomplished, and needs no duplication. What will be developed through Christian Science, and is now unfolding itself, is the purer idea and spiritual manifestation of the Christ character, in word and deed. The personal appearance of the Master was but once, and for all time. Xl What Is the Second Coming? "What is the second coming of Christ?" Mrs. Eddy asked and answered that it is another era of the world's awakening, a higher advent in human consciousness of the spiritual idea, the true character of God. This idea of God neither comes nor goes, for it is inseparable from its divine Principle, the ever-present I AM. But the human concept of this idea has its periods of light and shade. Every loyal Scientist understands that the second coming of the Christ is the next higher, hence, more spiritual revelation of God's character-your true character. The Christian era presented the first tangible idea of God's character by its inspired man, Jesus. The era of Christian Science ushers in through woman the second appearing of His (infinite Good's) character and this from the necessity of His nature (Principle) as the Father and Mother of all, the creator, even the complete and everpresent idea of God. Therefore, this era comes not through Jesus but through Mary, the type of womanhood and mother of its first and forever appearing which divine Science alone can give. The third appearing of the spiritual idea of the character of God will present but the disappearing of all else, and establish the supremacy of Spirit which obliterates the human sense of the divine, takes away all sense of matter and reveals the final fact that the idea, Christ, is not a materialized or finite man or woman, but is the infinite concept of infinite Mind (your real Mind). xii Mary Baker Eddy shares with us the following: Now measure yourself and your growth by your works, not by your words. All I have ever accomplished has been done by getting Mary out of the way, and letting God be reflected. When I would reach this tone, the sick would be healed without a word. [Mary Baker Eddy saw the perfect man, who was "incorporeal, divine, supreme, infinite Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth and Love."] Never become discouraged, dear ones. This work is not humdrum, it is growth. It is repeating and defeating, repeating and defeating, repeating and defeating. Is not this the way a mathematician becomes a mathematician? (Divinity Course and General Collectanea, Oakes). Arthur Corey, in Christian Science Class Instruction, explains, "As we go from glory to glory, the fact that you are divinely sustained must appear to you as shelter, food, raiment, money, or whatever is required for your apprehension of substance. To think of it all as matter, is to invest it with material limitations, of course, and to endanger the outcome of your most earnest work. If, on the other hand, you understand that it is divine substance appearing, despite the language of its appearing, you will find it adequate to the point of abundance, appropriate to the point of harmony, and satisfying to the point of contentment." Mary Baker Eddy's inspired writings are a deep well of inspiration and understanding that will never fail us, a xiii treasure trove into which we can reach again and again, and never come away empty-handed. She herself wrote: "Every By-law in the Manual is inspired. I did not write them any more than I wrote Science and Health. I study Science and Health constantly." (Divinity Course and General Collectanea, Oakes) Our hope is that this book will awaken in the reader a deep longing and desire to know himself* as he really, divinely, scientifically is. Helen M. Wright September, 1999 *NOTE: Throughout this book whenever we use man, him, his, he, himself, etc., we mean it generically, as standing also for woman,-for she, her, herself, etc., in conformity with Mrs. Eddy'S statement in S&H, 517:10, " ... since 'woman corresponds to Life and Love' ... we have not as much authority for considering God masculine, as we have for considering Him feminine, for Love imparts the clearest idea of Deity." xiv SHOW ALL