1 of 5 Living Demonstration of Divine Principle Life is a living demonstration of the divine Principle. If Principle operates by itself and brings dynamics into being, we can see that the dynamic of Principle is Life. The inner operation of Principle is naturally Principle, but every operation is bringing
2 of 5 out something new, and this newness is Life. Thus when Principle operates we have Life and we can't have Life without relying on the divine Principle, which is Mind, Spirit, Soul in one operation. In order to have eternal life we must determine what kind of life we mean.
3 of 5 Mortal life is not eternal, nor are material, physical, or organic life, eternal. They are a mistaken sense of life, and mistakes cannot be eternalized. Eternal Life is constituted of Mind, Spirit, Soul, and Principle. Life says, "Only that is Life that is created by Mind, not by 'parents."' Only Life that is Mind is Life; only Life that is the creation of the divine Mind is Life. Likewise, only Life that is Spirit, and not matter, is Life, for material life cannot be made eternal. The Life that is spiritual is already eternal; we don't have to make it eternal. Only Life that is Soul is Life. Life that is Soul is not in the body, just as the principle of arithmetic is not in the numbers. This Life that is not in the body is already immortal. Being is "the kingdom of God ... within you" as "incorporeal, divine, supreme, infinite Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth, Love."
4 of 5 The fact is, there is nothing to be created. 2 x 2 = 4 never had to be created. It was never born, so it never ends. To gain immortality we must gain a scientific eternal consciousness of creation which entails seeing that there is no creator and no creation. There is only revelation. The Facts Have Always Been the Facts Divine Science reveals, and this is the only" creation." The facts were always the facts; Science reveals them. This constitutes the only "creation" t" there is, since there is per se no creator and no creation, as explained in the chapter "Creation" in Science and Health. But we can continually see more of that which already is. Principle is always telling us that this Life operates now as eternal Life. We can't demonstrate eternal Life, we can only see that Life is eternal, is beingness.
5 of 5 Life always has been because Life is Mind, Spirit, Soul, operated by Principle. Every question can be answered through an understanding of the synonymous terms, just as we have done here with Life. You first ask, "What is Life?" The answer, "Life is Mind," leads to the next question, "What is Mind?" You ponder and meditate on what Mind is, and you see that everything Mind is, Life is. Again, you ask "What is Life?" "Life is Spirit." Well, "What is Spirit?" You ruminate on the meaning of Spirit, going over all the ideas characterizing Spirit, and you see that what Spirit is, Life is. You go through the same process with Soul. "What is Soul?" You reflect on Soul, on all the ideas characterizing Soul, and you see that what Soul is, Life is. And the same with Principle. This is the way to learn what you already are. View/Dnld Complete PDF
References included in this Treatment 1. Intro quotes from Science & Health 2. Definitions of God & Good 3. System of Divine Metaphysics 4. Scientific statement of being 5. 7 Terms for God ~ Definition's Abbreviations 6. Diapason of Heaven ~ MBE 7. View all details of above list Index
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“Blessed art Thou because everything that really is, is in this Book.”
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