Of the 4 Images below which one represents a solid foundation as a platform on which to depend
The Blessing ~ Lead me to the rock ~ Solo Committee
I can't help but wonder if there'd been enough blessing Enough blessing for both brothers what would Esa have done? Would hatred have stopped before it ever got started? Would Esa have shared the wealth of eldest son? We all need the blessing of our father's dear love We all need the blessing and we all need to bless We all need the fullness of the blessing that's ours,
Thank goodness that our father can never give less ------------------------------------------ I can't help but wonder if there'd been enough blessing Enough blessing for both brothers what would Jacob have done? Would deceit have stopped before it ever started? Would Jacob have stayed home and not had to run? We all need the blessing of our father's dear love We all need the blessing
and we all need to bless We all need the fullness of the blessing that's ours Thank goodness that our father can never give less ------------------------------------------ I can’t help but wonder if there's not enough blessing Enough blessing for all brothers so that war can be done Can we learn from those brothers that love is the blessing and in the end what matters is that all men are one?
Let us banish self seeking and self preservation, Self interest, self pity, self justification, self love, self will and self condemnation. ------------------------------------------ Let us say in our hearts I have enough Can we learn from those brothers that love is the blessing and in the end what matters is that all men are one.
Lord’s Prayer ~ Principle ~ Live the System of Divine Metaphysics ~ Principle in Operation
INTRODUCTION TO KEY POINTS 1. Introductory quotes for Science & Health ~ See above view button 2. System of Divine Metaphysics ~ SH 146:31 3. Study = Research & development. Looking for key points expressed in short phrases including titles & subtitles. 4. Research = unbiased truth-seeking. 5. Development = developing within consciousness through process of reasoning. 6. Must keep the discoverer directly connected to the discovery in order to be able to benefit from
the discovery ~ not in personality ~ but connected in qualities. 7. Give credit which includes naming them by their individual name, such as Mary Baker Eddy or Christ Jesus. 8. This does not deify them, but only recognizes them for their cutting a new path in the jungle which exposes materialism & theories of so-called mortal mind. 2 Greatest Commandments 1. Love God with all thy heart, soul & mind. 2. Love thy neighbor as thyself. 3. The two above are indelibly connected.
Quiet Time 1. Pray 3x a day for all humanity. 2. Stop every hour to make sure your thoughts are only on goodness related to any individual. 3. Same with any event ~ must be constructive 4. If there is any evil involved, we must flip it to convert our thinking to what God is & that the true man which is only the real man is perfect & good. 5. We must translate just like Jesus did when he saw someone sinning, sick or dead. 6. A mortal is not an idea of God. Jesus turned his thought to the real man which is spiritual. He focused on man as the perfect idea of God.