America Freedom #1 ~ September 2024
INDEX Please SCROLL to View the Details for the Topics below
1. Topic ~ Daily Treat ~ Time and Space ~ No Limit in Mind ~ MBEI ~ 240930 2. Evil vs Truth ~ How Evil & Truth Operate? ~ 240925 3. Pray for America ~ Prevention of Evil ~ Protection of Freedoms ~ 240923 4. God Bless America ~ John Wayne + Choir + Solo ~ 240923 5. Trump lead Team ~ Truth ~ Freedom ~ Justice ~ 240923
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1. Topic ~ Daily Treat ~ Time and Space ~ No Limit in Mind ~ MBEI 240930
1. OVERCOMING TIME & SPACE a. A girl from Japan won championship on speed calculating being able to tap accurately at 400 kmph overcoming time & space. b. Instantaneous healings prove time & space can be overcome. c. Infinite progression is concrete being. d. We remove limitations by relying on Truth. e. Every activity has a principle ~ practice exactness, no matter if it is spiritual healing ~ calculator race, piano playing race, or any activity. f. Internet ~ Instant communication worldwide. 2. Many have reduced or eliminated limitation of time & space a. Christ Jesus b. Mary Baker Eddy c. Joel Goldsmith d. Frederick L. Rawson e. Wentworth Winslow 3. PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT a. Moment = smallest measurement of time. b. Many moments are wasted every day. c. Utilize moments ~ declare or affirm a particular truth. d. The above are examples to productively use what otherwise is wasted. 4. Foundation of Christian Science
3 Step Process ~ Always look for Truth a. Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free - John 8:32 b. There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so — Shakespeare c. OH! Thou hast heard my prayer; And I am blest! This is Thy high behest: — Thou here, and everywhere. ~ Mary Baker Eddy
2. Evil vs Truth How Evil & Truth Operate? 240925
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Cleanse consciousness of Evil to Let Truth enter
All Thought, Speech & Action ~ Devote to Truth
1. Ignores Truth 2. Laughs at Truth 3. Use every deceit possible 4. Always FALSE 5. Tries to obstruct Truth 6. Strategies & Tactics always fail 7. Always Loses the battle & the war 1. Exposes Evil 2. Attacks Evil at root. 3. Always straight-forward 4. Always TRUE 5. Cannot be obstructed 6. Never defeated 7. Always the Victor of everything
3. Pray for America Prevention of Evil Protection of Freedoms 240923
Pray for the following: All prayer must be Impersonal 1. TRUMP TEAM 2. If you don't stand up, ALL will be lost. 3. If you are a sheep, ALL will be lost. 4. Protection of Freedoms 5. Prevention of Evil & protection of good 6. America is a state of consciousness 7. Prayer is dynamic, not passive or static 8. God helps those who help themselves 9. Living God's qualities = Power 10. Not living God's qualities = Weak & Fail 11. Peter, James & John fell slept 12. All Must be Alert as prayer dynamic 13. Christ Jesus ~ Separating HEALING from him & naming him God = Failure of Spiritual Progress = Christianity LOST 14. Mary Baker Eddy ~ Separating HEALING from her & from Christian Science = Failure of Spiritual PROGRESS = Christian Science LOST 15. Mortal mind & matter hates truth & Truth 16. Be grateful for Christ Jesus 17. Be grateful for Mary Baker Eddy 18. Seek ye first, the Kingdom of God. 19. Tithing includes every part of your life 20. Tithe 0% of all resources = Failure 21. Tithe 5% of all resources = D student 22. Tithe 10% of all resources = C student 23. Tithe 20% of all resources = B student 24. Tithe 30% + of all resources = A student 25. Tithe 0% to daily study = 0.0 hrs = Failure 26. Tithe 5% to daily study = 1.2 hrs = D student 27. Tithe 10% to daily study = 2.4 hrs = C student 28. Tithe 20% to daily study = 4.8 hrs = B student 29. Tithe 30% to daily study = 7.2 hrs = A student 30. Tithe 0% of all talents = Failure 31. Tithe 5% of all talents = D student 32. Tithe 10% of all talents = C student 33. Tithe 20% of all talents = B student 34. Tithe 30% + of all talents = A student 35. Student = Humility = Spiritual Progress 36. Spiritual progress improves every life 37. Spiritual progress touches everyone 38. Failure reflects submitting to universal beliefs 39. Pray = 3x a day for all humanity 40. Reality check = Purify thoughts 12x a day 41. Do you care about the rest of today? 42. Do you care about tomorrow? 43. Do you care about civilization survival? 44. WEF & NWO = Killing 94% of population 45. Christianity is lost ~ See # 13 46. Christian Science is lost ~ See # 14 47. Christianity ~ Want to restore it? 48. Christian Science ~ Want to restore it?
4. God Bless America 240909
God bless America ~ Choir John Wayne
Sheep = Look on and Do Nothing
God Bless America
5. Trump Lead Team Truth ~ Freedom ~ Justice 240909