Christian Science Topic America

America ~ Index

Last Updated ~ 240920

INDEX                                                               Please SCROLL to View the Details for the Topics below

0. Music ~ 8 Special Music VIDEOS About America
1. Protect the Vote ~ Fight for freedom ~ 240918
2. America ~ A place or State of Consciousness
3. World Economic Forum (WEF) ~ New World Order (NWO) ~ 240904
4. We = We the People & IT = Government ~ We must take control ~ 240903
5. Make America Healthy Again ~ R. F. Kennedy Jr. ~ Administrator ~ 240903
6. Remove All Corruption World Wide ~ President Trump & MBE ~ 240903
7. America is a Sovereign Nation ~ Claim it ~ 240903
8. General George Washington ~ 3 Visions at Valley Forge ~ 240905

God’s Plan

0.  Music ~ 8 Special Music VIDEOS About America        240905

   Click to view details ~ Includes 8 Music Videos + PDF + Prayer Treatment  View

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1. Protect the Vote ~ Fight for Freedom                                                               240918 

  If We Lose This Election = Communism
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1. Not who you vote for, but who counts the vote decides the winner. 2. Elections have been corrupt from day one. 3. Belief of the Adam dream is a source of dishonest & greedy humanity. 4. Corruption is removed when there is a structure and system that works. 5. A structure and system with monitoring and policing is required. 6. General Patton pursued the goals of America during World War 2. 7. General Patton was fired because he exposed corrupt politicians.

 2 Titans    Determined To Do Good 

President Donald J. Trump &
General George S. Patton

8. General Eisenhower was assigned the top duty and was elected president after World War 2.
9. After his presidency of 8 years, he warned the public about the Military Industrial Complex (MIC). 
10. MIC is the core of the corruption in America.
11. MIC lives off of US tax dollars ~ Big profits.
12. The profits of war machine BLINDS everyone.
13. The election system has to be revolutionized.
14. Protect the Vote (PTV) is a main tool.
15. PTV has 175,000 monitoring & policing.
16. 500 attorneys will be pursuing legal solutions.
17. President Trump will take required actions.
18. Each one must vote to make change happen.
19. Everyone ~ Contact PTV to help
20. The White Hat Military (WHM) is worldwide.
21. WHM supports President Trump 100%.
22. WHM will be monitoring the vote process.
23. WHM will be armed to PTV & assure honesty.
24. All corruption will be exposed. 
25. Everyone must vote + participate with PTV. 
26. The very future of America and many other nations depends on this election.  
27. Look in the mirror ~ Are you doing everything that you can do to bring back America or what other country you are in.

Are you just expecting to go about your merry way for the next 2 months and hope that other people do what you need to be doing.


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2. America – A Place or State of Consciousness                                            240918
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          Symbol of Freedom        
Julie Robinson Olive Treadwell

America – A Place or State of Consciousness PDF       View Complete Index

Question: is America a place or is it a State of Consciousness? When seen in its spiritual connotation it must obviously be the latter.

Thus no one has to come to America but needs only to realize the reality of government under God, no matter where they are located. America is a symbol for freedom and freedom is with God, this is everywhere present, active and complete.

Julie Treadwell
MBEI Director

America was founded on the law of God, Principle ~ seen at the highest level of understanding of that day ~ that can evolve, but never change, for that is what America is, a symbol for the law and government of God. A government of laws and not people. A symbol can be translated to its basic idea ~ God, Principle ~ a thing, a place cannot. We today are presented via the media all the age-old pictures of "good and evil". Divine Science operating at the level of Christian Science corrects this misconception with the one value system – God good is All-in-all of which there is no other. Only as we individually see this point can we dehypnotize the situation, disconnect from the mortal picture. Then we will see and demonstrate here and now heaven, harmony – all things working together for good – thus we have a unified field, " the "Unity of Good"

Devil’s Plan

 3. World Economic Forum (WEF)  New World Order (NWO)        240904

America to be converted to these 16 features   America to be the Model for all countries
WEF & NWO Complete Page View
July 2024 World population ~ 8,200,000,000   Tools to use ~ Nuclear War, Starvation, Vaccines  New population ~ 492,000,000
1. Everyone controlled by government.
2. All property owned by government
3. All perverted marriages legalized
4. All children owned by & raised by government
5. No Homemakers permitted
6. Children, women, men work for government
7. All production owned by government
8. All religions banned ~ Mary Baker Eddy prophesied this may happen
9. If do not agree to #8 ~ Imprisoned or Terminated
10. This entire plan designed by Nazi Germany 
11. Deception will be the tool to convince acceptance
12. If accept & promote plan = Supervise others 
13. The only party is communism.
14. All elements of Christianity to be eliminated.
15. Violence to be used to accelerate the change. 
16. Famine, depression, war tools to make the change
God’s Plan

4.  We = We the People    IT = Government        240903

President Ronald Reagan ~ 1989

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1. We control it. 
2. We tell it where to go.
3. We tell it how fast to go.
4. We tell it how far to go.
5. We tell it when & where to turn.
6. We tell it when to stop &/or reverse.
7. It works exclusively for we.
8. We can fire any part or all of it anytime.
9. We can make it bigger or smaller anytime.
10. We can put it in the junkyard anytime.
11. We can get a new it anytime.
12. A Small it = More Freedom
13. We can delegate anything to the states anytime.
14. We determine the standard of morality
15. We will enforce the 10 commandments 
16. We will enforce the GOLDEN RULE.
17. We will enforce 2 genders which are biological only
18. If not supported in the Bible, it is not permitted.
God’s Plan

5.  Make America Healthy Again ~ Robert F Kennedy Jr. ~ Administrator           240903

1. Food ~ Natural Foods
2. Seeds ~ Natural from natural foods 
3. Spray ~ Protect food & will be natural as much as possible.
4. Water ~ Drinkable water & no chemicals involved
5. Lakes & rivers ~ Clean water
6. Lakes & rivers ~ Full of healthy fish, no chemicals.
7. Air ~ No chemicals added & eliminate all chemtrails
8. Weather ~ Natural no manipulation
9. Weather ~ Eliminate all agencies with evil activities.
10. Eliminate agencies with evil activities.
11. Eliminate agency interference
12. Eliminate companies with evil activities
13. Eliminate company interference
14. Enforce standards on all property under American control

Robert F Kennedy Jr

God’s Plan                                                  6.  Remove All Corruption World Wide          240904

President Trump

VP Candidate
J. D. Vance

20 core Steps to Remove Corruption
& Save our Country and

including 325,000+ MISSING

Peace ~ Freedom ~ Prosperity

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Introduction & 5 references by Mary Baker Eddy

Mary B. Eddy

American Freedom
4 Prayer Treatments


7.  America is a Sovereign Nation ~ Claim it

Greatest Evil ~ Good people see Need & Do nothing

American Freedom Index
7 Categories ~ Each with
Individual pages View

1. We each are Born Free ~ Play together

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1. Form the Perfect model in thought & stick with it. 
2. There is no life, truth, intelligence or substance in matter. All is infinite mind & its infinite manifestation. [SH 468]
3. Salvation must be worked out utilizing qualities of God ~ Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth, Love ~ NOT GOVT
4. God is the only compliance required ~ Not so called mortal man.
5. No one has the power to deprive man of basic needs. 

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2. Only cost of real Health = Giving up matter

3. We each need to work out our own salvation

4. Do not Comply with any illegal govt mendates

5. Happiness is not owning, nothing & eating bugs

God’s Plan                                         8.  General George Washington ~ 3 Visions at Valley Forge                               240905

General George Washington

This is the story of General George Washington going to the thicket to pray in secret for aid and comfort from God, the interposition of whose Divine Providence brought us safely through the darkest days of tribulation. One day, I remember it well, when the chilly winds whistled through the leafless trees, though the sky was cloudless and the sun shown brightly, he remained in his quarters nearly all the afternoon alone. When he came out, I noticed that his face was a shade paler than usual. There seemed to be something on his mind of more than ordinary importance. 

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