Human Life vs Divine Life

 Human Life vs Divine Life            240904

Human Life ~ Mixture of Sun & Storms

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Human Life vs Divine Life
Prayer Treatment   240825 ~ 102 m MP3

Eternal Mind the Potter is

Newsong Group MP4 Index

Susan Mack   MP3 Index
Divine Life ~ Always Above Storms

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Human Life = Human Destiny
A. DNA ~ Predetermined Human Life ends in death ~ Genesis Chpt 2 ~ Adam & Eve = Fake ancestors
1. Material birth ~ Father & Mother
2. Material Life
3. Constant ups & downs
4. Unexpected Storms
5. Pleasant Sunshine ~ On- Off- On
6. Growth ~ Material basis
7. Peeking out ~ Material basis
8. Declining ~ Life-incentive destroyed
9. Death ~ Destroys Human Life ~ dust to dust = FAKE
Research Frederick L Rawson ~ Electrical Expert ~ Researcher
1. Does Christian Science really heal?
2. After thorough research  = YES
3. Became one of the top Christian Science healers.
4. Before healing ~ Body includes positive or negative charges.
5. After Healing = Only positive charges.
6. Discovered retroactive healing.
7. Retroactive Healing took place before request to heal received.
8. Treatment or Healing by True prayer includes 1,315 Ailments.
9. Book includes how to heal each one of the 1,315 Ailments
10. Life Understood ~ Scientific & Religious view 
11. Historic Scientist agree with Christian Science Healing see #10
12. Albert Einstein studied Christian Science ~ see header above.
13. Patient's appointments typically ended in healing within 15 min.
God created Man = Divine Life
B. Qualities of God when followed provide infinite opportunity ~ Gen:1 ~ Our only Ancestor
1. Prayer ~ Living the qualities of God
2. Prayer ~ All thought, speech & action.
3. Must learn & live the prayer of what God is.
4. One must Let the qualities of God control oneself
5. Not What we do but How we do it.
6.Translate everything to a spiritual basis.
7. Christ Jesus ~ Ascended ~ Divine Life.
8. The Disciple John ~ Ascended ~ Divine Life.
1. Word ~ Learn all about God
God is incorporeal, divine, supreme, infinite Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth, Love. [SH 465]
Good God; Spirit; omnipotence; omniscience; omnipresence; omni-action. [SH 587]

2. Christ ~  Translate from material to spiritual
We acknowledge that man is saved through Christ, through Truth, Life, and Love as demonstrated by the Galilean Prophet in healing the sick and overcoming sin and death. 
[SH 497]
3.  Christianity ~ Practice 1+2 = healing
Divine Metaphysics ~ reduced to a system, to a form comprehensible by and adapted to the thought of the age in which we live. This system enables the learner to demonstrate the divine Principle, upon which Jesus’ healing was based, and the sacred rules for its present application to the cure of disease. [SH ~ Pg 146:31-5]
4. Science ~ Being what you learned in 1+2+3

Being the Divine Life