7 Terms for God ~ Words and Opposites
Divine metaphysics is now reduced to a system, to a form comprehensible by and adapted to the thought of the age in which we live. This system enables the learner to demonstrate the divine Principle, upon which Jesus’ healing was based, and the sacred rules for its present application to the cure of disease.” Science & Health ~ 146 :31
The system of Divine Metaphysics includes but not limited to:
1. 7 Synonymous Terms for God ~ See Below
2. 4 Operators ~ Defined in the other areas of the website.
3. 4 Levels of Advancement ~ See Science & Health Pg 115 to 116
4. Relationships in all directions
System of Mathematics includes but not limited to:
1. 10 digits ~ 0 to 9
2. 4 Basic Operators ~ Add, Subtract, Multiply, Divide
3. Levels of Advancement
4. Relationships
PRIMARY TERMS: A simple list of primary terms used by Mary Baker Eddy to define God are listed below: 1. There are 7 Synonymous terms to define God. OPPOSITES TO PRIMARY TERMS: The Opposites are a wake-up call to alert one that if they are involved in activities relating to the opposites to the primary terms which includes any thoughts, speech or actions, it is impossible to be on a path to learn about or become closer to God. GENERIC MAN: Genesis chapter 1, verse 1 through Genesis chapter 2, verse 3 defines generic man to be a combination of the spiritual male & the spiritual female combined as one individual. This combination enables a complete, unique, individual expression of God which better glorifies God who is the real Father-Mother of all. INFINITE PROGRESSION: Mary Baker Eddy states ~ Infinite progression is concrete being. SYSTEM OF DIVINE METAPHYSISCS: If one desires to pursue the path where they will make continuous progress in their life, they need to become not only familiar with the system of divine metaphysics but study it constantly and live the qualities of God in accordance with the system. HEAVEN ON EARTH: Living the qualities of God enables one to experience heaven on earth continuously as described in the book of Revelation of the Bible. As proven by Dr. Robert C. Putnam (Author's reference below) Jesus came back in the flesh to the Island of Patmos & dictated the book of Revelations to St. John. LEARN THE BIBLE: Dr. Robert C. Putnam, a student of Bliss Knapp, was under the tutelage of Mary Baker Eddy since a young boy. Being instructed by Bliss Knapp was the next best thing to receiving instructions directly from Mary Baker Eddy.